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15 varieties of viburnum and peculiarities of their cultivation

Still I may associated with three plants: the Apple tree, lilacs and viburnum. Soon, at the end of this month, schools will sound the final bell, the teacher will receive from grateful students may luxury bouquets. I remember that my mom always to this day the pupils were given the lilac and the viburnum Baldoni, white balls which I then little girls seemed unusually beautiful and almost dreamlike.


On the southern coast of Crimea the first viburnum to bloom very early-from mid-December, but the peak of their white, pink flowering time is in may, so this month, ignoring the time frame, I have tried to collect the most interesting types of Kalin and talk about their ornamental qualities and characteristics of growth. So, let's get acquainted.

Kalina авабуки

Japanese evergreen "statuesque" beauty – asabuki viburnum (Viburnum awabuki) native to Japan and South Korea. She is tall, to 4 m, and long-lived. The leaves are large, shiny. Flowers are white, gathered in loose, drooping inflorescences; bloom in may-June. Regularly fructifies in September, but gives a little of the germinating seeds.

Features viridianatoufik hardy. On the black sea coast of Krasnodar region in the harsh winter with an absolute minimum of -10-11°C it is damaged to a greater or lesser extent the leaves. On the southern coast of Crimea in a cold winter freeze slightly ends of annual shoots with the loss of most leaves. Tolerates partial shade, but for abundant flowering needs a Sunny location and moderately moist, fertile, clay soils. Resistant to pests. Propagated by cuttings. A good plant for exotic groups, hedges.

Kalina Барквуда

The white beauty (in the flowering period) is Burkwood viburnum (Viburnum x burkwoodii) is a garden hybrid viburnum viburnum Carlisa and useful. This dry shrub height and width of 2.5 m. the Leaves are longitudinally wrinkled, up to 10 cm long the Flowers are pinkish-white, fragrant, in large umbellate inflorescences, with a diameter of 9 cm Blooms in spring; fruits are formed rarely. There are ornamental forms.

Features vyrashivaniem cuttings. Prefers light shading-drained, fertile soil. Good plant for small groups and solitaires in the middle of the plan.

Kalina боднантская

Very difficult to say view — Bodansky viburnum (Viburnum x bodnantense), which also, like its predecessors, is a garden hybrid, but fragrant viburnum and viburnum grandiflorum. It is a deciduous shrub up to 3 m in breadth grows to 2 m. Leaves up to 10 cm, the young bronze. The flowers are pale pink, collected in terminal corymbs, with a diameter of 7 cm Fruit tying rare. There are ornamental forms, the most interesting among them is ‘Dawn’ (flowers dark pink, convex gathered in corymbose inflorescences after flowering white).


Features vyrashivaniem cuttings. Grows well in full sun and in partial shade; prefers fertile, loose soil. Good in small groups in the middle.

Kalina гордовина

Many famous Gotovina viburnum (Viburnum lantana). She is a native of Europe, Northern Africa, southwestern Asia. It is a deciduous shrub 2-4 m. the Leaves are orbicular-ovate, to 12 cm Flowers are creamy-white with a subtle pleasant aroma, are collected in inflorescence – umbellate panicles, convex, with a diameter of 10 cm; bloom in may. The fruit at first blush, as they Mature take on a blue-black color with a light bloom. They are bigger than fruits of other species Kalin, reach a length of 12-15 mm. Ripen in September-October and very quickly sklavenvotze birds.

Features vynashivanija average rapidity of growth, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, can withstand temperatures down to -23-25°C (at lower temperatures the leaves are frosted over). Tolerates saline soils and drought, but grows best when watering. Abundantly flowering and fruiting on fairly moist, fertile, regularly treated soil. Known for its robustness to a variety of conditions. Can be used for single and group planting in open areas and in partial shade. Pests damaged slightly. Propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. Germination of seeds stored for 2 years. Before sowing it is recommended that stratification of seeds at 5-10°C for up to 3 months. There are reports of possible thermal stratification at the same time. The seeding depth up to 3 cm One of the most ornamental of shrubs with beautiful foliage, buds and fruits suitable for planting in suburban areas of tapeworm and groups.

Kalina Давида

Chinese evergreen beauty – David viburnum (Viburnum davidii); country of origin: Western China. It is a compact, stocky shrub, a height and a width of 1-1,5 m. the Leaves like plantain, up to 15 cm Flowers are white, in a rare, corymbose inflorescences; bloom in late spring. Fruiting rarely.

Features vyrashivaniem cuttings. Prefers shady places with moist and moderately fertile soil. The original plant for shady gardens.

Kalina душистейшая

And again East Kalina Kalina dushistaya (Viburnum odoratissimum), a native of the South-Eastern Himalayas, Central China. This large evergreen shrub height and width up to 5 m. the Leaves are thick, glossy, oblong-oval, length up to 20 cm Flowers are white, fragrant, clustered in a rounded brush, length 8-10 see the Red fruits are formed rarely.

Verisuoniproteeseja features: withstands temperatures down to -5 ° C. it is Propagated by cuttings. Prefers a shaded location with moist, fertile, loamy, acidic soils. A beautiful plant for small groups and as a specimen under the canopy of tall trees.

Kalina Карльса

Oriental beauty Kalina Carlisa (Viburnum carlesii); birthplace: Korea, Japan. A small deciduous shrub height and width to 2 m. Leaves ovate-oval, wrinkled. The flowers are white, as if sculpted out of wax, collected in corymbose inflorescences rare, with a very delicate fragrance; bloom before leafing, in April-may. Fruits are formed rarely. There are ornamental forms, most decorative ‘Aurora’ (the Bush is more compact, the flowers are pale pink). Fruits blue-black drupe, ripening in September-October.


Features vyrashivaniem Eastern Europe, where Kalina Carlisa widely used in landscaping, tolerates temperatures up to -30°C. is Valued for its fragrant pink flowers in early spring, orange-red leaves and blue-black fruit in autumn. Good in soliternyh and group plantings. It is not demanding to the light conditions, but the most lush flowering occurs in partial shade, in fertile, drained soils. Well propagated by grafting on Gotovina, seeds and cuttings. Sowing in the fall after harvest or in the spring with the stratification. Without it, the emergence is delayed up to 2 years. Resistant to pests.

Kalina коричниковолистная

Another Chinese Kalina Kalina chorionicity (Viburnum cinnamomifolium), country of origin: Western China. It is an evergreen shrub with a loose and at the same time columnar crown. The leaves are not characteristic for Kalin, they are more like the leaves of korisnikov: oval-pointed, kinked at the Central vein, serrate, arcuate veins, lustrous, brownish-green color. The flowers are inconspicuous, fruits are formed rarely.

Features vyrashivaniem hardy: can withstand temperatures down to -5 ° C. it is Propagated by cuttings. To the light conditions, undemanding, needs acidic soils. Kind of plant for difficult groups.

Kalina крупноголовая

Very showy during the flowering period krupnovata viburnum (Viburnum macrocephalum) is a dry or deciduous shrub height and width up to 5 m. This is a garden hybrid. The leaves are ovate-oval, up to 10 cm long Flowers white, the sterile (not tying fruits), collected in large, globular inflorescences with a diameter of 15 cm. Inflorescence similar to the inflorescence of viburnum ordinary 'Pink'; the same greenish in the beginning of flowering and turning pink after flowering.

Verisuoniproteeseja features: withstands temperatures down to -5 ° C. Propagation is by cuttings, but it is bad. Prefers light shading and moist, fertile, acidic soil. Spectacular plant as a specimen or small groups.

Kalina lavalina, or вечнозеленая

Mediterranean beauty — lavalina viburnum (Viburnum tinus), which is on the black sea coast of the Krasnodar territory and the southern coast of Crimea blooms since the winter and early spring. Interestingly, the Latin word tinus the Romans called a plant whose leaves were like the leaves of Laurus Nobilis. It is an evergreen shrub, with a height of 1-3 m. the Leaves are leathery, rare and hard-haired, pointy-oval. The flowers are white, sometimes with a pinkish tinge, collected in flat inflorescence corymbose, with a diameter of 5-10 cm, which appear in normally developed plants almost all year round, but most abundant flowering is celebrated in the winter. Kalina lavalina is one of the most common and most stable samotsvetov not only in Sochi, and Yalta. Fruit ovate-acuminate, mother-of-pearl-blue tie is always in abundance, and in summer the view is spectacular craniopathy bushes. There are ornamental forms.


Features virascivanie temperature -15°C freezes hard. Drought is well tolerated. Propagated by seeds (autumn crop), or stratified in the spring by seed and softwood cuttings (under glass) and layering. Grows well in light shade, in fertile, friable, neutral soils. Stands up well to pruning, perfectly formed and is used in topiary art. Can be used for solitary and group plantings, devices, borders and low hedges. In some years severely damaged viburnum whitefly, mealy seaside and viburnum scale insects.

Kalina морщинистолистная

Another Chinese evergreen beauty ordinatorskaya viburnum (Viburnum rhytidophyllum), homeland: Central and Western China. This tall shrub (3-5 m), breadth grows to 4 m, with a fairly loose, rare crown. The leaves are large, up to 20 cm, hangs, with interesting relief-wrinkled structure. The flowers are small, creamy-white, gathered in loose, flattened inflorescence diameter up to 20 cm; they are decorative and at the stage of flower buds; blooming in April-may. Fruit blackish purple tie well.

Features vyrashivaniem moderately moist soil or normal watering during growth, partial shade, sheltered from drying winds, location, neutral soils. Is the most cold-resistant of all the evergreen Kalin. Easily propagated by seeds and vegetatively (by cuttings). Spectacular in single and group plantings. Pests damaged slightly.

Kalina обыкновенная

A very well-known viburnum ordinary (Viburnum opulus) native to Eurasia. This is a spreading deciduous shrub up to 5 m width up to 4 m. Leaves spatulate, large, up to 10 cm long the Flowers are white in flat inflorescence, the outer flowers which are sterile, with relatively large, white petals. The fruits are juicy red berries in loose, flattened hands; touched by frost, they with a distinctive taste and aroma edible.

Features verisimilitudinous, moisture-loving, prefers moist fertile soils, but grows on rather dry sandy loam. On the southern coast of Crimea are suffering from the drought, but flowering and fruiting satisfactorily. Quite durable: live to 50 years or more. Propagated by seeds, root suckers, cuttings. By autumn sowing seeds freshly shoots appear after 1.5 years. For spring planting is required 6-month stratification in moist sand at a temperature of about 5°C. Seeds buried to a depth of 2.5-3 cm Germination varies from 40-90%.
Normally develops only in permanently moist, fertile soils in well-lit areas. Beautiful, traditionally a favorite ornamental shrub for single and group plantings. A very striking decorative form 'Roseum' — the form of fully sterile flowers in spherical inflorescences with a diameter of 5-6 cm, which are initially green then turn white and after flowering – pink.

That's why its scientific name 'Pink', while in ordinary parlance it is often called 'Baldoni' is a corruption of the French name 'Snow globe'. This form is less demanding to soil moisture and the degree of illumination. Luxury Kalina for solitary and group plantings. Heavily damaged black snowball aphids, leaf rollers by Rosanna. Suitable for planting in hills or tapeworms. Very good organized standard instances.

Kalina полезная

Useful as Kalina (Viburnum utile) native to Central China. It is an evergreen shrub, up to 1.5 m. Leaves elliptic-ovate, 2-7 cm Flowers white, fragrant, clustered in dense, stellate-pubescent corymbs, 5-8 cm diameter; bloom in April-may. The fruits are bluish-black.

Features virusesuniversity partial shade location, requires improvement of the local soil conditions and watering in the summer. Does not tolerate lack of soil moisture especially in a Sunny location: in such cases, there is the dropping of the leaves. Suitable for planting along walls, borders and groups. Pest control is not practically damaged.

Kalina складчатая

Asian beauty – wrinkled viburnum (Viburnum plicatum), Motherland – China, Japan, Taiwan. It is a deciduous shrub with arcuate drooping branches, with a height of 3 m and a width of 4 m. the Leaves are ovate-oval, wrinkled leaves. Inflorescence very similar to inflorescences of viburnum ordinary, but they are arranged on the branches in pairs throughout the length of the shoots, making this a very elegant Kalina at the time of flowering. The fruit forms a rare. There are ornamental forms.

Features vyrashivaniem cuttings. This viburnum is not picky about growing conditions, but the most lush bushes are obtained by fit-lit areas with fertile, - drained soil. Beautiful plant for solitaires and groups.

Kalina Pfarrer, or душистая

Chinese fragrant beauty Pfarrer viburnum (Viburnum farreri, syn.V. fragrans), homeland: North China. It is a deciduous shrub, height to 3 m and width up to 2.5 m. Leaves elliptic, up to 10 cm long Flowers white to pink, fragrant, in racemes with a diameter of 5 cm; bloom in the winter, early spring.

Features warmiwanusca hardy: can withstand temperatures down to -15 degrees C. In the culture conditions undemanding. Pests damaged slightly. Suitable for single planting and in groups. To rejuvenate all the old branches are cut at 15-20 cm from the soil surface. Propagated by seeds, layering and cuttings, both green and woody.

A few facts about Kalina, who you did not know:

  • Have you noticed that the leaves of viburnum ordinary shaped like a maple? Hence the Latin name of the genus Viburnum — Roman marking maple ordinary, which emphasizes the resemblance of the leaves of these two plants.
  • Kalin seeds germinate only after a year in autumn and spring crops, so it is recommended late summer seeding from mid-August.
  • Most Kalin the fruits are edible, they contain significant amount of valuable to the human body organic acids, vitamins and about 15 different chemical elements.
  • The bark, leaves, flowers and fruits of some species Kalin has long been widely used in medicine.
  • Viburnum decorative, and dust - by gas resistant, some species can withstand drought and salinization of soils, tolerates pruning, allowing you to generate various types of crowns. Possess high reducing ability, so they are used to create roadside sageburner strips shelterbelts afforestation, to consolidate the soils of the mountain slopes and as podletochnyh species to attract birds in plantations.

Accommodation Kalin decaline in bloom so self-sufficient that can perfectly cope with the role of the may dominant at their summer cottage.

Most favorite viburnum was planted next to the house.

The peculiar arch of blooming viburnum can brighten even the may wedding.

True fans of Kalin and admire them in the garden.

Viburnum bouquets they may adorn the interiors.



Source: www.7dach.ru