2 Most Nutritious Foods That Everyone Needs to Know Any fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat at times inferior.
Do you know which two foods contain more than 650 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids? Just two simple, simple products...
But they contain all known vitamins, including carotene, B vitamins, vitamins A, C, provitamin D, K, PP, E, folic acid, biotin, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iodine and much more.
Chlorella and spirulina are the main source of protein (protein). They have more protein than chicken, meat and eggs. And, most importantly, this protein is absorbed by the body by 95%, and, for example, chicken protein is absorbed by only 30%.
These are two superfoods that we all need to know. chlorella and spirulina.
Chlorella and spirulina are microalgae that have existed on Earth for more than 4 billion years. Thousands of studies have shown that this nutritious on Earth.
The main similarity of these products is the highest protein content (up to 70% in spirulina and more than 50% in chlorella), which is assimilated by the body as possible. It is this protein that our body needs for repair, growth of muscles and all tissues.
The second most important quality of spirulina and chlorella is that they contain more nutrients, vitamins and trace elements than any other food in the world (more than any fruit, vegetable, plant, meat, fish).
Differences Between Spirulina and Chlorella
Useful properties of spirulina and chlorella
Earlier we wrote about nutritional masks from spirulina. According to cosmetologists, they are able to get rid of even the deepest nasolabial folds!
Attitudes to spirulina and chlorella can be different. One thing is certain: these algae are oversaturated with healing components. Scientists continue to investigate their amazing properties and promise to put these products in the service of humans.

But they contain all known vitamins, including carotene, B vitamins, vitamins A, C, provitamin D, K, PP, E, folic acid, biotin, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iodine and much more.
Chlorella and spirulina are the main source of protein (protein). They have more protein than chicken, meat and eggs. And, most importantly, this protein is absorbed by the body by 95%, and, for example, chicken protein is absorbed by only 30%.
These are two superfoods that we all need to know. chlorella and spirulina.

Chlorella and spirulina are microalgae that have existed on Earth for more than 4 billion years. Thousands of studies have shown that this nutritious on Earth.

The main similarity of these products is the highest protein content (up to 70% in spirulina and more than 50% in chlorella), which is assimilated by the body as possible. It is this protein that our body needs for repair, growth of muscles and all tissues.

The second most important quality of spirulina and chlorella is that they contain more nutrients, vitamins and trace elements than any other food in the world (more than any fruit, vegetable, plant, meat, fish).
Differences Between Spirulina and Chlorella
- Spirulina belongs to the genus Arthrospira - filamentous cyanobacteria that swim freely in lakes whose waters have a high pH and concentration of carbonates. Spirulina is both a plant with the ability to photosynthesis and a bacterium. Spirulina cells, which have a cylindrical shape, reach sizes from 0.1 to 1 mm and can be seen with the naked eye.
Spirulina is now the best-selling superfood. Special farms for its breeding are created everywhere. - Chlorella is a green single-celled algae and it belongs only to the plant world. Chlorella became widely known after it became one of the food components for astronauts. The very living of a modern person in a metropolis is an indication for the regular use of chlorella.
- Chlorella has the highest chlorophyll content of any plant on Earth at 3%. The content of chlorophyll is followed by spirulina (2%).
- Spirulina contains the largest amount of digestible protein among the entire animal and plant world. In spirulina protein up to 70%, in chlorella - more than 50%.
- Spirulina and chlorella are powerful antioxidants. They thoroughly cleanse the body of free radical molecules. It is free radicals that are the cause of many diseases: from a simple cold to cancer.
- Chlorella contains all the amino acids necessary for a person: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, glutamine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, tryptophan, phenylalanine, arginine, histidine and others.
- Spirulina is the strongest. immune-builder. But when that system failed, chlorella. best immunostimulant. It restores immunity and makes it much easier to undergo complex restorative procedures (for example, after chemotherapy).
Useful properties of spirulina and chlorella
- Spirulina and chlorella contribute to the absorption of vitamins, especially carotene, normalize metabolic processes in the body, improve the composition of the blood. Carotene in chlorella is 7-10 times more than in rose hips or dried apricots.
- Chlorella is an organic antibiotic that fights infectious, bacterial and other diseases. Stimulates immunity, helps restore, maintain and strengthen innate immunity and human health.
- Chlorella has a special effect on the intestine: relieves indigestion of the stomach, stimulates the growth of aerobic bacteria, removes toxins from the rectum.
- Spirulina and chlorella are an integral element of a balanced diet for vegetarians, algae provide the body with missing amino acids, vitamins and trace elements.
- Repeated studies have attributed these products to the properties of a natural cleanser, as they are able to remove lead, pesticides and other toxins from our body.
- Chlorella and spirulina are an excellent booster of the immune system, they have natural antibacterial, antiviral and antitumor properties. There is even a suggestion that algae can destroy cancer cells!

Earlier we wrote about nutritional masks from spirulina. According to cosmetologists, they are able to get rid of even the deepest nasolabial folds!
Attitudes to spirulina and chlorella can be different. One thing is certain: these algae are oversaturated with healing components. Scientists continue to investigate their amazing properties and promise to put these products in the service of humans.
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