Migraine triggers and treatment
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Headache, sometimes it is unbearable and want to climb the wall. Unfortunately, this doesn't work. The causes of headache are many, but the most common is migraine. Suffers from it to a greater extent the female population of 18%. With regards to men, this percentage is much lower only 6%. The frequency of migraine among children is only 4%. Therefore, migraine triggers symptoms of this disease deserve more attention and will be discussed in the following material.
The term "migraine" has been proposed by Galen, translated from Greek means "half head". It headaches, the exciting half of the head is characteristic of migraine.
A description of such severe headaches can be found in ancient treatises. But, despite what about this disease has long been known of its causes and mechanism of development are still unclear. On this account there are only assumptions. Therefore, the treatment of migraine difficulties.
Causes and predisposing factors
There is still no accurate data on the causes leading to migraine, there are only assumptions on this score. It is believed that this disease has a genetic predisposition, transmitted mainly through the female line. Migraine often debuts in childhood or adolescence, when there is hormonal changes the body, but it is not always the case.
Migraines influenced by some external and internal factors, they can cause an attack are called triggers. Here's a list of them:
- Emotional stress.
- Disturbance of activity of glands of internal secretion (thyroid gland), change in weather conditions.
- Lack of sleep or conversely an excess of sleep. At the same time adequate sleep, you can stop the migraine attack.
- Change of sleep and jet lag plays a role as a trigger of a migraine attack.
- Many women say that paroxysmal headaches they occur during the premenstrual period. Apparently, here plays the role of fluctuations in the level of estrogen in the body.
- Sometimes migraine attack provoke some food and drink: chocolate, wine, nuts, cheese, meats, champagne, beer. The fact that they contain biogenic amine is tyramine, and it affects vascular tone. In this case, it is customary to speak of the tyramine — sensitive migraine. Although if the provoking factor is, any food product, then the theory about the allergic nature of migraine may be considered along with all the others.
- Taking certain medicines, can also become a provoking factor or aggravate a migraine attack. Especially if their action is directed on regulation of vascular tone. Because every body is different and responds differently to a drug.
- Intensive physical activity, including excessive athletic training.
- Different sensory stimuli: loud noise, bright lights, strong smells.
Mechanism of development
Underlying vascular disorders. During an attack the blood vessels that feed the brain dilate and put pressure on surrounding tissues, nerve cells, causing a headache.
The symptoms of migraine due to the fact that there are changes in the relationship between pain and analgesic systems. Latest reduced. That is, altered pain threshold.
The symptoms of migraine
Clinically, migraine appears strongest paroxysmal headaches localized in one part of the head. Later, pain may be localized in the temple, crown, nape, neck, eye sockets, ear. It can be so intense that patients often feel it in my whole body.
Common migraine symptoms: vomiting, nausea, dizziness, increased sensitivity to sounds and light, and diarrhea.
The duration of the attack depends on many factors. Can last from several hours to several days (2-3 days). In the interictal period, patients feel completely healthy.
Sometimes the symptoms of migraine preceded with aura. It can manifest itself in the form of disorders of the visual ("fly before my eyes" or a veil) or of the auditory analyzer (tinnitus), increased irritability, tearfulness. Some patients noted the appearance of them in the beginning of the hearing and the coordination of movement and then the classic symptoms of migraine.
Treatment of migraine
It is important to remember that this process is complex and time-consuming. Not always yield positive results. All depends on the inner attitude of the patient and his willingness to follow all recommendations of the doctor. The patient first needs to adjust the mode of the day, to eliminate all possible precipitating factors.
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Such patients to sleep should go to bed no later than 21.00. Night sleep less than 7-8 hours. It is necessary for the correct operation of the neuroendocrine system. Useful walk in the fresh air. It is recommended to get rid of bad habits (Smoking, alcohol abuse), establish nutrition (eliminating fried and spicy foods, more lean on fresh vegetables and fruit).
As for medicinal drugs, a lot of them. But alone for the treatment of migraine is not recommended. In each case the drug should be individualized.
For the relief of migraine does not fit a simple pain-killers, since they do not affect the mechanism of the development of the disease (cardiovascular disorders). For this purpose, the following drugs: Ergotamine, Kaffetin.
With regards to the treatment of migraine in the interictal period, then used a three-step approach. Depending on the severity of the disease resort to one or the other drug drug. (Sumatriptan, Zomig, Topamax). In some cases, if symptoms of migraine, the patient requires hospitalization in a specialized neurological Department.
Source: /users/87
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