How to handle cluster (beam) headache
Feeling pain in the head is familiar to everyone. It is often dull, oppressive, captures his head or covers selected portions. Normal headache is rarely very strong, and many get used to it.
However, there is a special kind of this condition — a cluster beam or a headache that is most painful and brings great suffering. Pain paroxysmal arise and are concentrated in the single point, usually in the region of the orbit. In the interictal period is usually any manifestation no.
Cluster headache affects about 1% of the world's population, the large majority of the representatives of the stronger sex. The beam attacks headaches not only degrade the quality of life of patients, but also severely limit ability to work.
The age of disease onset ranges from 25 to 55 years. Among the reasons for allocate a change in the usual mode of the day (shift work, frequent air travel with jet lag), drinking alcohol, Smoking.
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Symptoms of cluster headachesTime characteristic. The beam attacks of headaches on a regular, usually begin at the same time of the day most intense at night ("pain alarm"). They occur with a frequency of 2-3 times a day to one a week. The duration of a single attack can range from 15 to 90 minutes. The period of acute lasts from 2 to 10 weeks, and then comes the remission of 2-3 years.
Pain. Occurs abruptly – in contrast to tension-type headache (odna_stat.php?id=787), catches the man off guard, harbingers of the approaching attack at this. In character — an extremely strong, pungent, piercing, reaching a peak within minutes.
Localization of pain. She always appears always on one side of the head, often behind the eye or around the eye. May radiate to the ear, forehead, cheek, temporal region.
Related signs:
Mental manifestations. In cluster headache a person can experience agitation, irritability, sometimes it is inappropriate behavior. Some people have suicidal thoughts and attempts (rarely).
Cluster headache is so strong and unexpected that people full of health starts to rush across the room, squeezes his head, screaming, moaning, crying, trying to find a position that would alleviate the condition. It causes terror and fear among those who witnessed the attack.
Treatment of headaches of cluster typeIf you experience severe headache, be sure to consult a neurologist. Usually the diagnosis is fairly detailed story of the patient about the nature and frequency of the attacks. Neurological examination in case of cluster headache did not reveal any abnormalities. The doctor will prescribe an MRI to exclude organic brain diseases.
Measures for the relief of an attack:
1. Try to calm down and relax.
2. If possible, breathe through a mask with 100% oxygen for 5-10 minutes. At home just open the window or get some fresh air. Taking deep and measured breaths.
3. Applying something cold to the temples.
4. Drugs:
Effective intramuscular injection of a mixture: analgin, diphenhydramine, vitamin B12.
In recent years, used drugs on the basis of triptanov that give quick effect: nasal spray with sumatriptan, dihydroergotamine.
Prophylactic treatment to prevent attacks and reduce their frequency:
The form of the drug, the dose and length of treatment determined by the physician in each case, as they have many side effects and it is necessary to consider the ratio of risk-benefit. Sometimes over time it is possible to reduce the dosage to a minimum. Some have to take medication constantly.
Non-pharmacological methods:
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Treatment of folk remedies at home
1. Limon. Cut the lemon peel (without the white part), lower for a minute in the just boiling water. Applied to the temples.
2. Ginger. A tablespoon of grated root pour a glass of boiling water and let stand 10 minutes. To be used as a tea in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment — 3 weeks, then a break is 1 month.
3. Therapeutic baths with lavender or lemon oil. Add water 7-10 drops to a bath for 15 minutes.
4. Cider vinegar. Dilute 1 tablespoon in 500 ml of cold water. Wet gauze and apply on the forehead.
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Soda and bath: simple and effective cure
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: kozdor.ru/odna_stat.php?id=802
However, there is a special kind of this condition — a cluster beam or a headache that is most painful and brings great suffering. Pain paroxysmal arise and are concentrated in the single point, usually in the region of the orbit. In the interictal period is usually any manifestation no.
Cluster headache affects about 1% of the world's population, the large majority of the representatives of the stronger sex. The beam attacks headaches not only degrade the quality of life of patients, but also severely limit ability to work.
The age of disease onset ranges from 25 to 55 years. Among the reasons for allocate a change in the usual mode of the day (shift work, frequent air travel with jet lag), drinking alcohol, Smoking.
Sixty eight million seventy three thousand eight hundred forty two
Symptoms of cluster headachesTime characteristic. The beam attacks of headaches on a regular, usually begin at the same time of the day most intense at night ("pain alarm"). They occur with a frequency of 2-3 times a day to one a week. The duration of a single attack can range from 15 to 90 minutes. The period of acute lasts from 2 to 10 weeks, and then comes the remission of 2-3 years.
Pain. Occurs abruptly – in contrast to tension-type headache (odna_stat.php?id=787), catches the man off guard, harbingers of the approaching attack at this. In character — an extremely strong, pungent, piercing, reaching a peak within minutes.
Localization of pain. She always appears always on one side of the head, often behind the eye or around the eye. May radiate to the ear, forehead, cheek, temporal region.
Related signs:
- redness of the face and the eyes;
- unilateral autonomic symptoms: nasal congestion, lacrimation, sweating of the skin on the face and neck;
- heartbeat;
- nausea;
- the swelling of the century;
- intolerance to bright light and loud sounds.
Mental manifestations. In cluster headache a person can experience agitation, irritability, sometimes it is inappropriate behavior. Some people have suicidal thoughts and attempts (rarely).
Cluster headache is so strong and unexpected that people full of health starts to rush across the room, squeezes his head, screaming, moaning, crying, trying to find a position that would alleviate the condition. It causes terror and fear among those who witnessed the attack.
Treatment of headaches of cluster typeIf you experience severe headache, be sure to consult a neurologist. Usually the diagnosis is fairly detailed story of the patient about the nature and frequency of the attacks. Neurological examination in case of cluster headache did not reveal any abnormalities. The doctor will prescribe an MRI to exclude organic brain diseases.
Measures for the relief of an attack:
1. Try to calm down and relax.
2. If possible, breathe through a mask with 100% oxygen for 5-10 minutes. At home just open the window or get some fresh air. Taking deep and measured breaths.
3. Applying something cold to the temples.
4. Drugs:
- painkillers (analgin);
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (naproxen, ibuprofen);
- sedatives and sleeping pills (Valerian, diphenhydramine, sonnet);
- vitamins (B1, B12, B6).
Effective intramuscular injection of a mixture: analgin, diphenhydramine, vitamin B12.
In recent years, used drugs on the basis of triptanov that give quick effect: nasal spray with sumatriptan, dihydroergotamine.
Prophylactic treatment to prevent attacks and reduce their frequency:
- verapamil;
- prednisolone;
- toprol;
- drugs lithium;
- Depakinum;
- zolmitriptan.
The form of the drug, the dose and length of treatment determined by the physician in each case, as they have many side effects and it is necessary to consider the ratio of risk-benefit. Sometimes over time it is possible to reduce the dosage to a minimum. Some have to take medication constantly.
Non-pharmacological methods:
- acupuncture;
- laser therapy at the point of greatest pain;
- darsonvalization scalp;
- psychotherapy;
- elimination of precipitating factors;
- walks in the fresh air.
Six million seven hundred fifty two thousand two hundred thirty four
Treatment of folk remedies at home
1. Limon. Cut the lemon peel (without the white part), lower for a minute in the just boiling water. Applied to the temples.
2. Ginger. A tablespoon of grated root pour a glass of boiling water and let stand 10 minutes. To be used as a tea in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment — 3 weeks, then a break is 1 month.
3. Therapeutic baths with lavender or lemon oil. Add water 7-10 drops to a bath for 15 minutes.
4. Cider vinegar. Dilute 1 tablespoon in 500 ml of cold water. Wet gauze and apply on the forehead.
What is the point of tension in the muscles and how to treat them
Soda and bath: simple and effective cure
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: kozdor.ru/odna_stat.php?id=802
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