Jam from Kalina Ukrainian herb to feel great all winter
Beautiful and fragrant kalina jam is not only a decoration of the table, but also an indispensable home doctor. Vitamin-rich juices of bitter berries reduce pressure and help fight colds. And we will tell you how to make them a healing delicacy, so as not to get sick all winter.
Jam from Kalina Ingredients
Because of its specific taste, kalina is far from in the first rows of our favorite berries. No reason! Editorial "Site" will tell you how to cook from a medicinal plant and hot sauce for meat dishes.

Jam from Kalina Ingredients
- 1kg kalina
- 1 kg of sugar
- Wash the kalina directly on your hands to avoid losing juice. You can lower bunches of kalina in boiling water for 15 seconds. This will make the kalina softer, help to separate the berries from the peduncles easier, remove the bitterness and allow you to get more juice.
- Separate the berries from the peduncles with a fork.
- Pass the berries through the juicer to get the juice. From 1 kilogram of berries, approximately 600-650 ml of juice is obtained. If there is no juicer, you can rub the potassium through a sieve and strain through gauze. Interestingly, the resulting cake also finds a useful use. Careful housewives freeze it in bags, and in winter add to compotes.
- Place the resulting juice in the pan and add sugar to it. In order for the sugar to dissolve completely, it must be warmed up a little, stirring constantly. The main thing is not to boil the berries and not to heat too much. Otherwise, you will lose most of your vitamins.
- Pour potassium jam with completely dissolved sugar into clean sterilized cans. Close it with the usual lids. Keep it in the fridge.
- Jam turns out delicious, sweet, not bitter. He feels like eating spoons. But it is worth remembering that people with low blood pressure should use this product with great caution.
- Bon appetit and good health!
Because of its specific taste, kalina is far from in the first rows of our favorite berries. No reason! Editorial "Site" will tell you how to cook from a medicinal plant and hot sauce for meat dishes.
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