Kalinovoye MAGIC.

Kalina has long been considered a symbol of beauty and courage. The bones of this plant resemble little hearts. Related to this is a belief that it is the hearts of girls, who wound up the enemies (the Mongols) in the impenetrable forests that they have not been able to get out. Enemies killed brave girls and of their blood rose viburnum. Viburnum flowers decorated wedding, put them on the table, decorated loaves and other dishes and make Kalinovoye color wedding wreaths.
Kalina - seems to be a common plant that grows in the forests in many orchards, gardens or backyards. However, Kalina Slavs treated with special reverence. Herbalist carefully collected it was stored, prepared tinctures and potions. Generally, viburnum believed no more, no less - plant magicians and sorcerers.
Eating the fruit of this plant, or potions that are made from it, can give an extraordinary clarity of mind, a sudden insight, understanding of the solution to the problem, as well as find answers to questions. We can say that Kalina acts as a lightning God Perun - will drive a powerful blow in the desired Veles human knowledge and wisdom. Clarity, insight and other abilities viburnum provides not only for its fruit but also other parts of his "body." For example, mages use special beads, which are made of viburnum branches, cut into pieces and strung on a thread. Such beads worn during magical sessions. Beads of viburnum are able to give a person clairvoyance, clairaudience and understanding of what is happening at the moment. In addition, such guelder rose beads can be worn by those who want to be clairvoyant and see what others do not see.
Beads of viburnum in ancient times were not only people close to volhovstvu and witchcraft, but also those who just wanted to scare yourself from evil forces, evil people, misfortune, and also fear of poisoning. As an amulet, and they can help players to be constantly in the win.
Pieces of root Viburnum can help smooth out problems and find what you want, for example, any thing for a person or even a good job. In order to have a piece of root to work, you need to put in a container that is filled with liquor, the best homemade beer or mead. When you need help or strength, it is necessary to pull the root and rub their hands, or take with you in your pocket, purse, or elsewhere, depending on the situation.
Medicine and recipes:
Common Kalina (Viburnum opulus L) is considered to be healing, not only in medicine, but also recognized as official medicine. Kalina is a shrub of 3 meters and above. Blooms in late May - early June, the flowers are white. Fruits are harvested in late August, September and October. The bark is collected in April and May. To collect used flowers, fruits, bark, in old herbals described more and gathering roots.
The bark contains tannins and other useful components, which have hemostatic effect, astringent, anti-inflammatory. Furthermore, in the bark contains resinous substances, organic acids (acetic, valeric, formic, linoleic, palmitic ascorbic), vitamins K and C. The scope of infusions and extracts from the bark of a truly diverse. Then I will give a few particularly useful medicinal recipes that you can try yourself. It is necessary to say that in the official medicine, extracts and decoctions of Viburnum is prescribed for women: uterine bleeding, to prevent the loss of a child, the postpartum period, during menstruation; everything else: with hemorrhoids, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. In folk medicine, it is seen the practice of Viburnum infusion for epilepsy, neurasthenia, hysterical seizures, nervous breakdowns, gastritis, colitis, liver disease, high blood pressure, skin diseases etc. Official investigations have shown that the infusion of the bark increases the force of contraction of the heart, improves digestion. In addition, the Slavic herbalists / Ci is a means of recovering prescribed as a tonic that improves immunity and strengthens health. In addition, a decoction of the bark is washed the wound as healing and antimicrobial agent.
Also they used the bark and used for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, cough, asthma, in general - respiratory diseases.