Cholesterol: consume less, sick, more
Traveling to isolated parts of the world, Dr. Weston A. Price found that traditional community appreciate animal fats. The locals cherish the summer butter, the Eskimos eat fish, dipping it in seal oil, and the Indians eat mostly meat and entrails of moose and deer.
Despite the abundance of cholesterol, is food allowed indigenous peoples to maintain health and strength. And those who switched to civilized food (white bread, sugar and vegetable oil), had poor health, including cardiovascular disease.
Known Sirotka Victoria Butenko also visited several places where there are many people that are older than 100 years. To the question "What is your diet?", centenarians Yakutia, said: "we Have the best diet in the world. We eat meat and raw fish".
In fact, cholesterol is not the enemy, and one of the most important substances in the animal organism. Cholesterol is a building material that gives strength to cell membranes, serves as a material for the production of bile acids, steroid hormones, synthesis of vitamin D performs many other functions. Ketogenic diet (90% calorie from fat) is a means of cancer prevention and treatment.
A hundred years ago people did not occur to avoid eating animal products. On the contrary, the diet of our ancestors animal products were valued, and cardiovascular disease were rare.
The myth about the harmfulness of cholesterol appeared in 1912, subsequently, misinterpretation of results, incorrect experiment. Russian the pathophysiology Anichkin fed herbivores rabbits with a solution of cholesterol. Rabbits got sick, and Anichkin has concluded that cholesterol is harmful to humans.
This is the same as to forbid the cows eat hay because the dog food so badly. In the years that followed were hundreds of studies already on mice and rats. The results of the studies have been conflicting and no recommendation to change the nutrition scientists were not given.
The theory Anichkina not mentioned until 1950, In this year, the American physiologist Keyes published a book in which he tried to understand why some countries mortality from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are low and in others high. His verdict - to blame animal fat and cholesterol.
But the Case is not included in the study, France, which contradicted his conclusions. The low level of CVD in Japan, it was explained by the predominance in the diet of fish oils, although fish is a lot of cholesterol. Ultimately, the Case is selectively used data from 7 countries, except France, have ignored the 14 countries for which there was information.
Still some time continued to debate who are guilty of CVD — fats or sugar. In the end I won the Case (with the assistance of the sugar corporations) and the cholesterol war was declared. The consumption of animal fats has decreased in many countries and in the US butter is even used as fuel in power plants.
The first evidence of the futility of limiting cholesterol in the diet, were obtained in the midst of anticholesterol hysteria. In 1991 in the respected medical journal published an article about the 88-year-old man who consumed every day 25 chicken eggs.
He received cholesterol, 20 times the recommended maximum, while having a blood cholesterol level below the us average. To answer the question "where does the extra cholesterol?", studies have been conducted. For two months he and 11 volunteers (use for no more than 5 eggs a day), added to food labeled with radioactive elements cholesterol.
The results showed that no main subject, no other volunteers the level of cholesterol in the blood is not increased. Excess cholesterol 20% decreased cholesterol synthesis in the liver, part of the cholesterol used for bile. The patient most cholesterol is just not absorbed through the gut and went along with the undigested remnants of food.
This study, like many others, was to finally destroy the myth of cholesterol, if he did not have influential patrons. The food industry gladly embraced the idea that cheap vegetable oil is useful the start of their active use and advertising. For example, if corn oil before, it was just a by-product of starch production, now "useful" product that can be sold to consumers.
As it became known, in 1967, the sugar producers paid to three scientists from Harvard in the report, which blames the development of CVD fats, not sugar. Calorie low-fat products had something to fill, and this niche is occupied by sugar. Advertising and promotion is firmly hammered into people's heads the idea that animal fats are bad and vegetable.
Another defender of the cholesterol theory is the pharmaceutical industry. On the recommendations to move more or to eat less sugar and industrial products not make any money. But if blaming cholesterol, you can sell the tablets (statins) with many side effects that have to take the rest of your life.
By the end of 90-x years the pharmaceutical industry has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the development of statins, and was ready to "treat" cholesterol in the world. It is clear that no research could not prevent to do it. In the result of pharmaceutical companies selling statins to tens of billions of dollars, and the level of CVD and counting.
Another medical organization from time to time, I like to reduce the rate of cholesterol in the blood. If yesterday a man was healthy, today released the new rules, and he needs to take pills. In terms of the who, 90% of the Norwegian population over the age of 45 are in need of statins. And the Norwegians are one of the healthiest peoples of Europe.
Perhaps, by modern standards, our ancestors also needed the statins, although in the early twentieth century, atherosclerosis was rare. Despite the lobbying of statins, pharmaceutical companies, research and common sense prevail. In 2011, the FDA (Management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines of the USA) recognized the statins are dangerous, and in 2016 — and even ineffective for the treatment of CVD.
It is now common knowledge that 80% of cholesterol is produced by the body, especially the liver. From vegans who do not consume animal food, often high levels of cholesterol in the blood. This is not surprising, because cell renewal of the intestinal cholesterol is needed as building material.
If the food comes too little cholesterol, the liver has to synthesize more cholesterol, which is delivered to the cells of the intestine, of course, through the blood. According to Dr. Castelli (former Director of the large-scale Framingham study), "in our study, the more saturated fat people ate, the more he ate cholesterol, the lower was the cholesterol level".
Heart attacks and strokes occur in people with both high and low levels of cholesterol. In some of the atherosclerotic plaques found in 10 times more calcium than cholesterol, but some contain large quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids. One of the Champions of CVD is Bulgaria, where it is used very little animal fats.
Residents of Northern India eat a lot of butter, and in South used in food mainly vegetable oil. The death rate from heart attack in the South is 15 times higher than in the North. The theory about the impact of cholesterol in food the level of cholesterol in the blood is not borne out in practice — see graphs below.
The media often say that a certain product (fish, eggs) contains a lot of cholesterol, but it also contains substances that reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Some nutritionists even claim that the fish has no cholesterol.
Fish not only contains cholesterol (as in all animal cells), some species of fish it can be more than butter (mackerel, carp). But all have long known that fish oil lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. Here the theory does not fit with the practice, you have to use some speculation to fit the generally accepted delusion.
Already in the 90s, it was known that blood cholesterol is in two basic forms — high density lipoproteins (HDL, "good cholesterol") and low density (LDL, "bad cholesterol"). Cholesterol is "Packed" LDL is transferred from the liver to tissue and HDL transporterowych excess cholesterol back to the liver. Therefore, a blood test for total cholesterol is outdated, it does not show the ratio of HDL and LDL.
According to studies, for the health of the cardiovascular system is more important than the increase in HDL than lowering LDL. That is, it is better when total cholesterol is high, but with high value of "good cholesterol" - than-low with its low. Saturated acids in food can raise cholesterol levels due to the increase of HDL which is beneficial for the heart.
Cholesterol as a building material, used by the body to repair damaged cells. In the process of evolution the human body has not faced this level of damage of the vessel wall that causes the modern way of life. Stress, Smoking, eating TRANS fats, excess sugar and linoleic acid sedentary lifestyle contribute to the destruction of the walls of blood vessels or trigger inflammation.
Forced the body produces more cholesterol to repair these cells. With age, the level of cholesterol in the blood should increase as it increases the need to repair damaged cells. Studies show that lowering statins cholesterol in the elderly is not only not reduce, and even increases the frequency of heart attacks and strokes.
Also, the interest is a sensational article by heart surgeon Dwight Langella, which considers the main causes of CVD excess PUFA ω-6 and fast of carbohydrates in the diet of modern man. New research confirms the doctor's opinion and give reason to believe that cholesterol is a likely indicator of vascular health and effect damage, not the cause of CVD.
Excess glucose and especially fructose, causes protein glycation of vessel walls. Excess ω-6 linoleic acid increases blood clotting and inflammation. TRANS fats are built into the fabric instead of the normal LCD, disrupting their functioning. To healthy blood vessels, just so nothing sticks.
The myth about cholesterol is no longer tenable. In February 2015, the Ministry of health and social services in the new nutrition guidelines acknowledged that "the content of cholesterol in the diet is not dangerous as previously thought".
Before the American Association of nutritionists for dozens of years recommended to limit cholesterol intake, including to replace butter with margarine. And even after rehabilitation cholesterol the doctors will not be easy to admit that recommendations to replace animal fats of vegetable and to take statins in high doses were harmful and worsen the health of patients.
Although the research proving the dangers of meat, right. Industrial grown meat contains pesticides (from grains that feed the animals), hormones, antibiotics, and other xenobiotics.
Animals like the top of the food chain, accumulate in the tissues of toxins from food which we eat, not to mention substances that get on farms with injections. Even the fat composition of livestock grown on farms differs from the fat that is consumed by our ancestors. Eating soybeans and corn, the animals accumulate linoleic acid.
Processed meat (meat products, sausages) contains more harmful substances, which add on the production. Fried bacon contains a large amount of advanced glycation end products, which will be discussed in the following sections. Therefore, the conclusion of the who - processed meats can cause cancer.
And cholesterol is not to blame. Fried and processed meat is harmful, as any fried and processed product. In the few studies of cooked meat was not discovered its harmful effects. Probably the only cholesterol that you want to avoid is oxidized (oxycholesterol). Quite a lot of oxycholesterol contained in egg powder and dry milk.
But the safety of cholesterol does not mean that you can abuse animal fats. This means that the butter is not worse than lard, although it contains almost 3 times more cholesterol, it is not necessary to avoid eggs and other natural animal products. In excess harmful excess fat, not cholesterol. If you are not working physically as working ancestors should not eat (any food) and eat too many calories.
Of the newer risk factors for CVD can distinguish homocysteine, CNG, TMAO. Homocysteine damages the walls of blood vessels and is formed from the amino acid methionine under certain problems in the body. TMAO (trimethylamine) produced by intestinal microflora from choline and carnitine and can cause atherosclerosis. To minimize the harm of these substances, you need to remove from the diet all fried and primechenie do not abuse the proteins and to practice fasting days (Nikolaev Russian drama theatre, or the day on raw vegetables).
If, looking ahead, to combine recommendations on the health of the cardiovascular system, have a table — see below. If possible it is better not to get involved in synthetic drugs, as not all the side effects and contraindications are explored. published
C. impediments and factors conducive to the development of CVD
Prevent the development of CVD
Contribute to the development of CVD
Oleic acid (olive oil, fatty fish)
EPA and DHA (fatty marine fish, birds ' eggs,
fed linseed oil or flax seed)
Fiber (raw vegetables, fruit, unrefined grain)
Antioxidants (spices, cocoa, berries, vegetables)
Individual vitamins and mineralsthat are missing
a specific person
TRANS fats (margarine, confectionery, pastries, refined oils)
Excess linoleic acid (sunflower, soybean, corn oil)
The excess of erucic acid (rapeseed and mustard oil)
Oxidized cholesterol (egg powder, dried milk)
Oxidized LCD (fried and rancid fats, especially vegetable)
Free radicals (fried, baked products)
KPG - advanced glycation end products (roasted, burnt products)
Foods with a high GI (sweets, products made of flour)
Fructose (sugar, honey, sweets)
An excess of calcium (calcium supplements, hard water)
Excess sodium (salt)
An excess of methionine, choline, and carnitine (protein products)
The abuse of alcohol
Deficiency of vitamins and minerals (often potassium)
Positive emotions
Good sleep
RDT Nikolaev
Aerobic load (with allowable pulse)
"Triad of health" bubnivs'ka (with a valid pulse)
Vibration Niches
The ground for Mikulin
Sedentary lifestyle
Lack of sleep
Diabetes, excess weight, problems with kidneys and spine
Phytic acid in foods — WHAT you NEED to KNOW in order not to harm health
Sugar addiction: how to detox from sugar
Source: infohealth.jimdo.com/%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8/%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD/
Despite the abundance of cholesterol, is food allowed indigenous peoples to maintain health and strength. And those who switched to civilized food (white bread, sugar and vegetable oil), had poor health, including cardiovascular disease.

Known Sirotka Victoria Butenko also visited several places where there are many people that are older than 100 years. To the question "What is your diet?", centenarians Yakutia, said: "we Have the best diet in the world. We eat meat and raw fish".
In fact, cholesterol is not the enemy, and one of the most important substances in the animal organism. Cholesterol is a building material that gives strength to cell membranes, serves as a material for the production of bile acids, steroid hormones, synthesis of vitamin D performs many other functions. Ketogenic diet (90% calorie from fat) is a means of cancer prevention and treatment.
A hundred years ago people did not occur to avoid eating animal products. On the contrary, the diet of our ancestors animal products were valued, and cardiovascular disease were rare.
The myth about the harmfulness of cholesterol appeared in 1912, subsequently, misinterpretation of results, incorrect experiment. Russian the pathophysiology Anichkin fed herbivores rabbits with a solution of cholesterol. Rabbits got sick, and Anichkin has concluded that cholesterol is harmful to humans.
This is the same as to forbid the cows eat hay because the dog food so badly. In the years that followed were hundreds of studies already on mice and rats. The results of the studies have been conflicting and no recommendation to change the nutrition scientists were not given.
The theory Anichkina not mentioned until 1950, In this year, the American physiologist Keyes published a book in which he tried to understand why some countries mortality from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are low and in others high. His verdict - to blame animal fat and cholesterol.
But the Case is not included in the study, France, which contradicted his conclusions. The low level of CVD in Japan, it was explained by the predominance in the diet of fish oils, although fish is a lot of cholesterol. Ultimately, the Case is selectively used data from 7 countries, except France, have ignored the 14 countries for which there was information.
Still some time continued to debate who are guilty of CVD — fats or sugar. In the end I won the Case (with the assistance of the sugar corporations) and the cholesterol war was declared. The consumption of animal fats has decreased in many countries and in the US butter is even used as fuel in power plants.
The first evidence of the futility of limiting cholesterol in the diet, were obtained in the midst of anticholesterol hysteria. In 1991 in the respected medical journal published an article about the 88-year-old man who consumed every day 25 chicken eggs.
He received cholesterol, 20 times the recommended maximum, while having a blood cholesterol level below the us average. To answer the question "where does the extra cholesterol?", studies have been conducted. For two months he and 11 volunteers (use for no more than 5 eggs a day), added to food labeled with radioactive elements cholesterol.
The results showed that no main subject, no other volunteers the level of cholesterol in the blood is not increased. Excess cholesterol 20% decreased cholesterol synthesis in the liver, part of the cholesterol used for bile. The patient most cholesterol is just not absorbed through the gut and went along with the undigested remnants of food.
This study, like many others, was to finally destroy the myth of cholesterol, if he did not have influential patrons. The food industry gladly embraced the idea that cheap vegetable oil is useful the start of their active use and advertising. For example, if corn oil before, it was just a by-product of starch production, now "useful" product that can be sold to consumers.
As it became known, in 1967, the sugar producers paid to three scientists from Harvard in the report, which blames the development of CVD fats, not sugar. Calorie low-fat products had something to fill, and this niche is occupied by sugar. Advertising and promotion is firmly hammered into people's heads the idea that animal fats are bad and vegetable.
Another defender of the cholesterol theory is the pharmaceutical industry. On the recommendations to move more or to eat less sugar and industrial products not make any money. But if blaming cholesterol, you can sell the tablets (statins) with many side effects that have to take the rest of your life.
By the end of 90-x years the pharmaceutical industry has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the development of statins, and was ready to "treat" cholesterol in the world. It is clear that no research could not prevent to do it. In the result of pharmaceutical companies selling statins to tens of billions of dollars, and the level of CVD and counting.
Another medical organization from time to time, I like to reduce the rate of cholesterol in the blood. If yesterday a man was healthy, today released the new rules, and he needs to take pills. In terms of the who, 90% of the Norwegian population over the age of 45 are in need of statins. And the Norwegians are one of the healthiest peoples of Europe.
Perhaps, by modern standards, our ancestors also needed the statins, although in the early twentieth century, atherosclerosis was rare. Despite the lobbying of statins, pharmaceutical companies, research and common sense prevail. In 2011, the FDA (Management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines of the USA) recognized the statins are dangerous, and in 2016 — and even ineffective for the treatment of CVD.
It is now common knowledge that 80% of cholesterol is produced by the body, especially the liver. From vegans who do not consume animal food, often high levels of cholesterol in the blood. This is not surprising, because cell renewal of the intestinal cholesterol is needed as building material.
If the food comes too little cholesterol, the liver has to synthesize more cholesterol, which is delivered to the cells of the intestine, of course, through the blood. According to Dr. Castelli (former Director of the large-scale Framingham study), "in our study, the more saturated fat people ate, the more he ate cholesterol, the lower was the cholesterol level".
Heart attacks and strokes occur in people with both high and low levels of cholesterol. In some of the atherosclerotic plaques found in 10 times more calcium than cholesterol, but some contain large quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids. One of the Champions of CVD is Bulgaria, where it is used very little animal fats.
Residents of Northern India eat a lot of butter, and in South used in food mainly vegetable oil. The death rate from heart attack in the South is 15 times higher than in the North. The theory about the impact of cholesterol in food the level of cholesterol in the blood is not borne out in practice — see graphs below.

The media often say that a certain product (fish, eggs) contains a lot of cholesterol, but it also contains substances that reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Some nutritionists even claim that the fish has no cholesterol.
Fish not only contains cholesterol (as in all animal cells), some species of fish it can be more than butter (mackerel, carp). But all have long known that fish oil lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. Here the theory does not fit with the practice, you have to use some speculation to fit the generally accepted delusion.
Already in the 90s, it was known that blood cholesterol is in two basic forms — high density lipoproteins (HDL, "good cholesterol") and low density (LDL, "bad cholesterol"). Cholesterol is "Packed" LDL is transferred from the liver to tissue and HDL transporterowych excess cholesterol back to the liver. Therefore, a blood test for total cholesterol is outdated, it does not show the ratio of HDL and LDL.
According to studies, for the health of the cardiovascular system is more important than the increase in HDL than lowering LDL. That is, it is better when total cholesterol is high, but with high value of "good cholesterol" - than-low with its low. Saturated acids in food can raise cholesterol levels due to the increase of HDL which is beneficial for the heart.
Cholesterol as a building material, used by the body to repair damaged cells. In the process of evolution the human body has not faced this level of damage of the vessel wall that causes the modern way of life. Stress, Smoking, eating TRANS fats, excess sugar and linoleic acid sedentary lifestyle contribute to the destruction of the walls of blood vessels or trigger inflammation.
Forced the body produces more cholesterol to repair these cells. With age, the level of cholesterol in the blood should increase as it increases the need to repair damaged cells. Studies show that lowering statins cholesterol in the elderly is not only not reduce, and even increases the frequency of heart attacks and strokes.
Also, the interest is a sensational article by heart surgeon Dwight Langella, which considers the main causes of CVD excess PUFA ω-6 and fast of carbohydrates in the diet of modern man. New research confirms the doctor's opinion and give reason to believe that cholesterol is a likely indicator of vascular health and effect damage, not the cause of CVD.
Excess glucose and especially fructose, causes protein glycation of vessel walls. Excess ω-6 linoleic acid increases blood clotting and inflammation. TRANS fats are built into the fabric instead of the normal LCD, disrupting their functioning. To healthy blood vessels, just so nothing sticks.

The myth about cholesterol is no longer tenable. In February 2015, the Ministry of health and social services in the new nutrition guidelines acknowledged that "the content of cholesterol in the diet is not dangerous as previously thought".
Before the American Association of nutritionists for dozens of years recommended to limit cholesterol intake, including to replace butter with margarine. And even after rehabilitation cholesterol the doctors will not be easy to admit that recommendations to replace animal fats of vegetable and to take statins in high doses were harmful and worsen the health of patients.
Although the research proving the dangers of meat, right. Industrial grown meat contains pesticides (from grains that feed the animals), hormones, antibiotics, and other xenobiotics.
Animals like the top of the food chain, accumulate in the tissues of toxins from food which we eat, not to mention substances that get on farms with injections. Even the fat composition of livestock grown on farms differs from the fat that is consumed by our ancestors. Eating soybeans and corn, the animals accumulate linoleic acid.
Processed meat (meat products, sausages) contains more harmful substances, which add on the production. Fried bacon contains a large amount of advanced glycation end products, which will be discussed in the following sections. Therefore, the conclusion of the who - processed meats can cause cancer.

And cholesterol is not to blame. Fried and processed meat is harmful, as any fried and processed product. In the few studies of cooked meat was not discovered its harmful effects. Probably the only cholesterol that you want to avoid is oxidized (oxycholesterol). Quite a lot of oxycholesterol contained in egg powder and dry milk.
But the safety of cholesterol does not mean that you can abuse animal fats. This means that the butter is not worse than lard, although it contains almost 3 times more cholesterol, it is not necessary to avoid eggs and other natural animal products. In excess harmful excess fat, not cholesterol. If you are not working physically as working ancestors should not eat (any food) and eat too many calories.
Of the newer risk factors for CVD can distinguish homocysteine, CNG, TMAO. Homocysteine damages the walls of blood vessels and is formed from the amino acid methionine under certain problems in the body. TMAO (trimethylamine) produced by intestinal microflora from choline and carnitine and can cause atherosclerosis. To minimize the harm of these substances, you need to remove from the diet all fried and primechenie do not abuse the proteins and to practice fasting days (Nikolaev Russian drama theatre, or the day on raw vegetables).
If, looking ahead, to combine recommendations on the health of the cardiovascular system, have a table — see below. If possible it is better not to get involved in synthetic drugs, as not all the side effects and contraindications are explored. published
C. impediments and factors conducive to the development of CVD
Prevent the development of CVD
Contribute to the development of CVD
Oleic acid (olive oil, fatty fish)
EPA and DHA (fatty marine fish, birds ' eggs,
fed linseed oil or flax seed)
Fiber (raw vegetables, fruit, unrefined grain)
Antioxidants (spices, cocoa, berries, vegetables)
Individual vitamins and mineralsthat are missing
a specific person
TRANS fats (margarine, confectionery, pastries, refined oils)
Excess linoleic acid (sunflower, soybean, corn oil)
The excess of erucic acid (rapeseed and mustard oil)
Oxidized cholesterol (egg powder, dried milk)
Oxidized LCD (fried and rancid fats, especially vegetable)
Free radicals (fried, baked products)
KPG - advanced glycation end products (roasted, burnt products)
Foods with a high GI (sweets, products made of flour)
Fructose (sugar, honey, sweets)
An excess of calcium (calcium supplements, hard water)
Excess sodium (salt)
An excess of methionine, choline, and carnitine (protein products)
The abuse of alcohol
Deficiency of vitamins and minerals (often potassium)
Positive emotions
Good sleep
RDT Nikolaev
Aerobic load (with allowable pulse)
"Triad of health" bubnivs'ka (with a valid pulse)
Vibration Niches
The ground for Mikulin
Sedentary lifestyle
Lack of sleep
Diabetes, excess weight, problems with kidneys and spine
Phytic acid in foods — WHAT you NEED to KNOW in order not to harm health
Sugar addiction: how to detox from sugar
Source: infohealth.jimdo.com/%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8/%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD/
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