Living in Japan

1. Japanese terribly hard-working. They can easily work 18 hours a day without a break for lunch and then still go to the pub and have a drink after 2 hours of sleep to work again. They can work 24 hours and then plow driving 300 kilometers and there is still work hours 10.
2. The Japanese did not know how to relax, time off for 4 days in a row is considered to leave. Take relying on the rules of 3 weeks a year - zapadlo. Leave work in the allotted time, too zapadlo.
3. In view of the Japanese are very rarely muscular, but often physically strong, the proportion of muscle mass / physical strength they have broken
4. Most Japanese red from alcohol and can not drink a lot, but there are great exceptions.
5. Most of the Japanese somehow draws well and sings.
6. If a Japanese lunch in the office at your desk, do not continue to work during the meal - zapadlo.
7. It is a normal thing for a man of about forty happy to tell colleagues that he is now in the subway could see a high school panties.
8. The Japanese sincerely believe that they are almost impossible to learn the language, so a lot of respect anyone who can at least say hello in Japanese.
9. If you go drinking with the Japanese in an informal atmosphere, and only know how to say "hello" in their own language, then in time you will nekotroe teach words "pipiska" and "turd».
10. In Japanese, there is no stronger expletives "fool" and "idiot." The power of emotions expressed by intonation and volume.
11. The Japanese people are very honest - if you forget an umbrella in the subway, with a probability of 99 per cent of it to you to come back, if we look in the lost and found.
12. In the past also returns wallets with money and do not steal, now there is.
13. The Japanese always follow instructions to the letter and very lost if there is an error in it.
14. In Japan, oral and anal sex are not considered onymi by law. Sex for money is prohibited, so that all prostitutes call for massage, wash and suck. Kissing passionately - a part of the paid service.
15. In every major city publishes a monthly magazine, a guide to the mess. By the way private business in this area is practically no.
16. White is not usually allowed in the mess, employing Japanese. Where a Chinese woman and a Filipina - easily.
17. porn show in all the hotels
18. Make love Japanese hotels go to lava hourly. Love hotels are different in terms of some simple ruleznye and always located either on the outskirts or near drinking quarters
19. The Japanese are very clean - as one to clean every day. In general, the Japanese personal hygiene erected in the first place. In this house, many terrible mess, but there just is not one of his misses, so it is not visible.
20. For the Japanese wash means to take a bath shower - extreme palliative
21. The paradox - no matter how many people in the family, all take a bath without changing water in it (after taking a shower though). Frequently this water is then used when washing.
22. Children tend to take a bath at the same time with their parents up to 8 years, although there are exceptions in both directions.
23. The Japanese love hot springs and public baths
24. The Japanese families basically normal, if adult brother and sister do not speak at all and do not know each other's phone. Not to quarrel while.
25. In Japan, for any number of any drug imprisoned
26. When the Japanese went to Amsterdam, where a smoke, and it saw the other Japanese and banged on it, then first go to jail
27. Cannabis grows wild in many places in the mountains, the fall in places police often draws attention to the machine-native numbers
28. In what can be bought pipes and hookahs for smoking marijuana and hashish.
29. Any white in Japan for the Japanese American, then an Englishman or a Frenchman
30. The three types of Japanese writing.
31. Until recently, the mushrooms are not considered to be drug free and sold
32. The speed limit on highways 80 km per hour, but go 120, because 120 is not usually catch
33. The minimum fine for speeding - 150 dollars, the maximum - prison
34. Japanese police can not be bought "on the spot", but in the wild may be pretending to be an idiot uboltat.
35. If you caught something serious, then we have the right to keep 30 days in jail is not letting a lawyer
36. All Japanese cars in the domestic market, regardless of the power limiter have a speed of 180 or 140 mph and a speedometer. It is not a law, there is no reason for this. Speedometers to 320 speed limiters and shredders are sold freely.
37. The Japanese are mad on food and is well versed in it. The main objective of absolute majority when traveling abroad, not to see something, and something to eat and then brag about it
38. 70 per cent of TV programs show food
39. The Japanese do ofigitelnye documentaries have great operators
40. The Japanese give money for any occasion - weddings, funerals, going to college, long drives, etc. Giving less than $ 50 indecent, usually give 100
41. If you give money before you travel, and you did not bring back anything as a gift, you just shit
42. As a gift you can bring anything usually bring food
43. Optional to bring a gift to the donated amount. I usually buy something in the range of $ 20 and all excited.
44. In the new year the Japanese are going to the family home with parents and three days devouring and watch TV.
45. One Japanese can eat a wild amount of food regardless of the size of the body
46. No zapadlo worse than working on 1 January this day nobody does anything and everything is buried, although in recent years there is a tendency to ignore this large stores etc.
47. Japan is always and everywhere to be found 24chasovoy shop with everything
48. Japan is still the safest country in the world
49. The Japanese wildly naive and believe just about anything
50. In the Japanese city all pubs tend to be concentrated in one area
51. If you are going to drink, spend the night in one place - just blasphemy should definitely go at least three
52. Since the late binge drinking in the city relies to eat something, usually ramen.
53. Virtually no Japanese can not say "I love you" in the face of the object of love.
54. Those who can, cause the respect of the other wild
55. The Japanese terribly shy and easily embarrassed
56. It now applies to more than the older generation, but - when the Japanese make a bid that is normal to say something like "would you prepare my soup?" Or "can you wash my underwear?", Because otherwise they are embarrassed < br /> 57. Most of the spouses aged and older sleeping in different beds, and even sometimes the rooms
58. If the hotel is one bed for two, instead of two, the Japanese often complain about the administration or the travel agency
59. Japan was once a wildly expensive country. Now it is not so.
60. 80% of Japanese women start laughing if nervous
61. If you decide you want to be someone's fight or Girl Friend, it is necessary to record that something like "please, let's see!" If you are denied, retries are not supposed to take. If this is the official statement was not - you just sex friends without vzaimoobyazatelstv
62. The part with the fight or Girl Friend, too, must officially about this saying.
63. Regular trips to prostitutes husband - until recently a normal and necessary evil, the young contemporary Japanese it is much less.
64. In the family, the wife manages the money (if it does not work), the husband of his salary shall be issued monthly amount for personal expenses in the average family usually about $ 300
65. The Japanese believed that if sexually hornier, nose bleeds
66. The Japanese believed that if you eat too much chocolate, nose bleeds
67. Blood from the nose - it's ridiculous
68 In Japan, just fucking huge amount of money wasted
69. All the Japanese are insured against all that can be
70. If you are not insured had an accident or a hospital - you n ...
71. In Japan, you can defer payment of some taxes and mandatory health insurance "for family and economic circumstances." Medical insurance is calculated from your income over the past year and may reach $ 500 a month, that covers only 70% of the honey. costs.
72. In Japan, fantastically courteous service, after a local, all the staff anywhere in the world seems hamlivym
73. The Japanese almost never say thanks to the cashier at the supermarket
74. The cashier at the supermarket and always bow to work only standing
75. Man of the store personnel will never tell you "no" right away, he or guide you through the store in search of what is not known, or report to senior and after a tour of the store, say "I'm sorry, we have this product if ever there »
76. In Japan, the slowest in the world of McDonald
77. In Japan, a lot of informers
78. Most Japanese scolds Japan
79. Many young Japanese say they want to live abroad and do not want to be Japanese
80. Abroad, the Japanese always keep a bunch
81. In Japan, a huge number of female football fans and somehow hockey
82. The Japanese often complex about her body.
83. The Japanese in private conversations often say that China - is power, and Japan in the ass
84. The Japanese are looking at Chinese and Vietnamese from the top down.
85. As we say "how are you che Chukchi ?!", the Japanese say "you che, Chinese?»
86. Have a friend-of non-Japanese in some way is prestigious, it shows off youth
87. If you speak good Japanese, you will always praised for it and tell everyone that you are in fact the Japanese with colored contact lenses and dyed hair, this is such a popular joke type
88. Some young Japanese wear colored lenses, usually gray, blue or purple. It looks scary.
89. In Japan, as elsewhere in the world comes and goes fast fashion for anything. For example, on a chameleon or a koala, then all things are sold with their image in time. Or negative ions or desalinated water to the deep sea. Boom usually lasts no longer than a year, can not be explained, and 3 years later recall with difficulty, but made huge money.
90. In all the houses, many hospitals, half of the restaurants, and some offices have to take off your shoes. Therefore socks must always be intact.
91. If you removed the shoes, it is necessary to expand the socks at the door, or indecent.
92. If you have not already done so, for you, it will make the owner or staff
93. Immediately after the front door there is a place for taking off shoes, step back in his socks, trying to pull his shoes - terribly indecent, because dirty
94. The Japanese take off and put on shoes with a wild speed
95. The Japanese think that in other countries is very scary and dangerous
96. Japan has recently been popular here, such a scheme moshenstva - old woman from the house phone rings, when it suits her they say "it's me! I've got a wild ass with money! Popal - scribe! "She is the" who? "And she" Yes, I, I! I do not know that !!! Ass I translate more me money 5 million (in dollars) "And Granny takes the loot to the account. Just I kill me, as they manage to believe this is only possible in Japan.
97. Over the past year the Japanese mail profukali approximately $ 4 million, the money simply "lost", according to their press release
98. It is not sad, but Japan spoil foreigners.
99. The Japanese almost never called guest house. The invitation, "go sometime" in most cases, be taken only as a polite way of speaking.
100. In Japan, most of the houses and apartments are cold and tight.