Why do we get sick?

All the organs of the human body initially have tremendous potential natural work. Usually they work in a quarter of its opportunities, while maintaining their energy to use in stressful situations. Although it is believed that in "normal" conditions, the heartbeat rhythm (heartbeat) must be kept at the level of 70-72 beats per minute, it is necessary to say that raw foodists it reaches only 55-60
beats per minute. Everyone knows that the heart rate can go up to 200 beats per minute or higher in exceptional circumstances. The same can be said about breathing: during normal breathing in the lungs receives about 500 cm3 of air, but with special training can be inhaled up to 3700 cm3 of air
. On the raw food diet all the organs and systems work with much less stress.
Raw foodists uses its digestive organs 1/4 of their potential, the result of which is the fact that these bodies are never overwhelmed and exhausted. When a person overloads their digestive organs, it is reflected not only in their work but in this unnatural process of excessive intensity involved and many other organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. Additional work that these bodies have to carry out, soon manifested in the deterioration and their premature failure.
It is not surprising that as a result of human life is shortened several times.
Consumption useless, harmful and poisonous food food addicts satisfy their passions, but to paralyze the action of the stomach and to themselves create the illusion of satisfaction, whereas in fact such human cells are groaning from hunger due to lack of essential nutrients.
Raw foodists stomach alone, and despite the fact that it is usually empty, his body really well fed and satisfied in the truest sense of the word.
When a man, an adherent of cooked food, finally decided to go on a raw food diet, then first he will never feel satisfied no matter how much he ate. Typically, instead of happiness food addicts feel frustration and disappointment. They believe that the reason for this is their state of starvation, because the foods that they now consume, do not have enough nutritional value and, moreover, are useless as food.
This is a terrible mistake. On the contrary, those foods that are consumed raw foodists are both nutritious and completely balanced. Cells of the human body suffer from their lack for many years. Human digestive organs fully adapted to their consumption and digestion. That is why the stomach greets such food gently and quickly passes it to the intestine without delay, and the cells of other organs, worn or weakened as a result of starvation, greedily absorb the valuable substances, and are beginning to demand them all in greater and greater numbers.
< br> Sick cells are healed, worn - restored inactive - gain their livelihoods. On the other hand, fat cells begin to disappear as a result of starvation is come upon them, and the accumulation of toxins and usually dissipate excess water leaves the body. Gradually normal active cells take the place of the harmful cells that are grown fat from the lethargy and inactivity. Rapid weight loss body is an eloquent sign of restoration of health and life.
Eating natural foods, people immediately restore their health, body strength, vitality and energy. For the first time, despite the fact that all the organs and glands like feed insufficient amount of food they are able to produce their work easily and freely. Even if this happens and that some day it will take food in a somewhat larger amount than it is required for the body.
Foodstuffs entering the excessive amount does not linger in the stomach and not cause putrefaction; they do not turn into poisons and will not bring any disorder of the digestive organs. Rather than force the digestive organs are overloaded, the food will be immediately promoted from the stomach into the intestine, and then removed from the body, not staying there and not a cause of poor health. Thus, in all cases of stomach raw foodists it remains light, while the intestines and blood constantly imbued with a fully balanced food. A purely psychological feeling of hunger during the transition to raw food passes very quickly!