Little-known medicinal use of viburnum

© Nikolai Barchenkov. Kalina. 1987
Kalina many people mistakenly believe wood, although in reality the snowball bushes are just very high. Viburnum fruits contain a lot of useful and even therapeutic agents. Medicinal use of viburnum is quite diverse and using this plant in folk medicine for a long time. In addition to the fruit of viburnum, for medical purposes actively used the bark of viburnum shrubs and flowers. As for the berries, then collect them when the passed the first frost. If you need to store Kalina for a long time, gather it in bundles of brushes, eight to ten, these beams connect flexible wire and hang in the attic or anywhere else.
You can also store Kalina and covered it with sugar in a jar. Medicinal properties of these berries, and just as useful elements in this case is absolutely not lost.
But, as already mentioned, the therapeutic use of viburnum is not only limited to its berries. For example, the flowers of this plant contain vitamin C, organic acid and essential oil.
Bark viburnum shrub rich in flavonoids, resins and even alcohols. The fruit is saturation of vitamin C significantly bypass the lemon. In addition, vitamin there's a variety of sugar, pectin, tannins and other vitamins. In addition to these substances in the berries of viburnum are such essential minerals as selenium, phosphorus, zinc and others.
Fruits of viburnum application
To treat the fruits of viburnum is used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, choleretic, tonic, diaphoretic, healing, astringent, and the list goes on. Viburnum berries are used for preventive purposes, for example, when a seasonal lack of vitamins in the body, as well Kalina is good for colds and infectious diseases. In addition to flu, sore throat, viburnum is used for gastritis, liver disease, edema caused by impaired heart or kidney disease, hypertension, and a number of other occasions.
The use of viburnum flowers
The flowers of this plant can help with tuberculosis, are also effective for dyspnea, and to treat kidney disease.
The bark of viburnum application
Various tinctures and decoctions from the bark of viburnum, can help with sleep disorders, and such teas are very good when there are a variety of bleeding. For example, in postpartum uterine bleeding to come up with something more appropriate is unlikely to succeed.
The use of juice
Medicinal use of viburnum include the use of fruit juice of this plant. The juice you need to drink fifty milliliters twice a day to treat hypertension, bronchial asthma, cardiac pain. And for rapid treatment of angina or problems with the gums, so the juice you need to rinse the throat and mouth. And yet, with a mixture of viburnum juice and sour cream, you can output the freckles. To do this, mix two equal parts of sour cream and juice viburnum berries, apply the mixture on face and after twenty minutes, rinse composition.
The use of viburnum in the national medicinecat decoction of the bark viburnum. About 2 tablespoons of dry powdered bark of viburnum, pour one Cup of boiling water. Further, this case boiled on low heat for ten minutes. Then you need to insist broth for two hours. Then the cure strain and you can take it by 50 milliliters twice a day before meals for gastritis, neurosis, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, cramps in the heart region..
For tincture of viburnum bark taken ten grams of the bark, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for about four hours. After this infusion filter and take three times a day for 50 ml before meals with neurosis and insomnia.
The use of viburnum with honey. Forty grams of powdered snowball berries mixed with a Cup of honey, and then, the resulting drug take one tablespoon three times a day with any colds, hypertension, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Bones need to spit.
Constipation and colitis in the medical to eat raw fruits and 1 tbsp.
A decoction of the flowers do so: 1 tablespoon of dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes in a water bath, filter and drink in the form of heat 1 tbsp 3 times daily before meals as an expectorant and diaphoretic.
The infusion of flowers: 1 h spoon of flowers boiled water, in 20 minutes, filter and take a glass with tuberculosis, shortness of breath, hypertension.
Medicinal use of viburnum is not limited to the described recipes, because this plant is more than just useful — it is a treasure for folk medicine. But if a person has increased svorachivanie blood, gout, acidity of the stomach, drugs with Kalina such a person is contraindicated. So they are not recommended during pregnancy.