In Japan, created the world’s first display of air

The unique display was created by researchers from the University of Tokyo under the guidance of Professor Masatori Ishikawa. The main feature of the novelty is the lack of the ability to touch with your hands. In other words, the screen literally hangs in the air. This effect was made possible by the light reflected by a special mirror from the LED screen. The image projected in this way is clearly visible from any angle. Interactivity of the interface is provided by high-speed stereo cameras, making hundreds of frames per second.
To control the “air” display, you need to master certain gestures. Knowing them, you can, for example, run a computer game or move an object. A special software mechanism is responsible for recognizing movements, converting them into appropriate commands.

Such displays will certainly be in demand in medical institutions, where due to the risk of sterility, unnecessary touching the screen is undesirable. And of course, the novelty will delight millions of fans of computer games.



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