The method of growing for the lazy: eggplant and peppers
One method, borrowed from the Chinese. Since not enough time in the garden, i.e. weeding, and watering associated with shortage of water in wells and boreholes, and in some areas excess moisture. Get in the shortest possible time harvest.
Prepare land for planting, perekidyvaem if necessary, flatten the area and add sawdust or straw(sawdust, hay, etc.) layer up to 3-5cm.
For those who do not wish to dig over heavy soil and want to quickly improve your soil to fertile soil, can not dig, also for those who have a groundwater table close to ground surface.Then taken a layer to 25-35 cm, after fertilizers, and liming, based on 1 sq. m - 10g superphosphate, 8 g of ammonium sulfate, 8 g of ammonium nitrate, hydrated lime powder 5-8 g, 10g chicken manure(bird's — 2G, cow manure-6-7 g), potassium chloride 9g, 9g gypsum(if saline), all this is possible shed a small amount of water to moisten the soil (this dosage as for the first and second option).
Then all cover with a black film with a density of 100-120 m., dropped into or put a heavy load on the edges of the film.
Then, make the holes slotted or circular, applying a tight fit for the private cultivation of small areas backyard areas. Row spacing between holes take approximately 20-30 cm, in this case, the size of the landing shoulder blade 20cm, with a width between the range of 30-40cm (in this case your foot). For this we need; a knife, paddle boarding or lightweight drill, cultivator — hoe.
The conduct of landing peppers or eggplant, landing below the level than were planted in pots (pans etc), with the cover slightly and then hold the water spilling and the rest of the soil fill up, prietom not forget, in between some pierced hoe for loosening at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other.
Then, we set the arc pre-prepared or freshly cut branches, linking them together riding for length.Then pulls the rope for stability of the frame and fasten them on the fastener.
After all these preparations and preparations. we have white agrotextile cover with a density of 50-80 microns and fasten
Now they are cozy and warm and there are side ventilation.
In the future this cover lasts until July, in some regions till autumn, all further treatments are carried out under the fiber (opened-closed).
During the period from transplanting until the expansion is not at least 2-3 top-dressings of mineral fertilizers: the first 10-20 days after planting, the second at early flowering and third at the beginning of fruiting, when every feeding is introduced mineral fertilizer in a dose of N15P20 (the packaging indicates).
Can be carried out both in root and non-root. Also, when on explicitness diseases verticillatae wilt, tobacco mosaic, Fusarium wilt, etc., delete it is not necessary to treat since it is exposed and the other standing next to and the disease spreads rapidly and thus decreases the yield. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.liveinternet.ru/users/galina_o/post263616567
Prepare land for planting, perekidyvaem if necessary, flatten the area and add sawdust or straw(sawdust, hay, etc.) layer up to 3-5cm.

For those who do not wish to dig over heavy soil and want to quickly improve your soil to fertile soil, can not dig, also for those who have a groundwater table close to ground surface.Then taken a layer to 25-35 cm, after fertilizers, and liming, based on 1 sq. m - 10g superphosphate, 8 g of ammonium sulfate, 8 g of ammonium nitrate, hydrated lime powder 5-8 g, 10g chicken manure(bird's — 2G, cow manure-6-7 g), potassium chloride 9g, 9g gypsum(if saline), all this is possible shed a small amount of water to moisten the soil (this dosage as for the first and second option).
Then all cover with a black film with a density of 100-120 m., dropped into or put a heavy load on the edges of the film.

Then, make the holes slotted or circular, applying a tight fit for the private cultivation of small areas backyard areas. Row spacing between holes take approximately 20-30 cm, in this case, the size of the landing shoulder blade 20cm, with a width between the range of 30-40cm (in this case your foot). For this we need; a knife, paddle boarding or lightweight drill, cultivator — hoe.

The conduct of landing peppers or eggplant, landing below the level than were planted in pots (pans etc), with the cover slightly and then hold the water spilling and the rest of the soil fill up, prietom not forget, in between some pierced hoe for loosening at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other.

Then, we set the arc pre-prepared or freshly cut branches, linking them together riding for length.Then pulls the rope for stability of the frame and fasten them on the fastener.

After all these preparations and preparations. we have white agrotextile cover with a density of 50-80 microns and fasten

Now they are cozy and warm and there are side ventilation.

In the future this cover lasts until July, in some regions till autumn, all further treatments are carried out under the fiber (opened-closed).
During the period from transplanting until the expansion is not at least 2-3 top-dressings of mineral fertilizers: the first 10-20 days after planting, the second at early flowering and third at the beginning of fruiting, when every feeding is introduced mineral fertilizer in a dose of N15P20 (the packaging indicates).
Can be carried out both in root and non-root. Also, when on explicitness diseases verticillatae wilt, tobacco mosaic, Fusarium wilt, etc., delete it is not necessary to treat since it is exposed and the other standing next to and the disease spreads rapidly and thus decreases the yield. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.liveinternet.ru/users/galina_o/post263616567
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