URGENT: Japan is ready to declare war on Russia!
Stillavin Sergey wrote: Got a message: "I work in a Japanese company. This week the Japanese ambassador summoned all the heads of representative offices of Japanese companies in Moscow (and they all are very closely with the government, the embassy know everyone working here japa expat face !, tourists do not count), so lo! He called and told them that they were all "out of a suitcase", ready at any moment to travel to their homeland!
BECAUSE! "The government of our country at the moment, considering the possibility of declaring war on Russia in order to return the Northern Territories. As Japan's population of 125mln. people, and the population of Russia 140mln. - It is quite comparable conditions for the victorious combat, given the fact that the Armed Forces in a flawed state and government in a weak state to the world public for what would have to use nuclear weapons. "Japa at the ready. So that's that. »
It should be noted that the author of these lines, and I know personally about any forgery can be no question.
Search for information on the network - and that's what kinda stuff found in an article in the RBC Daily, dated February 8, 2008:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin offered Japan a new round of negotiations on the territorial dispute between the two countries. It is a notorious Kuril Islands, which are de facto belong to Russia, but which persist in the Japanese claim. Although the current Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda is considered relatively loyal towards Moscow politician to the fact that the conflict will be resolved amicably, almost no one believes. On the contrary, the growing militarization of Japan, even if the power of "moderate" Fukuda - a direct indication that the official Tokyo is actually ready for war, experts say. And the main targets of the Japanese militarists are far beyond Sakhalin and the Kuriles.
According to experts, there are a number of facts that suggest that Tokyo will most likely preparing to start a war. "Japan - the only country in the world that has experienced nuclear bombing. Only she has a psychological feeling confident that, of course, it's scary, but not fatal, that is, it can survive. The Japanese have a feeling reinforced by the actual historical experience, "- he said in an interview with RBC daily expert research group" Designing the Future "Sergei Pereslegin. In other words, in contrast to all other nations that are shaking the mere mention of a nuclear war, for Japan it is not a deterrent to the outbreak of hostilities.
Japan really appreciates this, his most important trump card, and because, despite the law enshrined in the constitution the principle of "pacifism", has for many years has been internal preparations for war. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the government began to increase funding for defense, and the Japanese reformers are now trying to achieve the adoption of a constitutional amendment in 1947, which will expand the powers of the defense forces. Already, the Japanese fleet is the most powerful Pacific Fleet, not to mention the fact that the country has two naval aircraft carriers, one of which is superior to American power. In addition, participating in peacekeeping UN programs, the Japanese military get a good experience. "Japanese society is now mobilized and well trained army" - said in an interview with RBC daily head of the strategic planning of the Association of Border Cooperation Aleksandr Sobyanin.
And if carriers, peacekeepers and the Japanese navy ships inexperienced observers may be true is not visible to judge the growing militarization of Japan, just to evaluate the aggressive character of the popular all over the world of Japanese anime culture and kinematorafa. "The active and aggressive Japanese youth, which is now tightly squeezed in the social bottom, plus aggressive anime culture - another sure sign that the explosive situation can not be avoided," - said Sergey Pereslegin.
In other words, according to experts, the way Japan conducts its direct path to war. The reason that is simple - a lack of resources, which each year will become more acute. From this standpoint, military actions can be decoupled Tokyo in three directions. "The most important of them - this is Australia. Second in importance - Northern China and our Far East (South Yakutia, Amur region, Primorye Territory, and East Lake Baikal). And the third - Latin America ", - said Alexander Sobyanin.
And the likelihood that Japan would encroach primarily on the Russian territory, supported by several factors. Firstly, the absence of a legally enforceable status of peace between our two countries. "Japan may start a war with Russia at any moment. Even if by this time some peace agreements are concluded and it is, in principle, also be able to prevent Japanese aggression in our direction. In the world practice was already a precedent attack on the country, bypassing the international jurisdiction - the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, "- says Mr. Pereslegin. Therefore, the dispute about the Kuril Islands as a reason for the outbreak of hostilities against Japan, Russia did not play any role here, as is commonly believed.
Second, the territory of the Russian Far East - one of the most vulnerable and sparsely populated, which already makes them vulnerable to external interference. "Umbrella" Russia's missile defense is deployed only on Moscow and on a small part of Siberia, which the Japanese do not apply, "- adds Alexander Sobyanin. However, the South East and Trans-Baikal region of Yakutia has all the resources that are now so Japan needs - oil, gas and uranium.
On Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and there is only oil, therefore, according to experts, the ultimate goal of Japanese aggression, they will not be. According to Alexander Sobyanin, the Japanese army will be able to move for a few thousand kilometers into Russian territory. The fact that such a small war Tokyo requires almost no one doubts. "Out there it victory or defeat of Japan, it does not matter. War is necessary that country - if it did not receive the necessary resources, it started to throw out the accumulated aggression allow within the past few years an aggressive military potential, "- said Sergey Pereslegin. In addition, it will also allow Tokyo to initiate a global redistribution of resources and revise the results of World War II in their own interests. »
I believe that if Japan really got involved in a war right now (and in the US Embassy in Moscow has supported the Japanese claim to the northern Kuril Islands), we will start to shred and others - to transfer these problem areas currently have no desire to. However, start with one "but": if we do not dare to use against Japan's tactical nuclear weapons. Reshimsya?
In the meantime, all eyes - on senior Japanese businessmen as soon as the run, so to attack only a few hours ...
And this is actually the land which wants to return to Japan.
BECAUSE! "The government of our country at the moment, considering the possibility of declaring war on Russia in order to return the Northern Territories. As Japan's population of 125mln. people, and the population of Russia 140mln. - It is quite comparable conditions for the victorious combat, given the fact that the Armed Forces in a flawed state and government in a weak state to the world public for what would have to use nuclear weapons. "Japa at the ready. So that's that. »
It should be noted that the author of these lines, and I know personally about any forgery can be no question.

Search for information on the network - and that's what kinda stuff found in an article in the RBC Daily, dated February 8, 2008:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin offered Japan a new round of negotiations on the territorial dispute between the two countries. It is a notorious Kuril Islands, which are de facto belong to Russia, but which persist in the Japanese claim. Although the current Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda is considered relatively loyal towards Moscow politician to the fact that the conflict will be resolved amicably, almost no one believes. On the contrary, the growing militarization of Japan, even if the power of "moderate" Fukuda - a direct indication that the official Tokyo is actually ready for war, experts say. And the main targets of the Japanese militarists are far beyond Sakhalin and the Kuriles.
According to experts, there are a number of facts that suggest that Tokyo will most likely preparing to start a war. "Japan - the only country in the world that has experienced nuclear bombing. Only she has a psychological feeling confident that, of course, it's scary, but not fatal, that is, it can survive. The Japanese have a feeling reinforced by the actual historical experience, "- he said in an interview with RBC daily expert research group" Designing the Future "Sergei Pereslegin. In other words, in contrast to all other nations that are shaking the mere mention of a nuclear war, for Japan it is not a deterrent to the outbreak of hostilities.
Japan really appreciates this, his most important trump card, and because, despite the law enshrined in the constitution the principle of "pacifism", has for many years has been internal preparations for war. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the government began to increase funding for defense, and the Japanese reformers are now trying to achieve the adoption of a constitutional amendment in 1947, which will expand the powers of the defense forces. Already, the Japanese fleet is the most powerful Pacific Fleet, not to mention the fact that the country has two naval aircraft carriers, one of which is superior to American power. In addition, participating in peacekeeping UN programs, the Japanese military get a good experience. "Japanese society is now mobilized and well trained army" - said in an interview with RBC daily head of the strategic planning of the Association of Border Cooperation Aleksandr Sobyanin.
And if carriers, peacekeepers and the Japanese navy ships inexperienced observers may be true is not visible to judge the growing militarization of Japan, just to evaluate the aggressive character of the popular all over the world of Japanese anime culture and kinematorafa. "The active and aggressive Japanese youth, which is now tightly squeezed in the social bottom, plus aggressive anime culture - another sure sign that the explosive situation can not be avoided," - said Sergey Pereslegin.
In other words, according to experts, the way Japan conducts its direct path to war. The reason that is simple - a lack of resources, which each year will become more acute. From this standpoint, military actions can be decoupled Tokyo in three directions. "The most important of them - this is Australia. Second in importance - Northern China and our Far East (South Yakutia, Amur region, Primorye Territory, and East Lake Baikal). And the third - Latin America ", - said Alexander Sobyanin.
And the likelihood that Japan would encroach primarily on the Russian territory, supported by several factors. Firstly, the absence of a legally enforceable status of peace between our two countries. "Japan may start a war with Russia at any moment. Even if by this time some peace agreements are concluded and it is, in principle, also be able to prevent Japanese aggression in our direction. In the world practice was already a precedent attack on the country, bypassing the international jurisdiction - the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, "- says Mr. Pereslegin. Therefore, the dispute about the Kuril Islands as a reason for the outbreak of hostilities against Japan, Russia did not play any role here, as is commonly believed.
Second, the territory of the Russian Far East - one of the most vulnerable and sparsely populated, which already makes them vulnerable to external interference. "Umbrella" Russia's missile defense is deployed only on Moscow and on a small part of Siberia, which the Japanese do not apply, "- adds Alexander Sobyanin. However, the South East and Trans-Baikal region of Yakutia has all the resources that are now so Japan needs - oil, gas and uranium.
On Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and there is only oil, therefore, according to experts, the ultimate goal of Japanese aggression, they will not be. According to Alexander Sobyanin, the Japanese army will be able to move for a few thousand kilometers into Russian territory. The fact that such a small war Tokyo requires almost no one doubts. "Out there it victory or defeat of Japan, it does not matter. War is necessary that country - if it did not receive the necessary resources, it started to throw out the accumulated aggression allow within the past few years an aggressive military potential, "- said Sergey Pereslegin. In addition, it will also allow Tokyo to initiate a global redistribution of resources and revise the results of World War II in their own interests. »
I believe that if Japan really got involved in a war right now (and in the US Embassy in Moscow has supported the Japanese claim to the northern Kuril Islands), we will start to shred and others - to transfer these problem areas currently have no desire to. However, start with one "but": if we do not dare to use against Japan's tactical nuclear weapons. Reshimsya?
In the meantime, all eyes - on senior Japanese businessmen as soon as the run, so to attack only a few hours ...
And this is actually the land which wants to return to Japan.