The noise made the so-called rotary, discovered by Russian scientists in permafrost
With the development of technology, humanity has a new hope. For decades, scientists have been discussing the possibility of “postponing” the finale of their lives, giving people, albeit a meager, but still a chance to be revived in the future. Cryogenic freezingWhat seemed like an unattainable reality seems to have received a promising new boost.
The noise was made by the so-called rotary, discovered by Russian scientists in permafrost. Being frozen for about 24,000 years, this fragile organism eventually came to life, continued to function and began to multiply. If scientists had previously thought this impossible, Mother Nature has disproved all this skepticism. Editorial "Site" I would love to talk about how this discovery can affect our lives.
A little about what is happening and why freezing is considered a kind of ticket to the future. The thing is that people are convinced of the following: in a hundred or two hundred years. Humanity will reach this level of developmentThis will help revive frozen organisms. It is assumed that people will lie in hibernation for several hundred years. For those who wait for this wonderful time, there are great prospects.
Perhaps by that time, ways will be found not only to cure terrible ailments. People will be able to regenerate their bodies from their own stem cells. It will be possible to overcome aging and live for pleasure for several hundred years. It is believed that age for people of the future will not be a hindrance. Besides, cryogenic It will allow the expansion of the universe to begin.
Just imagine – powerful interstellar ships will carry our descendants to other arms of the galaxy in search of new planets that may well become a new home for humanity. For hundreds of years, people will sleep in special capsules, and at the right time they will wake up and explore. new worlds. Such ideas are personally breathtaking to me.
The main problem of freezing is the emergence of water crystals that can destroy the tissues of multicellular organisms. To survive a deep freeze without any harm could only simpler organisms And some mosses and herbs. Now scientists have been able to find out that microscopic rotors can do the same. They are able to survive a real cryptobiosis, during which all metabolism stops.
It’s not clear how they can survive a slow freeze, but the fact that they can already looks promising. Although microscopic, it is still a multicellular organism. Scientists assumed that the rotor could last in the ice for about 10 years. But carbon analysis They were quite surprised. 24,000 years is no joke!
And if so, potentially any multicellular organism (including humans) can be frozen and stored for a period of several millennia. Naturally, the more complex the organism, the more complex the technology will be. Nevertheless, the case of rotors gives in this direction. jolt. While scientists do not make any predictions, and freezing mammals is still considered impossible.
I must say that the number of people who want to be frozen after the soul goes to heaven is constantly growing. There are already several companies in the world that provide such services. For people who take such a step, even oddly low And what they will do in the future will be comforting.
Some are ready to be frozen completely to save their body and quickly get out of suspended animation. They believe that it will be enough for them to undergo psychological training to immediately integrate into a new society. Others give companies only their brains to grow out of them in the future. new-body. Or copy a person into a digital environment.
There is a similar company in Russia. To put yourself in a tank whole, it would take about $36,000. But in most cases, customers agree only to a partial freeze - sending brains to a flask with liquid nitrogen costs twice as much. Usually the contract is concluded for a hundred years with automatic renewal. If, of course, humanity continues to exist in the form in which we assume.
Cryonicist arguments It is quite simple, because there is no alternative to this method. Either you just say goodbye to everyone and walk away, or you walk away with a frighteningly small chance that life will still be able to continue. Although it is impossible to bring the frozen to life now, there is no reason to believe that this will still be impossible in the future.
This may seem like a quackery, but in fact people are warned that it is not at all possible that they will ever be resurrected. That's basically it. unlikely scenario. Therefore, such decisions are made only on the basis of goodwill. What can await a person in the future, if suddenly he can be restored, no one knows.
It is also encouraging to note that freezer They are successfully used now, in our time. For example, in medicine. It is used for artificial birth of new life, in emergency therapy during cases requiring urgent transfusions and a quick reaction.
Returning to our rotary, which has been in the permafrost for 24,000 years, we just want to applaud it. For what she did and for giving humanity new hope. Despite the fact that all this seems a fairy tale, everyone wants to live longer. Be sure to write in the comments, would you agree to cryogenic freezing in the hope that in the future could live forever?
Cryogenic freezing It doesn't seem like a fantasy anymore, thanks to a tiny rotary that came to its senses and started to be active after 24,000 years in permafrost. Read our article about where the alien visitor came from and who he ended up being. Thank you for staying with us!

The noise was made by the so-called rotary, discovered by Russian scientists in permafrost. Being frozen for about 24,000 years, this fragile organism eventually came to life, continued to function and began to multiply. If scientists had previously thought this impossible, Mother Nature has disproved all this skepticism. Editorial "Site" I would love to talk about how this discovery can affect our lives.
A little about what is happening and why freezing is considered a kind of ticket to the future. The thing is that people are convinced of the following: in a hundred or two hundred years. Humanity will reach this level of developmentThis will help revive frozen organisms. It is assumed that people will lie in hibernation for several hundred years. For those who wait for this wonderful time, there are great prospects.

Perhaps by that time, ways will be found not only to cure terrible ailments. People will be able to regenerate their bodies from their own stem cells. It will be possible to overcome aging and live for pleasure for several hundred years. It is believed that age for people of the future will not be a hindrance. Besides, cryogenic It will allow the expansion of the universe to begin.
Just imagine – powerful interstellar ships will carry our descendants to other arms of the galaxy in search of new planets that may well become a new home for humanity. For hundreds of years, people will sleep in special capsules, and at the right time they will wake up and explore. new worlds. Such ideas are personally breathtaking to me.

The main problem of freezing is the emergence of water crystals that can destroy the tissues of multicellular organisms. To survive a deep freeze without any harm could only simpler organisms And some mosses and herbs. Now scientists have been able to find out that microscopic rotors can do the same. They are able to survive a real cryptobiosis, during which all metabolism stops.
It’s not clear how they can survive a slow freeze, but the fact that they can already looks promising. Although microscopic, it is still a multicellular organism. Scientists assumed that the rotor could last in the ice for about 10 years. But carbon analysis They were quite surprised. 24,000 years is no joke!

And if so, potentially any multicellular organism (including humans) can be frozen and stored for a period of several millennia. Naturally, the more complex the organism, the more complex the technology will be. Nevertheless, the case of rotors gives in this direction. jolt. While scientists do not make any predictions, and freezing mammals is still considered impossible.
I must say that the number of people who want to be frozen after the soul goes to heaven is constantly growing. There are already several companies in the world that provide such services. For people who take such a step, even oddly low And what they will do in the future will be comforting.

Some are ready to be frozen completely to save their body and quickly get out of suspended animation. They believe that it will be enough for them to undergo psychological training to immediately integrate into a new society. Others give companies only their brains to grow out of them in the future. new-body. Or copy a person into a digital environment.
There is a similar company in Russia. To put yourself in a tank whole, it would take about $36,000. But in most cases, customers agree only to a partial freeze - sending brains to a flask with liquid nitrogen costs twice as much. Usually the contract is concluded for a hundred years with automatic renewal. If, of course, humanity continues to exist in the form in which we assume.

Cryonicist arguments It is quite simple, because there is no alternative to this method. Either you just say goodbye to everyone and walk away, or you walk away with a frighteningly small chance that life will still be able to continue. Although it is impossible to bring the frozen to life now, there is no reason to believe that this will still be impossible in the future.
This may seem like a quackery, but in fact people are warned that it is not at all possible that they will ever be resurrected. That's basically it. unlikely scenario. Therefore, such decisions are made only on the basis of goodwill. What can await a person in the future, if suddenly he can be restored, no one knows.

It is also encouraging to note that freezer They are successfully used now, in our time. For example, in medicine. It is used for artificial birth of new life, in emergency therapy during cases requiring urgent transfusions and a quick reaction.
Returning to our rotary, which has been in the permafrost for 24,000 years, we just want to applaud it. For what she did and for giving humanity new hope. Despite the fact that all this seems a fairy tale, everyone wants to live longer. Be sure to write in the comments, would you agree to cryogenic freezing in the hope that in the future could live forever?

Cryogenic freezing It doesn't seem like a fantasy anymore, thanks to a tiny rotary that came to its senses and started to be active after 24,000 years in permafrost. Read our article about where the alien visitor came from and who he ended up being. Thank you for staying with us!
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