Solar power V3Solar

Developers of energy systems representatives of the new device. V3Solar is an elegant photovoltaic cones. This solar power plant, as the developers say, can generate 20 times more electricity than flat panel photovoltaic statistical elements of the same area.

Currently, solar power V3Solar being tested. If they are successful, the device will go on sale. Manufacturers claim that if you put these devices on a flat statistical panel, the temperature quickly enough reaches 260 degrees F. For example, it worth to say that the solder at this temperature melts for just 10 seconds.

Currently, photovoltaic cones with faces arranged at an angle of 56 degrees, nourish the Maglev system, which is designed to reduce noise, and fully cover the maintenance costs.

Solar power V3Solar is made up of special honeycomb, which placed it with mathematical precision. This not only helps to create more power, but also minimizes the impact on the environment. V3Solar the developers hope that their solar cones will help to make many projects, such as agricultural farms, more sustainable and energy efficient.
Source: /users/78