The symptoms which immediately need to run to the doctor
Ninety one million four hundred seventy nine thousand seven hundred ninety eight
Many of us take our health rather carelessly – at the current pace of life not everyone has the time and opportunity to go to the doctor, especially because of some bullshit symptoms. Contribute to this and doctors who can easily be accused of hypochondria of the patient running on inspection after every sneeze. But there are some symptoms, which require immediate medical intervention. So if you don't want to die, it is better to postpone things for later and rush to the clinic. The symptoms with which you need to consult a doctor immediately
Source: rustoria.ru/post/simptomy-s-ugrozoj-dlya-zhizni-v-kakih-sluchayah-nuzhno-srochno-idti-k-vrachu/
Many of us take our health rather carelessly – at the current pace of life not everyone has the time and opportunity to go to the doctor, especially because of some bullshit symptoms. Contribute to this and doctors who can easily be accused of hypochondria of the patient running on inspection after every sneeze. But there are some symptoms, which require immediate medical intervention. So if you don't want to die, it is better to postpone things for later and rush to the clinic. The symptoms with which you need to consult a doctor immediately
- Sharp pain in the right lower abdomen
- This symptom can be caused by as a harmless colic, and inflammation and possible rupture of the Appendix. The probability of such an outcome, of course, quite small — the incidence of acute appendicitis is 4-5 cases per 1000 people per year, but this does not mean that the trouble will pass you. Better safe than sorry.
- Pressure 200/120 and above
- Such blood pressure means that you are close to hypertensive crisis and heart works hard. In this condition increasing the likelihood of stroke, especially in those whose blood vessels of the brain would be weak. Therefore, if the monitor showed a figure of over 200, urgently call "fast".
- Such pressure threatens your life right now. If the pressure rose above 180/110, but the 200 mark is not crossed – you need to contact the doctor during the day, because this condition requires urgent medical intervention, but to move on their own you probably can.
- Temperature over 41 °C
- This condition in medicine is called gipertermiceski fever. It has a devastating impact on the Central nervous system. The resulting seizures can provoke respiratory arrest that leads to death.
- Vomiting blood
- If you haven't had in the last couple of hours epistaxis, vomiting blood indicates internal bleeding in the throat, the esophagus, the stomach or the initial part of the small intestine. And they can be dangerous serious blood loss and damage to internal organs. Immediately call an ambulance, and while you lie down, lift the legs up — this will ensure maximum blood flow of oxygen to the brain and will help you to hold in consciousness before the ambulance arrived.
- Pain in the left side of the chest
- Intense and prolonged pain behind the breastbone or in the left half of the chest that lasts more than half an hour and not removed one nitroglycerin tablet is a sign of a heart attack. Especially if before you notice shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, cold sweats, and difficulty coordinating movements. Also, during a heart attack is often there is nausea, severe weakness, dizziness and sweating.
- Headache, accompanied by vomiting
- Blood in the urine
- Hematuria, or the presence of blood in the urine in excess of the physiological norm is the main symptom of kidney damage and urinary tract. It can cause kidney stones, urinary tract infection and even cancer. None of these diseases, believe me, will not wait for you to take care of things at work.
- Coughing up blood
- Lung disease or liver cirrhosis are the main causes of krovoisliania adults. Perhaps you have a corrupted pneumonia the walls of many small vessels of the lungs, and, perhaps, are the veins of the esophagus are torn when coughing. In any case, the red fluid in the lungs is not the place.
- If the symptom is accompanied by dizziness and brain fog, call "fast". If you can get to the hospital yourself – go ahead, you have not much time.
- The absence of the chair for more than 7 days
- Did not go "big" for 7 days? It is a sign of intestinal obstruction, and the body has already begun to be poisoned by toxins from the intestines. Nice, even a delay of a chair for 3 days should cause serious alarm, but sometimes constipation can be nervous, and women associated with the menstrual cycle.
- Hallucinations
- The image of what is actually there, can occur in healthy people with fatigue. But if you have not taken alcohol or drugs, and before the eyes of the devils run, or your long-dead friends, do not try to exorcise them with Holy water, and call your doctor. Most likely, your brain signals about their problems.
- Pain in any part of the body that lasts for three days
- There is nothing to say does not pass, then, a body that is tone. Inflammation, referred pain – whatever it is, you need to see a specialist.
- Any symptoms lasting more than 3 months
- Do not stop coughing, or can not part with the handkerchief? Periodically there are abrupt headache, then it goes away? All these and any other symptoms that are not passing for three months — about as soon as possible to go to the doctor. Here, by the way, are regular diarrhea, and heartburn, nervous disorders and also loss of hair and nails.
- Abdominal pain after eating fatty foods
- The appearance of pain after a fatty chicken or a creamy doughnut is a symptom of pancreatitis. Pancreas, answering a call you she threw a abundance of junk food, actively secretes enzymes for the digestion of fats. The excess enzyme accumulates in the gland and instead break down fats, they dissolve the very fabric of the body.
- Rapid weight loss
- If you didn't change the diet and level of physical activity, and the weight is melting before our eyes, as soon as possible to make sure that this is not due to cancer of stomach or ovaries, for which such a symptom is quite characteristic.
- Memory lapses
- Short-term memory loss or "loss" memories indicate problems with the brain, which is no joke. All diagnoses, symptom of which can be memory loss to name, but almost all of them are worth your attention and a trip to the doctor.published
Source: rustoria.ru/post/simptomy-s-ugrozoj-dlya-zhizni-v-kakih-sluchayah-nuzhno-srochno-idti-k-vrachu/