2 Ways to Impact Cancer Cells – Read All!
Cancer is a program.The DNA molecule contains information about what kind of cell it is, how it should work, and what functions it should perform. And all of a sudden, she's got a work program erased, and all she's got is a program on how to eat, go to the toilet, and reproduce. At the same time, she does no work. It's calledcancer.
A cancer cell is not a diseased cell, it is healthier than healthy cells, it is powerful, young, it is a parasite. When there is one cancer cell in the liver, nothing happens, and if there are 90% of them, the liver becomes a parasite in captivity, it does not want to do anything. We die because we choke on our own bile under-oxidized products.
Cancer can be treated in two ways:
1. Trying to kill a young cancer cell, But it's very hard to kill her. And our healthy cells nearby will die first. For example, in the mammary gland, when irradiated, healthy cells first die, and then cancer cells.
2. You can activate your own.immunity. The only thing that can destroy this cancer cell is immunity.
The theory of cancer treatment has gone the other way - by the method of killing the cancer cell. The patient is discharged after 2-3 chemicals or radiation and dies of anemia, because the liver is depleted from intoxication. The patient forgot to feed, did not give antioxidants, antibiotics.
Someone reprogrammed the cell, it didn't reprogram itself.
It could be:
Someone put her on this program or erased her own.
All carcinogens are positively charged, they are free radical groups, and the cell is negatively charged. They sit on the cell, they block the cell membrane, and it melts right away.
And when we drink negatively charged water, we regenerate the cell membrane. And if we drinkantioxidants:
Microhydrin does not have an anti-cancer effect, but it has an antioxidant that protects the cell.
Doctors are afraid of heart attack, stroke and tumor. With everything else you can live, you can somehow adapt and live long if nothing is broken.
Tumors. mastopathy, fibroids require a person to take care of themselves.
Such a tumor must be constantly influenced and monitored: it grows, does not grow. But you always have to look for a pathogen.
If you don’t match food, drink, psychology and everything else, you’re unlikely to recover even if you add zinc and selenium.
It is necessary to be examined for a viral-bacterial group.
You cannot take toxic medications.
You can’t blame heredity and pretend to be victims.
It is necessary to calmly reduce the harm of all causes in this situation. If we reduce all causes by 30%, our health will increase by 30%. If we only eat food and eat all the food additives in the world, but do not move, drink, we will not get results. It's best to do a little bit.
You need to think about what prevents you from being healthy? Everyone will have their own reason.
First find out for yourself, and then negotiate with yourself.
It's hard to start eating well right away. Write to yourself that you will never eat. If there is no good food, do not eat a bad one..
Humans do not have clear algorithms. We will still go to restaurants, visit each other, have yeast dough. But there are products that under no circumstances can not be used:
Vinegar removes the most carcinogenic substances from plastic.
We can't eat.:
You can't eat smoked cheese. It is better to eat "Suluguni" or brynza, but cheeseless. Floated cheese will not dissolve in the body.
We can't eat. mushroom.
Hard to give up. yeast-bread. A person without it begins to miss proteins.
If the condiments include artificial additives such as sodium glutamate, they can not be added to food.
Noodles "Do Chirac", instant coffee, juice from the store These are foods that should never be eaten.
Tomato juice. They add foam suppressant. In the cheese mass They add baking powder, dyes. It is better to take natural cottage cheese and add to it what you want.
In chocolate. There's arginine. This is the acid that is responsible for orgasm. And if there is a lot of chocolate, then there is an addiction and arginine ceases to be produced. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat chocolate. If sugar, milk and cocoa are added to dark chocolate, it can be eaten. And if there are food concentrates, then there is no point in eating them.
Milk can be sold in antiseptic packaging, which means that dimexide or antibiotic has been added. Milk, being in such a package, attracts all antiseptics.
The firm “McDonald’s” came up with such an antioxidant that the potatoes do not turn black and are stored for 4 months. And the employees of this company give a non-disclosure subscription, up to physical destruction.
The difference between fast and non-fast food is that the first products are prepared in advance, and so as not to spoil - use preservatives.
In cocktails. add thirst enhancers, substances of the caffeine group with a semi-drug effect. And these cocktails are kids drinking. A normal person does not drink or eat it.
In the crackers add sodium glutamate because salting is more expensive.
In manufacture air-corn They use an explosion at a temperature of 140 degrees, but at this temperature sugar burns and it turns out ugly and tasteless. So they took cyclomat, which is a carcinogenic substance. And this corn is eaten by children.
You have to take unsweetened flakes. Add yourself powdered sugar, jam, honey.
The company "Danon" gives advertising about living bacteria. Living bacteria live from three to six days, no more. And their products are stored for six months. When they pass their products for examination, everything is fine there, and then they irradiate them.
The Americans solved the problem of salmonellosis on eggs. They irradiate all the eggs. The product does not become radioactive, but the proteins die, although some of the isotopes remain on the product.
Yogurts are irradiated, too.
Natural antiseptics are onions and garlic, everything else is chemistry.
For the preservation of red caviar, camping fuel and citric acid are used, formaldehyde is obtained. They also prepare low-salt herring, red fish. Nestlé, Knorr, Mars, Snickers are genetic engineering.
This information can be checked on the Internet on the Greenpeace website in the section baby food.
Now the child can be killed up to three years. Enough diapers, nutrition, vaccinations and in three years you can get a complete allergy. You can feed with colostrum, spirulina, add garlic, lecithin. Lecithin can be given from five to ten months. Puncture the hole and squeeze out the third part of the capsule.
If there is no milk, then cook semolina, oatmeal.
Domestic mixtures "Baby" are normal, but they must be sieved through a sieve to remove all the sugar. One pack produces 6-7 tablespoons of sugar.
There should be no chemical additives in milk powder.
There's no sugar in the cherry, apricot jam, but it's all chemistry.
Lipton tea with a pear taste uses butyl acetate, acetic acid, which has a pear taste. Instead of lemon, a special citric acid is used.
You need to use zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper, greens. For the winter, you can prepare everything that is in the fall; cut and freeze in small plastic jars.
Jam. We're talking vitamins. Vitamin is energy. Take currants, raspberries and add 2 kg of sugar per 1 kg of currants or vapor. Thus, we destroy all vitamins and all enzymes. Sugar is a powerful preservative.
We can do things differently. Take all the fruit and grind on a meat grinder or mixer and add sugar to taste, then close in small plastic bottles and put in the freezer. Such jam is stored for three years. When you get it, it will be completely fresh. Remove a disposable portion from the freezer, and for half an hour the products retain all the value. The main problem with jam is that it is sweet and we can’t eat much of it.
Causes of cancer
With cancer cells, the lymph node is very difficult to cope with. He lacks the immunity to fight them. When the lymph nodes of the first order are affected, it is cancer of the first degree. If distant, it is cancer of 3.4 degrees.
The causes of cancer are the same as in sinusitis, hemorrhoids and other diseases:
1. Ecology.
2. Psychology.
3. Lack of immunity.
4. Poor nutrition.
It has been proven that there are more than 150 species of concern. Soot is a proven carcinogen because chimney sweeps have skin cancer 5 times more common than other people. Cigarette smoke, tar are also carcinogens, because smokers are 7 times more likely to get sick than non-smokers.
Of the many preservatives, stabilizers, dyes, more than 70 are recognized as stimulating cancer.
We use products with these additives. Can we protect ourselves from that?
That question is hard to answer. No one knows if he has cancer or not.
It's a philosophical question. Anything can cause cancer.
-man maybe nachcoatEat normally, clean regularly, frommenfloodlifestyle, up to the area, apartment, water. And there are some things you should give up once and for all, like smoking.
Many things cannot be predicted: ecology, stress, chlorinated water.
You can protect yourself from cancer conditionally. And you can't even think about it. It doesn't matter what you die from, you can't choose a better death.
We need to think about how to make it easier for the body to fight, but not with cancer, even the word this should not be mentioned, but against everything. To make the body stronger.
We need to work on positive images.
If we drink selenium as a protection against cancer, it is one program, and if we drink selenium to strengthen immunity or to increase the respiratory activity of cells, that is, to protect cells, then this is another program.
Programs are also positive and negative. The body is very wise, it knows for sure that if the liver is sick - do not eat fatty, the legs are sick - the joints cease to bend, the head is sick - you will not be able to work.
You need to write on paper those things that interfere with your health that you will not do tomorrow. Gradually normalize nutrition. Resolutely refuse juices, tea and drink only water. If you drink some liquid, and then a liter of water, then there will be no effect. If a person does not have energy, then coffee will not cheer up. Do not fool yourself with artificial vitamins, do not create illusions about the long storage of food, do not harvest anything for the winter with hundreds of cans. It is not necessary, it is not absorbed. Food must be frozen.
You need to reconsider your attitude to your health. There is no specific cancer prevention. Each person forms 100 cancer cells a day and the immune system destroys them. This means working on microcirculation, it is necessary that the body is always clean, there is good energy. If you eat dead food, there will be no living energy.
What medications can be used to avoid harm
If you lead a cancer patient or write an algorithm for yourself to maintain, then in the first place. need antioxidantsThese are cellular defense options. Antioxidants can be used at any stage to any patient. These include:
These are proven antioxidants. No doctor would object to selenium. Vitamin C and aloe act ambiguously.
Now there are works by Seyanov, conducting experiments on dogs or mice. microhydrate, which suggest that it delays metastasis and improves the condition, but microhydrin for cancer has not been tested. Silicon, which is part of microhydrin, is an element of protection, an element of anti-cancer immunity. Microhydrin, being a derivative of rice, does not carry a stimulating effect like a vitamin.
Activin You can not use it, because it includes ginseng, and it has a biostimulating effect.
You can use 100%. andMinoacids:
If a person has a serious tumor, then he can live on these drugs for a long time. A patient with stomach cancer lived for a year, and other products were not digested.
Giving a year of life to a person is wonderful!
A breast tumor is small, it will not squeeze anything, but the lymphatic system is spreading and metastasis is obtained, and this is a slippage of immunity.
Immunity in the blood or lymph should work, and for this it needs water, it needs energy. Even if the patient does not cope with the disease, he will live longer.
The decision on surgery or treatment should be made by the patient. In 5-8 years, cancer will be treated. This was stated by the world community. In 12 years, all serious diseases will be solved. So we've got 5-7 years left.
In many countries, cancer is treated, just these drugs are in the testing stage. The Petrov Institute in St. Petersburg treats with cell cultures. In Kiev, the Institute of Experimental Oncology went bankrupt, but interesting experiments were conducted there.
As long as a man moves, he can live. And even if you have 100 diseases, you can live longer than someone who doesn’t. We are all in absolutely equal conditions. When you get sick, you get depression because every diagnosis is a label.
If a person has a stone in the gallbladder, then do not worry about the fact that you can not eat something, you need to abandon some products and continue to live.
We're not adapted to be sick. We think about it a lot, become tedious, vulnerable. As long as a person lives, he has a health reserve. Our job is to define a health algorithm for yourself, and when you make sure it works, your quality of life will improve.
A woman should take a photo every six months and watch her age in order to stop eating something unnecessary. Stalina Velichko, who is 70 years old, looks young, says that I was sick and old, I want to be young and healthy.
We are constantly in a fuss, but there must come a point where we have to stop and write how to live, although it is very difficult. We know what to do if something gets sick. You have to deal with yourself systematically. If one of the factors is zero, then the whole result will be zero.
If you do homeopathy on a professional level, it is not serious, because without movement, psychology, breathing, we will not go far.
We need to know a little bit about everything and do a little bit. You got the information. In the past, you could say that you didn’t know, but now you know what you can’t do and what you can do, but you do not. This means that you do not love yourself, your children, your parents.
It does not matter when the drug enters the body before meals, after or instead. It's already working.
There are diseases called incurable, for example, diabetes. We shouldn't say we'll cure him. It's the endocrine system. The first and most important thing is water. The number should be set by the patient himself. This is the first disease in which you need to remove all drinks except water. The patient doesn't even need juice. Vitamins can be obtained from an apple. It only needs clean water because the blood is sugared.
The causes of diabetes have not been established. It is assumed that the body lacks fats (butter, vegetable oil), and it begins to produce sugar. The liver has a daily supply of glycogen, which is made from sugar. And in order to maintain this reserve, the concentration of sugar in the liver vein is much higher than in all others. And the liver controls the pancreas, how much sugar is produced.
The world went on a low-fat diet, and the rate of diabetes increased dramatically. A liver that does not receive energy will increase sugar. If no one lives in the liver and it is clean, then diabetes does not happen.
Also interesting: Diabetes symptoms
Cancer is a symptom, not a disease
There is hereditary diabetes, which occurs in childhood. Nobody knows why. Every 4th person in the world suffers from diabetes. It makes sense to take care of your liver all the time. She doesn'tfittinglyYou:
Author: Olga Butakova
Source: corallinna.com/index/prichini_raka/0-121
A cancer cell is not a diseased cell, it is healthier than healthy cells, it is powerful, young, it is a parasite. When there is one cancer cell in the liver, nothing happens, and if there are 90% of them, the liver becomes a parasite in captivity, it does not want to do anything. We die because we choke on our own bile under-oxidized products.

Cancer can be treated in two ways:
1. Trying to kill a young cancer cell, But it's very hard to kill her. And our healthy cells nearby will die first. For example, in the mammary gland, when irradiated, healthy cells first die, and then cancer cells.
2. You can activate your own.immunity. The only thing that can destroy this cancer cell is immunity.
The theory of cancer treatment has gone the other way - by the method of killing the cancer cell. The patient is discharged after 2-3 chemicals or radiation and dies of anemia, because the liver is depleted from intoxication. The patient forgot to feed, did not give antioxidants, antibiotics.
Someone reprogrammed the cell, it didn't reprogram itself.
It could be:
- virus
- bacteria,
- Trichomonas,
- cytomegalovirus,
- Papillomavirus.
Someone put her on this program or erased her own.
All carcinogens are positively charged, they are free radical groups, and the cell is negatively charged. They sit on the cell, they block the cell membrane, and it melts right away.
And when we drink negatively charged water, we regenerate the cell membrane. And if we drinkantioxidants:
- zinc,
- selenium
- microhydrin,
Microhydrin does not have an anti-cancer effect, but it has an antioxidant that protects the cell.
Doctors are afraid of heart attack, stroke and tumor. With everything else you can live, you can somehow adapt and live long if nothing is broken.
Tumors. mastopathy, fibroids require a person to take care of themselves.
Such a tumor must be constantly influenced and monitored: it grows, does not grow. But you always have to look for a pathogen.
If you don’t match food, drink, psychology and everything else, you’re unlikely to recover even if you add zinc and selenium.
It is necessary to be examined for a viral-bacterial group.
You cannot take toxic medications.
You can’t blame heredity and pretend to be victims.
It is necessary to calmly reduce the harm of all causes in this situation. If we reduce all causes by 30%, our health will increase by 30%. If we only eat food and eat all the food additives in the world, but do not move, drink, we will not get results. It's best to do a little bit.

You need to think about what prevents you from being healthy? Everyone will have their own reason.
First find out for yourself, and then negotiate with yourself.
It's hard to start eating well right away. Write to yourself that you will never eat. If there is no good food, do not eat a bad one..
Humans do not have clear algorithms. We will still go to restaurants, visit each other, have yeast dough. But there are products that under no circumstances can not be used:
- chips
- cube broths,
- Mayonnaise in plastic packaging.
Vinegar removes the most carcinogenic substances from plastic.
We can't eat.:
- smoked products,
- boiled sausage,
- cheese-dried sausages.
You can't eat smoked cheese. It is better to eat "Suluguni" or brynza, but cheeseless. Floated cheese will not dissolve in the body.
We can't eat. mushroom.
Hard to give up. yeast-bread. A person without it begins to miss proteins.
If the condiments include artificial additives such as sodium glutamate, they can not be added to food.
Noodles "Do Chirac", instant coffee, juice from the store These are foods that should never be eaten.
Tomato juice. They add foam suppressant. In the cheese mass They add baking powder, dyes. It is better to take natural cottage cheese and add to it what you want.
In chocolate. There's arginine. This is the acid that is responsible for orgasm. And if there is a lot of chocolate, then there is an addiction and arginine ceases to be produced. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat chocolate. If sugar, milk and cocoa are added to dark chocolate, it can be eaten. And if there are food concentrates, then there is no point in eating them.
Milk can be sold in antiseptic packaging, which means that dimexide or antibiotic has been added. Milk, being in such a package, attracts all antiseptics.
The firm “McDonald’s” came up with such an antioxidant that the potatoes do not turn black and are stored for 4 months. And the employees of this company give a non-disclosure subscription, up to physical destruction.
The difference between fast and non-fast food is that the first products are prepared in advance, and so as not to spoil - use preservatives.
In cocktails. add thirst enhancers, substances of the caffeine group with a semi-drug effect. And these cocktails are kids drinking. A normal person does not drink or eat it.
In the crackers add sodium glutamate because salting is more expensive.

In manufacture air-corn They use an explosion at a temperature of 140 degrees, but at this temperature sugar burns and it turns out ugly and tasteless. So they took cyclomat, which is a carcinogenic substance. And this corn is eaten by children.
You have to take unsweetened flakes. Add yourself powdered sugar, jam, honey.
The company "Danon" gives advertising about living bacteria. Living bacteria live from three to six days, no more. And their products are stored for six months. When they pass their products for examination, everything is fine there, and then they irradiate them.
The Americans solved the problem of salmonellosis on eggs. They irradiate all the eggs. The product does not become radioactive, but the proteins die, although some of the isotopes remain on the product.
Yogurts are irradiated, too.
Natural antiseptics are onions and garlic, everything else is chemistry.
For the preservation of red caviar, camping fuel and citric acid are used, formaldehyde is obtained. They also prepare low-salt herring, red fish. Nestlé, Knorr, Mars, Snickers are genetic engineering.
This information can be checked on the Internet on the Greenpeace website in the section baby food.
Now the child can be killed up to three years. Enough diapers, nutrition, vaccinations and in three years you can get a complete allergy. You can feed with colostrum, spirulina, add garlic, lecithin. Lecithin can be given from five to ten months. Puncture the hole and squeeze out the third part of the capsule.
If there is no milk, then cook semolina, oatmeal.
Domestic mixtures "Baby" are normal, but they must be sieved through a sieve to remove all the sugar. One pack produces 6-7 tablespoons of sugar.
There should be no chemical additives in milk powder.
There's no sugar in the cherry, apricot jam, but it's all chemistry.
Lipton tea with a pear taste uses butyl acetate, acetic acid, which has a pear taste. Instead of lemon, a special citric acid is used.
You need to use zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper, greens. For the winter, you can prepare everything that is in the fall; cut and freeze in small plastic jars.

Jam. We're talking vitamins. Vitamin is energy. Take currants, raspberries and add 2 kg of sugar per 1 kg of currants or vapor. Thus, we destroy all vitamins and all enzymes. Sugar is a powerful preservative.
We can do things differently. Take all the fruit and grind on a meat grinder or mixer and add sugar to taste, then close in small plastic bottles and put in the freezer. Such jam is stored for three years. When you get it, it will be completely fresh. Remove a disposable portion from the freezer, and for half an hour the products retain all the value. The main problem with jam is that it is sweet and we can’t eat much of it.
Causes of cancer
With cancer cells, the lymph node is very difficult to cope with. He lacks the immunity to fight them. When the lymph nodes of the first order are affected, it is cancer of the first degree. If distant, it is cancer of 3.4 degrees.

The causes of cancer are the same as in sinusitis, hemorrhoids and other diseases:
1. Ecology.
2. Psychology.
3. Lack of immunity.
4. Poor nutrition.
It has been proven that there are more than 150 species of concern. Soot is a proven carcinogen because chimney sweeps have skin cancer 5 times more common than other people. Cigarette smoke, tar are also carcinogens, because smokers are 7 times more likely to get sick than non-smokers.
Of the many preservatives, stabilizers, dyes, more than 70 are recognized as stimulating cancer.
We use products with these additives. Can we protect ourselves from that?
That question is hard to answer. No one knows if he has cancer or not.
It's a philosophical question. Anything can cause cancer.
-man maybe nachcoatEat normally, clean regularly, frommenfloodlifestyle, up to the area, apartment, water. And there are some things you should give up once and for all, like smoking.
Many things cannot be predicted: ecology, stress, chlorinated water.
You can protect yourself from cancer conditionally. And you can't even think about it. It doesn't matter what you die from, you can't choose a better death.
We need to think about how to make it easier for the body to fight, but not with cancer, even the word this should not be mentioned, but against everything. To make the body stronger.
We need to work on positive images.
If we drink selenium as a protection against cancer, it is one program, and if we drink selenium to strengthen immunity or to increase the respiratory activity of cells, that is, to protect cells, then this is another program.
Programs are also positive and negative. The body is very wise, it knows for sure that if the liver is sick - do not eat fatty, the legs are sick - the joints cease to bend, the head is sick - you will not be able to work.
You need to write on paper those things that interfere with your health that you will not do tomorrow. Gradually normalize nutrition. Resolutely refuse juices, tea and drink only water. If you drink some liquid, and then a liter of water, then there will be no effect. If a person does not have energy, then coffee will not cheer up. Do not fool yourself with artificial vitamins, do not create illusions about the long storage of food, do not harvest anything for the winter with hundreds of cans. It is not necessary, it is not absorbed. Food must be frozen.
You need to reconsider your attitude to your health. There is no specific cancer prevention. Each person forms 100 cancer cells a day and the immune system destroys them. This means working on microcirculation, it is necessary that the body is always clean, there is good energy. If you eat dead food, there will be no living energy.
What medications can be used to avoid harm
If you lead a cancer patient or write an algorithm for yourself to maintain, then in the first place. need antioxidantsThese are cellular defense options. Antioxidants can be used at any stage to any patient. These include:
- zinc,
- selenium
- vitamin E,
- Ficoten.
These are proven antioxidants. No doctor would object to selenium. Vitamin C and aloe act ambiguously.
Now there are works by Seyanov, conducting experiments on dogs or mice. microhydrate, which suggest that it delays metastasis and improves the condition, but microhydrin for cancer has not been tested. Silicon, which is part of microhydrin, is an element of protection, an element of anti-cancer immunity. Microhydrin, being a derivative of rice, does not carry a stimulating effect like a vitamin.
Activin You can not use it, because it includes ginseng, and it has a biostimulating effect.

You can use 100%. andMinoacids:
- spirulina,
- resist
- alfalfa,
- chlorodophilus.
If a person has a serious tumor, then he can live on these drugs for a long time. A patient with stomach cancer lived for a year, and other products were not digested.
Giving a year of life to a person is wonderful!
A breast tumor is small, it will not squeeze anything, but the lymphatic system is spreading and metastasis is obtained, and this is a slippage of immunity.
Immunity in the blood or lymph should work, and for this it needs water, it needs energy. Even if the patient does not cope with the disease, he will live longer.
The decision on surgery or treatment should be made by the patient. In 5-8 years, cancer will be treated. This was stated by the world community. In 12 years, all serious diseases will be solved. So we've got 5-7 years left.
In many countries, cancer is treated, just these drugs are in the testing stage. The Petrov Institute in St. Petersburg treats with cell cultures. In Kiev, the Institute of Experimental Oncology went bankrupt, but interesting experiments were conducted there.
As long as a man moves, he can live. And even if you have 100 diseases, you can live longer than someone who doesn’t. We are all in absolutely equal conditions. When you get sick, you get depression because every diagnosis is a label.
If a person has a stone in the gallbladder, then do not worry about the fact that you can not eat something, you need to abandon some products and continue to live.
We're not adapted to be sick. We think about it a lot, become tedious, vulnerable. As long as a person lives, he has a health reserve. Our job is to define a health algorithm for yourself, and when you make sure it works, your quality of life will improve.
A woman should take a photo every six months and watch her age in order to stop eating something unnecessary. Stalina Velichko, who is 70 years old, looks young, says that I was sick and old, I want to be young and healthy.
We are constantly in a fuss, but there must come a point where we have to stop and write how to live, although it is very difficult. We know what to do if something gets sick. You have to deal with yourself systematically. If one of the factors is zero, then the whole result will be zero.
If you do homeopathy on a professional level, it is not serious, because without movement, psychology, breathing, we will not go far.
We need to know a little bit about everything and do a little bit. You got the information. In the past, you could say that you didn’t know, but now you know what you can’t do and what you can do, but you do not. This means that you do not love yourself, your children, your parents.
It does not matter when the drug enters the body before meals, after or instead. It's already working.
There are diseases called incurable, for example, diabetes. We shouldn't say we'll cure him. It's the endocrine system. The first and most important thing is water. The number should be set by the patient himself. This is the first disease in which you need to remove all drinks except water. The patient doesn't even need juice. Vitamins can be obtained from an apple. It only needs clean water because the blood is sugared.
The causes of diabetes have not been established. It is assumed that the body lacks fats (butter, vegetable oil), and it begins to produce sugar. The liver has a daily supply of glycogen, which is made from sugar. And in order to maintain this reserve, the concentration of sugar in the liver vein is much higher than in all others. And the liver controls the pancreas, how much sugar is produced.
The world went on a low-fat diet, and the rate of diabetes increased dramatically. A liver that does not receive energy will increase sugar. If no one lives in the liver and it is clean, then diabetes does not happen.
Also interesting: Diabetes symptoms
Cancer is a symptom, not a disease
There is hereditary diabetes, which occurs in childhood. Nobody knows why. Every 4th person in the world suffers from diabetes. It makes sense to take care of your liver all the time. She doesn'tfittinglyYou:
- sulfur
- black-nut leaf,
- spirulina,
- licorice
- Megaacidophilus.
Author: Olga Butakova
Source: corallinna.com/index/prichini_raka/0-121