With Kalina to be friends - doctors are not NEED

The healing properties of Kalina: simple recipes
Kalina - one of the most useful berries in nature.
The Kalina all of curative bark, twigs, flowers, berries and dried bones.
Our ancestors about the healing properties of Viburnum, knew that her berries improve the functioning of the heart, have a calming effect.
Vitamin C in Kalina in 1, 5 times more than the lemon. It contains iron, selenium, iodine, carotene, phosphorus.
With honey Kalina prescribed for colds.
We drank tea viburnum with pustular skin diseases, inflammation of the gums.
A decoction of the roots and bark give children with scrofula, spasms and insomnia, decoction of flowers and berries - at cold
. Even the juice from the leaves was used as a tonic after severe diseases, abrasions, skin rashes, and shingles.
Some people do not like it because of bitterness, but it is this bitterness is useful for diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Viburnum berries kill mold, bacteria and viruses.
Viburnum juice has potent anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. Favored take viburnum juice with polyps of the stomach and intestines, hypertension, climate neuroses, hysteria and epilepsy. The juice is effective in diathesis. a strong cough and whooping cough
If you list all the diseases that are treated snowball would have to relate to almost all human organs - the brain, heart and stomach, and liver, and reproductive organs, and lungs, and blood vessels - from allergies to cancer tumors
The fruits and flowers of Viburnum harvested as flowering and ripening in dry weather. Dry fruit better in a dryer or furnace. Store dried flowers and fruits of no more than 2 years.
Viburnum bark harvested during sap flow (April) only with lateral branches (not the main trunk). Drying under the eaves in the open air. Keep no more than four years.
Kalina has useful properties:
-protivomikrobnym, anti-inflammatory, -obvolakivayuschim, astringent, choleretic, -slabitelnym,
Berries fresh you can eat only after the frost. This is - a multivitamin enhancing agent efficiency, has a prophylactic effect in atherosclerosis, stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
Kalina in honey is very tasty, being prepared in a different way. Viburnum berries with twigs first dipped in honey is heated and then dried on trays in a warm oven. Such branches with berries are stored for a long time, all winter.
Viburnum berries, honey, it is useful for colds, coughs, hoarseness, choking, with diarrhea, liver disease, jaundice.
Fruits of Viburnum used as a diaphoretic, laxative and emetic, as well as ulcers and other stomach diseases.
Kalina lowers cholesterol in the blood, so it is very useful for the treatment of atherosclerosis.
If there is a year-round teaspoon of viburnum berries with honey every night, it will prevent from problems with blood pressure and is an excellent prevention of gastric diseases
Kalinovy SIDS - a good multivitamin means with reduced gastric acidity, hypertension and skin diseases
. The juice from the leaves of Viburnum is effective to enhance immunity, recuperate after serious diseases, helps in the treatment of boils and acne vulgaris. Drink it at 0, 5 cups of adding 1 tbsp. spoon of honey 3 times a day. Undiluted juice lubricate the affected areas on the skin.
If skin allergies, take a bath with snowball: 100-300 g viburnum twigs pour boiling water (4-5 liters), let it brew, strain and pour into the tub with water temperature 36-37 degrees.
Kalina cleans the air of dust, allocates volatile. Probably not by chance that in the old days it was the custom to put in front of the bride and groom bouquet blooming viburnum.
Berries and honey taken with hypertension, heart disease, liver, colds.
Juice - a good cosmetic for removing freckles, acne, skin whitening
. Viburnum Fruits also have a calming effect. With a lack of vitamin fruit eaten in its natural form, is prepared from these juice, juice, fruit compote.
Traditional medicine uses a decoction of the bark with bronchitis, tracheitis, hysteria and convulsions in children, and externally - with eczema, skin tuberculosis. And for the treatment of diathesis in children use a decoction of young shoots (in the form of baths).
For athletes and manual workers recommended this composition: 1 cup of berries to fill, slowly stirring, 1 liter of hot water (40 °) Insist 4h and drink the resulting mixture 3 times a day for a glass of
. In the postpartum period as a cleanser works well decoction: 7 g bark pour a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat, no more than 30 minutes, then strain through a double-layer gauze and drink 1st. spoon 3 times a day.
The bitterness disappears from the berries and after freezing.
Contraindications to the use of Viburnum:
pregnancy, high blood coagulation, thrombosis, and a tendency for them, gout, kidney disease. Kalina is not tolerated by all equally.
If hypotension can use the snowball only when absolutely necessary, for short periods, as it in large quantities significantly lowers blood pressure (even a big bunch of fresh berries, I'm not talking about the juice mix berries with honey). Kalina treat peptic ulcer and gastritis, but the high acidity of gastric juice, it can only do harm.
You can not use a long Kalina as a therapeutic agent for arthritis, gout, kidney stones and kidney disease. In all these cases we have in mind the duration of the treatment, not the individual, occasional use of berries to eat.