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The stunned 80 facts about Japan through the eyes of Russians

Site publishes a fascinating position in a series of "eyes of the Russians." Today we talk about Japan LiveJournal blogger ru-japan.livejournal.com community. Everything written below is not the ultimate truth, and in any case do not claim to be complete and is based on his own personal experience is very significant. Facts are listed in the course of remembrance without any order.

1. The Japanese terribly hard-working. They can easily work 18 hours a day, without a break for lunch and then still go to the pub and have a drink after 2 hours of sleep to work again. Can work 24 hours and then plow driving 300 km and there is still work hours 10. I saw it myself.

< 2. The Japanese did not know how to relax, 4 days in a row is considered to be time off vacation. Take relying on the rules of 3 weeks per year - zapadlo. Leaving work in the allotted time, too zapadlo.

< 3. In view of the Japanese very rarely muscular, but often physically strong, the proportion myshychnaya weight / physical strength they have broken. < br>
4. Most Japanese red from alcohol and can not drink a lot, although there are great exceptions.

5. Most Japanese for some reason good at drawing and singing.

6. If the Japanese lunch in the office at his desk, make sure you continue to work while eating.

7. it is a normal thing for a man of about forty to tell colleagues with joy that it is today in the subway could see panties high school student.

8. The Japanese sincerely believe that their language is almost impossible to learn, so a lot of respect anyone who can at least say hello in Japanese.

9. If you went to drink with the Japanese in an informal setting and are able to say only "hello" in their language, nekotroe over time you will begin to learn the words of "pipiska" and "turd».

10. no more curses "fool" in Japanese and "idiot." The power of emotions expressed by intonation and volume.


11 The Japanese are very honest people - if you forget your umbrella in the subway, with a probability of 99 per cent of it is returned to you, if we look in the lost and found

12. Previously, also returned wallets with money and do not steal, now there is.

13. The Japanese always follow instructions to the letter and very lost, if it there is an error

14 The Japanese are very clean -.. one and all are washed daily. In general, the Japanese personal hygiene erected in the first place. In this house, many terrible mess, but there just so no one misses Nesvoia, so it is not visible

15 For the Japanese wash -.. Then take a bath, a shower - an extreme half-measure.

16 The strangeness -. no matter how many people in the family, all take a bath one after another, without changing the water in it (after taking a shower, though). Often this water is then used when washing.

< 17. Children tend to take baths together with the parents until age 8, though there are exceptions in both directions.

18. The Japanese love hot springs and public baths.

19. The Japanese families normally if adult brother and sister do not speak at all and do not know each phone other. Not to quarrel with.

< 20. In Japan, for any number of any drug imprisoned.

21. When the Japanese went to Amsterdam, where a smoke, and it saw the other Japanese and it banged, the first to return to go to jail.

< 22. Marijuana grows wild in many places in the mountains, the fall in places police focuses on the machine with no local numbers.

22. Anyone white in Japan for the Japanese American, then an Englishman or a Frenchman.

23. The Japanese are three kinds of writing.

24. speed limit on highways 80 km / h, but all go to 120 because 120 is not usually catch

25 The minimum fine for speeding -.. $ 150, maximum - a prison
27. Japanese police can not "buy on the spot", but in the wild can be uboltat, pretending to be an idiot.

28. If you are caught for something serious, then we have the right to hold in jail 30 days, not letting a lawyer.

29. All Japanese cars in the domestic market, irrespective of the capacity, have speed limiter 180 or 140 km / h and a speedometer. This is not a law, there is no reason for this. Tachometers and destroy up to 320 speed limiters are sold freely.

< 30. The Japanese are obsessed with food, and well versed in it. The main purpose of the absolute majority when traveling abroad - not to see something, and something to eat and then brag about it


31. 70 per cent of TV programs show meal.

< 32. The Japanese do ofigitelnye documentaries have great operator.

33. a Japanese man can eat a wild amount of food regardless of the body size.

34. No worse than to work 1 January to this day no one is doing anything and everything is buried, although in recent years there is a tendency to ignore this large shops.

35. in Japan, always and everywhere, you can find a 24-hour shop, with everything

36 Japan still -.. is the safest country in the world

37 The Japanese are crazy.. and naive people believe just about anything.

38. in the Japanese city all restaurant establishments as

39 usually concentrated in one area.. If you are going to drink, then spend the night in one place - just blasphemy, should definitely go at least three

40 After the late binge drinking in the town entitled to something.. eat something, usually ramen.

41. Virtually no Japanese can not say "I love you" in the face of the object of love.

< 42. Those who can cause wild respecting others.

43. The Japanese are terribly shy and easily embarrassed.

42. It is more about older generations, but when the Japanese make a bid that is normal to say something like "could you prepare my soup?" or "can you wash my underwear?", because otherwise they are shy.

43. Most spouses middle-aged and older sleep in separate beds and sometimes even rooms.

44. If the hotel is one bed for two, and not two, Japanese people often complain about the administration or the travel agency.

45. Japan used to be wildly expensive country. Now it is not so.

< 46. 80% of Japanese women are starting to laugh, if nervous.

< 47. If you decide you want to be someone's fight or Girl Friend, it is necessary to record that something like "please, let's meet!", if you are refused, retries are not supposed to take. If this is the official statement did not - you just sex friends without vzaimoobyazatelstv

48 part with the fight or Girl Friend must also be officially about this saying

... 49 Regular trips to prostitutes husband -. until recently, the normal and necessary evil, but to the young contemporary Japanese this applies to a much lesser extent


51. The Japanese believed that if you eat too much chocolate, the blood from the nose goes.

< 52. The blood from the nose - that's funny. They have a sense of humor.

< 53. In Japan, a lot of money wasted.

< 54. All Japanese are insured against all, what can be. If you are not insured had an accident or hospital -.. You end

55 In Japan, you can defer the payment of certain taxes and obligatory medical insurance "for family and economic circumstances." Medical insurance is calculated from your income for the past year and can reach $ 500 per month, that covers only 70% of honey. expenses.

56. In Japan fantastically polite service after local, all the staff anywhere in the world seems to be boorish.

57. The Japanese almost never say "thank you" to the cashier at the supermarket.

58. The cashier at the supermarket and always bow only work standing.

59. the man from the store personnel will never tell you "no" immediately, he either walks you through searching the store of what obviously is not, or will report to senior and one after a tour of the shop, say "I'm sorry, we have this product if ever there . »

60. in Japan, McDonald's is the slowest in the world.

61. In Japan, a lot of snitches

62. Many young Japanese say they want to live abroad and do not want to be Japanese .

63. abroad, the Japanese always keep a bunch.

64. In Japan, a huge number of female fans of football, and for some reason, .. hockey

65 The Japanese are often complex about his body

66 The Japanese in private conversations often say China.. - this power, and Japan in the f ** e.

67. The Japanese look at Chinese and Vietnamese from the top down.

68. How can we say "how are you che Chukchi ?!", the Japanese say "you che, Chinese?».

69. have other non-Japanese-in some way prestigious, it shows off youth.

70. If you speak good Japanese, you will always be praised for it and say everything that you actually Japanese with colored contact lenses and dyeing hair is such a popular joke type.

71. Some young Japanese wear colored lenses, usually gray, blue or purple. It looks terrible.

< 72. In Japan, as elsewhere in the world quickly comes and goes to fashion anything. For example, a chameleon or a koala, then all things are sold with their image in time. Or negative ions or desalinated water to the deep sea. Boom usually lasts no longer than a year, can not be explained, and 3 years later recall with difficulty, but made huge money.

< 73. In all houses, many hospitals, half of the restaurants and some offices it is necessary to take off your shoes. Therefore socks must always be intact.

< 74. If you have removed the shoes, it is necessary to expand the socks at the door, or indecent.

< 75. If you have not already done so, for you, it will make the owner or staff.

76. once the front door there is a place for taking off shoes, step back into his toes, trying to pull his shoes - terribly indecent, that is to dirty

77 The Japanese take off and put on shoes with a wild speed

78 The Japanese...... I think that in other countries is very scary and dangerous.

79. it is sad, but the ports of Japan foreigners.

80. The Japanese almost never call the guests home. Invitation to "go sometime" in most cases, be taken only as a polite turn of phrase.

< 81. In Japan, most of the houses and apartments are cold and tight.

< 82. I really like Japan.

via ru-japan.livejournal.com/856395.html