10 most bizarre wars (10 photos)
Mankind has always loved to war. Nowhere on it does not go, that is the nature. The reasons for this may be the most absurd, not to mention the reasons. From the banal desire to become famous despicable petty grudges over nothing. It seems that people just like to kill, and this collection of 10 of the most bizarre wars in human history, a clear confirmation.
1. The Australian army against emus
In 1932, the population of emus in Australia is out of control. It is estimated that over 20 000 voracious birds ran through the desert and no one, in principle, not hurt except for the valiant Australian Army. Military Staff of the country decided to teach bred ostriches and announced "for fun" war on them, the results of which the poor birds were not funny. During the week, a group of soldiers armed with machine guns arranged in a desert ambush unsuspecting enemy. It was a bloody November. Seven days were killed emus in 2500, and then the Australian army surrendered. The soldiers refused to take part in a brutal massacre. As it turned out later on that there were other reasons. Kill emu in fact, it was not so simple. Even affected several machine-gun bullets strong birds continued to run ahead of Australian soldiers heavily loaded.
2. The war in Transnistria
In 1992, Transnistria on the ruins of the Soviet Union war broke out. About four months were fighting for what had been irrelevant. But it was really weird to see late at night on neutral territory drinkers fighters from both warring parties. Soldiers even concluded agreements do not shoot at each other the next day, if you accept the one with whom drank. This happened not just one or two nights and regularly. One soldier wrote in his diary: "The war is a grotesque show. During the day, we will kill our enemies, and then during the night we drink with them. What a strange thing ... this war. " War of Transnistria in 1300 claimed lives on both sides.
3. Football War
Some wars begin with a surprise attack, the other with a mass slaughter, and this began with a football match between El Salvador and Honduras in 1969. El Salvador lost the match, the tension between states has increased and 14 June the army losing team went on the offensive on Honduras. Four days Salvadoran military avenged the inhabitants of Honduras for the defeat of his football team. After stepping Organization of American States and lawlessness has been discontinued. Casualties in the war totaled 3,000.
4. The longest war
Ironically, the longest war that was in our civilization, there were no single victim. It is a war between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly, located at the south-west coast of the UK. No one remembers who first and why in 1651 declared this war, but the fact remains - for all time "hostilities" was killed no one. In 1986, the war and remembered the peace treaty. If all the wars were such ...
5. Pig contention
In 1859, a British infantryman shot a pig roam the American soil. Outraged Americans declared war. For four months, she developed a plan of revenge by the British troops, build tactics and strategy of war, but in the end the British apologized, saying it was an accident. This war ended. Losses in war: 1 pig.
6. War of pork and beans
Another funny confrontation between the United States and Great Britain on the border of Maine. After the War of 1812, British troops occupied much of eastern Maine, and despite the lack of troops in the area is still considered her a British territory. In winter 1838 American loggers sawed wood in the disputed area, and as a result provoked the wrath of the United Kingdom, which has transferred troops to the area. States, too, pulled back the troops and it seemed that the war would be inevitable. For eleven months of expected active military actions that have not started. Due to an error in the department of supplies, the US military received a lot of beans and pork, which overeat, and then arranged "gas attack" frightening loud sounds British. Although military action has not been taken from disease and accidents in 11 months of inactivity, more than 550 have died on both sides.
7. The war of stray dogs
In 1925, Greece and Bulgaria were sworn enemies. They fought each other during World War II, and the wounds have not yet healed. Tensions were particularly acute at the border in an area called Petrich. There's fragile peace was broken Oct. 22, 1925, when the Greek soldiers caught up with the dog, runs off to the Bulgarian border and was killed by a Bulgarian sentry. Greece has promised to take revenge and invaded Petrich the very next day. They quickly cleared the frontier region, killing more than fifty Bulgarian soldiers, but further inland were not able to move. The League of Nations to halt the invasion and leave Petrich. Ten days later, Greece withdrew its troops, paying 45,000 pounds Bulgaria compensation for damages.
8. The Paraguayan War
The president of Paraguay Francisco Solano Lopez, was a great admirer of Napoleon Bonaparte. He fancied himself as a professional strategist and an excellent commander, but lacked one thing - war. To solve this small problem, in 1864, he declared war immediately surrounding Paraguay three countries - Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The outcome of the war? Paraguay was almost completely destroyed and devastated. It is estimated that about 90% of the male population died during the war, disease and famine. It lasted senseless slaughter in the name of glory commander from 1864 to 1870. The losses in this war amounted to more than 400,000 people, which is a colossal figure for Latin America at the time.
9. Bucket contention
This war began in 1325, when the rivalry between the independent city-states of Modena and Bologna reached its peak because of the simple wooden bucket. The problems began when a group of soldiers raided Modena to Bologna and stole a wooden bucket in one of the wells. Wanting to get back the stolen thing, Bologna and declared war for 12 years tried unsuccessfully to regain the lost wooden bucket. To this day, the trophy is kept in Modena.
10. Lizhar against France
In 1883, the inhabitants of a small village in southern Spain Lizhar were furious when they learned that their beloved Spanish King Alfonso XII Frenchies insulted during a visit to Paris. In response, the mayor Lizhara, Don Miguel Garcia Saez, and with it all the 300 villagers October 14, 1883 declared war on France. Bloodless after the war ended in '93, when the Spanish King Juan Carlos made a trip to Paris during which to him with great respect by the French. In 1981, the city council Lizhara stated that "due to the excellent relations with the French & quot ;, they cease hostilities and agree to a peace treaty with France.
1. The Australian army against emus
In 1932, the population of emus in Australia is out of control. It is estimated that over 20 000 voracious birds ran through the desert and no one, in principle, not hurt except for the valiant Australian Army. Military Staff of the country decided to teach bred ostriches and announced "for fun" war on them, the results of which the poor birds were not funny. During the week, a group of soldiers armed with machine guns arranged in a desert ambush unsuspecting enemy. It was a bloody November. Seven days were killed emus in 2500, and then the Australian army surrendered. The soldiers refused to take part in a brutal massacre. As it turned out later on that there were other reasons. Kill emu in fact, it was not so simple. Even affected several machine-gun bullets strong birds continued to run ahead of Australian soldiers heavily loaded.
2. The war in Transnistria
In 1992, Transnistria on the ruins of the Soviet Union war broke out. About four months were fighting for what had been irrelevant. But it was really weird to see late at night on neutral territory drinkers fighters from both warring parties. Soldiers even concluded agreements do not shoot at each other the next day, if you accept the one with whom drank. This happened not just one or two nights and regularly. One soldier wrote in his diary: "The war is a grotesque show. During the day, we will kill our enemies, and then during the night we drink with them. What a strange thing ... this war. " War of Transnistria in 1300 claimed lives on both sides.
3. Football War
Some wars begin with a surprise attack, the other with a mass slaughter, and this began with a football match between El Salvador and Honduras in 1969. El Salvador lost the match, the tension between states has increased and 14 June the army losing team went on the offensive on Honduras. Four days Salvadoran military avenged the inhabitants of Honduras for the defeat of his football team. After stepping Organization of American States and lawlessness has been discontinued. Casualties in the war totaled 3,000.
4. The longest war
Ironically, the longest war that was in our civilization, there were no single victim. It is a war between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly, located at the south-west coast of the UK. No one remembers who first and why in 1651 declared this war, but the fact remains - for all time "hostilities" was killed no one. In 1986, the war and remembered the peace treaty. If all the wars were such ...
5. Pig contention
In 1859, a British infantryman shot a pig roam the American soil. Outraged Americans declared war. For four months, she developed a plan of revenge by the British troops, build tactics and strategy of war, but in the end the British apologized, saying it was an accident. This war ended. Losses in war: 1 pig.
6. War of pork and beans
Another funny confrontation between the United States and Great Britain on the border of Maine. After the War of 1812, British troops occupied much of eastern Maine, and despite the lack of troops in the area is still considered her a British territory. In winter 1838 American loggers sawed wood in the disputed area, and as a result provoked the wrath of the United Kingdom, which has transferred troops to the area. States, too, pulled back the troops and it seemed that the war would be inevitable. For eleven months of expected active military actions that have not started. Due to an error in the department of supplies, the US military received a lot of beans and pork, which overeat, and then arranged "gas attack" frightening loud sounds British. Although military action has not been taken from disease and accidents in 11 months of inactivity, more than 550 have died on both sides.
7. The war of stray dogs
In 1925, Greece and Bulgaria were sworn enemies. They fought each other during World War II, and the wounds have not yet healed. Tensions were particularly acute at the border in an area called Petrich. There's fragile peace was broken Oct. 22, 1925, when the Greek soldiers caught up with the dog, runs off to the Bulgarian border and was killed by a Bulgarian sentry. Greece has promised to take revenge and invaded Petrich the very next day. They quickly cleared the frontier region, killing more than fifty Bulgarian soldiers, but further inland were not able to move. The League of Nations to halt the invasion and leave Petrich. Ten days later, Greece withdrew its troops, paying 45,000 pounds Bulgaria compensation for damages.
8. The Paraguayan War
The president of Paraguay Francisco Solano Lopez, was a great admirer of Napoleon Bonaparte. He fancied himself as a professional strategist and an excellent commander, but lacked one thing - war. To solve this small problem, in 1864, he declared war immediately surrounding Paraguay three countries - Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The outcome of the war? Paraguay was almost completely destroyed and devastated. It is estimated that about 90% of the male population died during the war, disease and famine. It lasted senseless slaughter in the name of glory commander from 1864 to 1870. The losses in this war amounted to more than 400,000 people, which is a colossal figure for Latin America at the time.
9. Bucket contention
This war began in 1325, when the rivalry between the independent city-states of Modena and Bologna reached its peak because of the simple wooden bucket. The problems began when a group of soldiers raided Modena to Bologna and stole a wooden bucket in one of the wells. Wanting to get back the stolen thing, Bologna and declared war for 12 years tried unsuccessfully to regain the lost wooden bucket. To this day, the trophy is kept in Modena.
10. Lizhar against France
In 1883, the inhabitants of a small village in southern Spain Lizhar were furious when they learned that their beloved Spanish King Alfonso XII Frenchies insulted during a visit to Paris. In response, the mayor Lizhara, Don Miguel Garcia Saez, and with it all the 300 villagers October 14, 1883 declared war on France. Bloodless after the war ended in '93, when the Spanish King Juan Carlos made a trip to Paris during which to him with great respect by the French. In 1981, the city council Lizhara stated that "due to the excellent relations with the French & quot ;, they cease hostilities and agree to a peace treaty with France.