Kamikaze - the death of the Emperor and the country
In a desperate fight against the superiority of the Americans at the end of the Second World War, Japan begins to use young drivers who live bombs have to attack ships vraga- kamikaze. Many of the suicide bombers still almost children.
Photo 1945. The concept of "Kamikaze" is inevitably linked with the pilots, who sacrificed their lives to fight the enemy.
Young pilots are trained to deadly task. Translated "kamikaze" means "divine wind."
The officer read out the order. The Japanese army has a lot of pressure on young men campaigning to participate in a deadly outfits.
Kamikadze- pilot before the start. Japanese navy and air force have already defeated.
The Americans captured the island and the island, except with the help of suicide attacks pilotov-, the Japanese are no longer able to gain control over the situation.
Japanese plane exploded on the deck of the USS «Intrepid» November 25, 1944. In this killed 60 American sailors. The Japanese focus on the most important enemy ships, so their lives to cause maximum damage. Although the bombers could not completely stop the attack Americans, yet they carried with them significant damage and panic in the enemy ranks.
The successful two kamikaze attack on an American aircraft carrier «Bunker Hill», in which killed 372 and injured 264 people. The success of such attacks would be catastrophic for Japan: because of the fear of subsequent heavy losses, the United States decided to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Japanese soldier with honorable tape. All piloty- suicide received awards before the deadly mission.
Polite bowing before the last task. In Japan, long considered suicide bombers as heroes. Modern research has shown that not all pilots went voluntarily to the deadly deed. Many simply do not dare to avoid following the morale or obeying orders from above.

Photo 1945. The concept of "Kamikaze" is inevitably linked with the pilots, who sacrificed their lives to fight the enemy.

Young pilots are trained to deadly task. Translated "kamikaze" means "divine wind."

The officer read out the order. The Japanese army has a lot of pressure on young men campaigning to participate in a deadly outfits.

Kamikadze- pilot before the start. Japanese navy and air force have already defeated.
The Americans captured the island and the island, except with the help of suicide attacks pilotov-, the Japanese are no longer able to gain control over the situation.

Japanese plane exploded on the deck of the USS «Intrepid» November 25, 1944. In this killed 60 American sailors. The Japanese focus on the most important enemy ships, so their lives to cause maximum damage. Although the bombers could not completely stop the attack Americans, yet they carried with them significant damage and panic in the enemy ranks.

The successful two kamikaze attack on an American aircraft carrier «Bunker Hill», in which killed 372 and injured 264 people. The success of such attacks would be catastrophic for Japan: because of the fear of subsequent heavy losses, the United States decided to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Japanese soldier with honorable tape. All piloty- suicide received awards before the deadly mission.

Polite bowing before the last task. In Japan, long considered suicide bombers as heroes. Modern research has shown that not all pilots went voluntarily to the deadly deed. Many simply do not dare to avoid following the morale or obeying orders from above.