15 best liljeroth tulips
Seven million five hundred seventy five thousand eight hundred eighty three
No other garden class of tulips has such a sophisticated, exquisite form of a flower, as representatives of liljeroth tulips. Their flower is perfect.
The official status of this small garden class (3% of the world portfolio) bought in the middle of the XVI century the Old varieties was not between them, not only centuries, but also the perfection of the flower.
Photo By A. Papkov
These tulips are self-sufficient: they are Cup-shaped flower (like a Lily) are folded out and pointed at the ends of the petals. If constancy of shape, the flowers have the different colors.
Photo By A. Papkov
Stems they have a high (50-60 cm), durable. In the middle zone of Russia bloom from the 2nd half of may; in the southern regions after a warm winter — the beginning of April. They are good in miksbordera, seasonal flower borders, spectacular in the vase life, some varieties are suitable for forcing in winter-spring period of the year.
Photo By A. Papkov
Get acquainted with the best sorts liljeroth tulips.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Ballade’
Beautiful two-color grade: light pink with a white border around the edge. Flower height of 8-10 cm. Peduncle robust, with a height of 50-55 cm; flowers in may.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Gold Ballada’
Golden-yellow variety. Flower height to 6 cm Spike height 50-60 cm Blooms late April. Suitable for distillation.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Ballerina’
Very bright, reddish-orange variety. Flower refined, with aromas of tea rose, the height of the glass up to 10 cm Peduncle up to 50 cm
The Tulip cultivar ‘Burgundi’
Photo By A. Papkov
Luxury grade. Flower Cup-shaped, dark purple, with a height of 9-10 cm Peduncle robust, with a height of 60-70 cm in may, long: within 3 weeks. The variety is created by Dutch breeders recently.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Claudia’
A delicate pink variety with white edge petals. Flower Cup-shaped, up to 6 cm Peduncle height 50-60 cm Blooms late April. Suitable for distillation.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Holland Chic’
Dutch chic is manifested in this variety is not only in its name but also pink and white color, luxurious aroma. Flower 10-12 cm tall Sturdy stems with a height of 60-70 cm vase life Spectacular.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Marilyn’
Refined white variety, center petals which are pink smears, dedicated to the blond diva of the last century, the sex symbol of the era – Marilyn Monroe, which is not surprising. The spike is not high 50 cm
The Tulip cultivar ‘Mildred’
Plain pinkish-crimson variety. Flower Cup-shaped, large, with a height of 10-12 cm. Stems robust, up to 50 cm In the South it blooms from the 1st week of April.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Red Chine’
Bright red grade. Flower large, with a height of 10-12 cm; blooms in southern regions since mid-April.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Sapporo’
Very nice variety! Flower height of 8-10 cm, ivory. Beautiful in the vase life and flower beds in the spring, which makes ease and grace.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Synaeda King’
Very beautiful! Flower elongated goblet shape, with a height of 10-12 cm, bi-color: bright red with bright yellow border. Sturdy stems with a height of 55-65 cm Flowering late in may. The variety was created in 1995 He was awarded the Royal horticultural society of great Britain.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Pearl’
Luxurious white variety of domestic breeding.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Mirage’
Photo By A. Papkov
The beauty of this variety is like the deceptive. The variety is created by L. M. Alexandrova, A. S. Kol'tsova in 2001, Flower purple-pink, up to 15 cm Stems to 60 cm tall, robust. Blooms in the steppe Crimea since mid-April, for 14-18 days. This is one of the earliest varieties. Resistant to virus pestrolistnaja and adverse weather conditions of the steppe Crimea. It tolerates high soil temperatures and dry winds, coinciding with the period of flowering plants.
The Tulip cultivar ‘SKIF’
Grade established K. T. Klimenko, A. S. and Kol'tsova, L. M. Alexandrova in 2000 Flower is crimson-purple, large, with a height of 12 cm; holds its shape well. Stems robust, up to 60 cm Grade late: in the context of the Crimea from the end of April. Duration of flowering to 2.5 weeks. Resistant to virus pestrolistnaja and adverse weather conditions of the steppe Crimea. One of the best varieties of tulips late flowering period for growing in the conditions of dry steppes, tolerates high soil temperatures and dry winds, coinciding with the period of flowering plants.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Spring’
A light yellow variety of domestic, Crimean selection. Late blooming, resistant to droughts and high temperatures. published
Source: www.7dach.ru
No other garden class of tulips has such a sophisticated, exquisite form of a flower, as representatives of liljeroth tulips. Their flower is perfect.
The official status of this small garden class (3% of the world portfolio) bought in the middle of the XVI century the Old varieties was not between them, not only centuries, but also the perfection of the flower.

Photo By A. Papkov
These tulips are self-sufficient: they are Cup-shaped flower (like a Lily) are folded out and pointed at the ends of the petals. If constancy of shape, the flowers have the different colors.

Photo By A. Papkov
Stems they have a high (50-60 cm), durable. In the middle zone of Russia bloom from the 2nd half of may; in the southern regions after a warm winter — the beginning of April. They are good in miksbordera, seasonal flower borders, spectacular in the vase life, some varieties are suitable for forcing in winter-spring period of the year.

Photo By A. Papkov
Get acquainted with the best sorts liljeroth tulips.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Ballade’

Beautiful two-color grade: light pink with a white border around the edge. Flower height of 8-10 cm. Peduncle robust, with a height of 50-55 cm; flowers in may.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Gold Ballada’

Golden-yellow variety. Flower height to 6 cm Spike height 50-60 cm Blooms late April. Suitable for distillation.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Ballerina’

Very bright, reddish-orange variety. Flower refined, with aromas of tea rose, the height of the glass up to 10 cm Peduncle up to 50 cm
The Tulip cultivar ‘Burgundi’

Photo By A. Papkov
Luxury grade. Flower Cup-shaped, dark purple, with a height of 9-10 cm Peduncle robust, with a height of 60-70 cm in may, long: within 3 weeks. The variety is created by Dutch breeders recently.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Claudia’

A delicate pink variety with white edge petals. Flower Cup-shaped, up to 6 cm Peduncle height 50-60 cm Blooms late April. Suitable for distillation.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Holland Chic’

Dutch chic is manifested in this variety is not only in its name but also pink and white color, luxurious aroma. Flower 10-12 cm tall Sturdy stems with a height of 60-70 cm vase life Spectacular.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Marilyn’

Refined white variety, center petals which are pink smears, dedicated to the blond diva of the last century, the sex symbol of the era – Marilyn Monroe, which is not surprising. The spike is not high 50 cm
The Tulip cultivar ‘Mildred’

Plain pinkish-crimson variety. Flower Cup-shaped, large, with a height of 10-12 cm. Stems robust, up to 50 cm In the South it blooms from the 1st week of April.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Red Chine’

Bright red grade. Flower large, with a height of 10-12 cm; blooms in southern regions since mid-April.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Sapporo’

Very nice variety! Flower height of 8-10 cm, ivory. Beautiful in the vase life and flower beds in the spring, which makes ease and grace.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Synaeda King’

Very beautiful! Flower elongated goblet shape, with a height of 10-12 cm, bi-color: bright red with bright yellow border. Sturdy stems with a height of 55-65 cm Flowering late in may. The variety was created in 1995 He was awarded the Royal horticultural society of great Britain.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Pearl’

Luxurious white variety of domestic breeding.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Mirage’

Photo By A. Papkov
The beauty of this variety is like the deceptive. The variety is created by L. M. Alexandrova, A. S. Kol'tsova in 2001, Flower purple-pink, up to 15 cm Stems to 60 cm tall, robust. Blooms in the steppe Crimea since mid-April, for 14-18 days. This is one of the earliest varieties. Resistant to virus pestrolistnaja and adverse weather conditions of the steppe Crimea. It tolerates high soil temperatures and dry winds, coinciding with the period of flowering plants.
The Tulip cultivar ‘SKIF’

Grade established K. T. Klimenko, A. S. and Kol'tsova, L. M. Alexandrova in 2000 Flower is crimson-purple, large, with a height of 12 cm; holds its shape well. Stems robust, up to 60 cm Grade late: in the context of the Crimea from the end of April. Duration of flowering to 2.5 weeks. Resistant to virus pestrolistnaja and adverse weather conditions of the steppe Crimea. One of the best varieties of tulips late flowering period for growing in the conditions of dry steppes, tolerates high soil temperatures and dry winds, coinciding with the period of flowering plants.
The Tulip cultivar ‘Spring’

A light yellow variety of domestic, Crimean selection. Late blooming, resistant to droughts and high temperatures. published
Source: www.7dach.ru
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