In Tomsk Polytechnic University povyshayut energy efficiency of SES
In Tomsk Polytechnic University tested the installation, increasing the energy efficiency of solar panels. The device was developed by the student of the Energy Institute of the University Alexander Petrusev in the framework of the NERD Fund promoting innovation. The installation follows the movement of the Sun and turn followed by the battery, thus increasing its efficiency. The device has a resistance to frost and is 2-3 times cheaper than analogues.
All student created two full-scale prototype of the innovative solar devices. One such plant since November last year working in an ecological village in the Altai, near the village of Chajewski. Another device currently being tested on the roof of the Business incubator of TPU."The system was successfully operated in an ecological village in the Altai throughout the winter. One of its main advantages is that it can operate in thirty-degree frosts. Chinese counterparts, for example, can not tolerate temperatures below -20C°. Our unit is designed specifically for Russian realities and be able to work on the Kamchatka Peninsula and other Northern areas," Alexander says Petrusev.
Another device currently being tested on the roof of the Business incubator of TPU. In the future, the University plans to supply energy received from solar panels, advertising panel, which will be located on the facade of the building of the Business incubator.
"The tests began this summer and will continue until Nov. Now I see how the system works, — take readings of temperature and solar radiation that fall on a square meter of solar panels. Then compare these figures with the generated electric power to a static solar panel and the panel that follows the Sun.
First observations already indicate that at least 20% this way, the battery efficiency has increased.After debugging, I hope she will rise to 30%. This is a fairly good indicator. As such, technology does not increase the efficiency of the solar panel, increases solar power that falls on it. This increases energy production," says the student.
Alexander Petrusev said that his development focus on areas with decentralized electricity supply. Its potential consumers can become large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, households and ordinary consumers, for whom the installation of solar panels is more cost-effective way of producing electricity than traditional power system.Recall, a sample of the plant was created last year with the support of the program UMNIK Fund for the promotion of innovation, in which Alexander Petrusev received a grant for the implementation of his ideas is for two years. Work was also supported by a grant from the Federal Agency for youth Affairs Rosmolodezh. In addition, the development of the award of Tomsk region in education, science, health and culture, the prize of the President of the Russian Federation in support of talented youth, the award is named after the Russian academician O. D. Alimov.
The system allows to solve two main problems in modern solar plants is the low efficiency of conversion of solar energy into electricity during the day and the high cost of solar cells.To solve this problem, the Polytechnic used the solar tracker and acrylic concentrator that adjusts the position of solar panels.
During the day the tracker rotates the panel after the movement of the Sun, and solar battery "catches" more light. From available on the market it differs in that it has a wider angle (up to 200 degrees, at ~ 150). This allows the battery to produce more power. The device can be controlled remotely, via the remote control.
Acrylic hub, like a mirror, reflects and distributes light across the surface of the solar panel. It is an optical system of reflecting and distributing the light to two small solar cells (instead of traditionally large panel). Thus, the concentration of energy in it reaches seven "suns", that is, to obtain the same power is used almost 7 times fewer solar cells, the cost of which to date is high. Therefore, establishing a system of polytechnics to regulate solar panels, you can get the same amount of energy, thus saving on the purchase of solar panels 2-3 times.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: news.tpu.ru/news/2016/07/07/25586/

All student created two full-scale prototype of the innovative solar devices. One such plant since November last year working in an ecological village in the Altai, near the village of Chajewski. Another device currently being tested on the roof of the Business incubator of TPU."The system was successfully operated in an ecological village in the Altai throughout the winter. One of its main advantages is that it can operate in thirty-degree frosts. Chinese counterparts, for example, can not tolerate temperatures below -20C°. Our unit is designed specifically for Russian realities and be able to work on the Kamchatka Peninsula and other Northern areas," Alexander says Petrusev.
Another device currently being tested on the roof of the Business incubator of TPU. In the future, the University plans to supply energy received from solar panels, advertising panel, which will be located on the facade of the building of the Business incubator.
"The tests began this summer and will continue until Nov. Now I see how the system works, — take readings of temperature and solar radiation that fall on a square meter of solar panels. Then compare these figures with the generated electric power to a static solar panel and the panel that follows the Sun.
First observations already indicate that at least 20% this way, the battery efficiency has increased.After debugging, I hope she will rise to 30%. This is a fairly good indicator. As such, technology does not increase the efficiency of the solar panel, increases solar power that falls on it. This increases energy production," says the student.

Alexander Petrusev said that his development focus on areas with decentralized electricity supply. Its potential consumers can become large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, households and ordinary consumers, for whom the installation of solar panels is more cost-effective way of producing electricity than traditional power system.Recall, a sample of the plant was created last year with the support of the program UMNIK Fund for the promotion of innovation, in which Alexander Petrusev received a grant for the implementation of his ideas is for two years. Work was also supported by a grant from the Federal Agency for youth Affairs Rosmolodezh. In addition, the development of the award of Tomsk region in education, science, health and culture, the prize of the President of the Russian Federation in support of talented youth, the award is named after the Russian academician O. D. Alimov.
The system allows to solve two main problems in modern solar plants is the low efficiency of conversion of solar energy into electricity during the day and the high cost of solar cells.To solve this problem, the Polytechnic used the solar tracker and acrylic concentrator that adjusts the position of solar panels.
During the day the tracker rotates the panel after the movement of the Sun, and solar battery "catches" more light. From available on the market it differs in that it has a wider angle (up to 200 degrees, at ~ 150). This allows the battery to produce more power. The device can be controlled remotely, via the remote control.
Acrylic hub, like a mirror, reflects and distributes light across the surface of the solar panel. It is an optical system of reflecting and distributing the light to two small solar cells (instead of traditionally large panel). Thus, the concentration of energy in it reaches seven "suns", that is, to obtain the same power is used almost 7 times fewer solar cells, the cost of which to date is high. Therefore, establishing a system of polytechnics to regulate solar panels, you can get the same amount of energy, thus saving on the purchase of solar panels 2-3 times.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: news.tpu.ru/news/2016/07/07/25586/
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