How to properly freeze berries for the winter

Endless jams and compotes are not the only way to preserve vitamins for cold. Freezing not only perfectly preserves the taste and benefits of berries, but also makes it possible to enjoy in winter pies with berry filling, fresh smoothies and other desserts decorated with “pieces of summer”. It would seem that intuitively everything is clear - to freeze the berries, it is enough just to pour them into bags and send them to the freezer "on demand". However, everyone who has ever tried to save berries in this way will confirm that chipping the desired portion from a frozen berry block is a pleasure for an amateur. Even in such a simple matter as freezing berries, there are nuances. In today’s review, we share the secrets and subtleties of how to properly prepare and freeze berries, and suggest what can be prepared from these blanks.
A little about the benefits of berries It is believed that freezing is one of the most competent ways to preserve seasonal products, since cold acts as a natural preservative, and berries almost completely retain their original benefits. Strawberry A delicious dessert and a powerful tool against vitamin deficiency. It is rich in iron, manganese, potassium and magnesium, B vitamins and, most importantly, vitamin C, which awarded it with pronounced anti-cold properties. Strawberries increase appetite and improve digestion, activates the protective properties of the body and gives an incomparable taste pleasure. raspberry From the home garden to the freezer. It is curious to note that the health benefits of raspberries are due not only to a wide vitamin and mineral profile, but also to a high content of natural acids: salicylic, lemon and apple. In winter, raspberries are useful due to their sweatshop effect, which helps in the fight against colds. And also this berry well relieves chills and headache during illness. Blackcurrant. Minerals, organic acids and vitamins in this black beauty is not less than in raspberries, but the content of vitamin C currant significantly outperformed it. We use decoctions and teas with the addition of black currant for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, liver and kidneys, with inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and throat. Gooseberry Perhaps, in comparison with sweet bright berries, green gooseberry will seem to someone a pale shadow, but the content of vitamin C, P, pectin and iron it deserves its compliments. Freeze gooseberry for the winter and use its properties to strengthen the immune system, alleviate the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, except for ulcers, have a diuretic effect and fight the flu. Cherry The content of iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium and vitamin C makes the berry a real natural first aid kit. Morse or cherry compote in winter is an immune-boosting drink that helps the body cope with respiratory diseases. And the flavonoids that are part of it help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and restore hormonal levels. How to properly freeze berries To freeze the ideal, crumbly frozen berries, we will need a pan or pan, parchment paper, bags or containers for freezing and, in fact, a vitamin harvest. 1. Wash and dry the berries Wash the selected berries under running water - it is more convenient to do this in a sieve or dud hose so that the water immediately drains. Do this several times if the berries still continue to stain the water. Put them in one layer on a kitchen towel and let them dry completely - otherwise in the freezer they will turn into a solid berry lump. 2. Cut the stems and remove the bones Cut or separate the fruit from the fruit. Berries can be frozen both whole and chopped: strawberries can be cut in half at will, cherries are better to halve and remove the bones. 3. Put the berries on the pan Cover a special pallet for freezing or pan with parchment paper and put the berries on it in one layer. Do not be afraid if some berries will touch - if you wish, they will be easy to break with your hands when put into a package. 4. Freeze the berries. Free up enough space in the freezer for berry pallets. Leave them there for about 4 hours or until the berries have hardened. You can also send them to freeze overnight or for 1-2 days, but prolonged deep freezing in one layer can negatively affect their physical characteristics. 5. Pack the berries in bags or containers Take out the berries from the freezer, lift the parchment behind the edges and gently with a wooden spoon pour the berries into bags or containers - you should not do this with your hands, since the berries will "stick" from frost. Fans of rational food storage can put small notes in bags or containers, what kind of berry it is and when it was frozen - so you can quickly find what interests you. It is believed that frozen and packaged properly berries can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. What to cook from frozen berries Of course, the number of options for using frozen berries is limited only by your imagination. Most often they are used as fillings for homemade baking, crushed in soufflé and mousses, added to desserts, candy and even meat dishes. P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!



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