"Famous vegetarians - Kim Basinger"

From an interview with the actress
-When You come home, you, vegan, does not tempt fried chicken?
- I never really liked meat.
I ate it when I was a child. But never in my life I could not get into the mouth hot dog - that the bottom in the world.
I'll tell you anyhow, because of which - it's a terrible story.
And I could not stand the very sight of a hot dog, I did not like how it looks, period. In general, all disgusted.
Wow, I said it. (Crosses.)
- Maybe you can explain to me something. Many vegetarians say they are sick of the taste of the meat.
Why then, when I see in supermarkets all kinds of vegetarian foods, there are also meat substitutes,
resembling meat in appearance and taste?
- You know, it turns out funny. I do not even wear fake fur, because I do not like the general looks fur.
I can not imagine that I could be wearing animal. You know what I mean? I just do not like how it looks.
There are millions of vegetarians who love meat,
but for some ethical and moral convictions prefer to exclude it from the diet and eat fake meat. Br-rr.
I would rather eat all the vegetables in the world, than on Thanksgiving Day sit down at the table, which will show off a vegetarian dish in the shape of a turkey.
Yes, I immediately become bad. (Pause.)
I want to show you our daughter.
- True?
- If you certainly want to look at her.
- No, you did not understand me. It would be great to see her. I just know, as you do not expose my daughter from prying eyes, so I was surprised.
- There are no photographers. We are in complete safety.
(After visiting Ireland, the conversation resumes.)
- I know that you do not only oppose animal experiments, but also fighting for that elephants are not put up for fun.
- Yes, I'm doing this very seriously.
- How did you do it? Are you lobbiruesh politicians and press on the owners of circuses?
- The only way to reach the same people as you. I'm helping some organizations, of which I am a member. But I is not nobody's representative, do not even think.
And all this company to protect elephants just very close to my heart.
- Defending one thing after another, you get as many cones, Kim. Journalists constantly swinging your name.
- You're absolutely right. Sometimes I wondered how people could get as much information.
I they had never met, I do not know them, but they've gone and hurt me. They are shy, like chickens - are the real cowards.
I do not know why, but I'm sad and I regret most of the journalists than angry at them ...