Collapse diet
The alkaline diet is considered one of the best and most effective diets. For those who cringe at the word diet and think that all this is fictional nonsense, this diet can be called a way of life, natural nutrition, etc.
The secret of an alkaline diet is the constant consumption of vegetables and fruits and the partial or complete rejection of meat. Who cares? As you can see, this style of eating is close to vegetarianism (if you completely exclude meat products) and raw food (if you also do not subject food to heat treatment). This means that an alkaline diet can be used as a tool to gradually transition to one of these eating styles.
Fruits and vegetables are endowed by nature with an abundance of trace elements, vitamins and other useful substances. When they are used in the stomach, an alkaline environment is created.
This has a good effect on bone tissue and strengthens it. Acids, on the contrary, affect the bones harmfully, reduce the amount of calcium in them. And the alkalis neutralize the action of these acids.
A large number of acids are contained in: animal proteins and fats, eggs, milk and oil. Although dairy products are considered one of the best sources of calcium, it does not linger in the bones due to the high acidity of these products. For this reason, an alkaline diet cleanses and restores the body. It is even better that all fruits and vegetables you eat are ripe and fresh. They should also not be subjected to heat treatment. This is the rule that brings this diet closer to raw food.
Of course, such a diet involves a smooth change in the diet. It is necessary, at least, so that you do not have a hard time, so that you do not fall off etc. After all, if your diet mainly consists of dairy and meat products, then the implementation of a sharp transition to alkaline nutrition can bring harm. Even though this diet is more natural and proper, the body is used to these products and it can have its consequences. There is an opinion that a complete transition is allowed when fruits and vegetables make up at least 60% of the diet.
Gradually, the body will learn to distinguish healthy food, and fruits and vegetables will be easily digested by the digestive system.
In the first days of such a diet, the body is likely to weaken, this is due to the fact that it does not receive the usual (albeit harmful) food. These are meat products, refined products, etc. But after a few days (some may be longer, depending on age, slagging, etc.), you will realize that you have become healthier and more lively.
This diet involves observing a certain ratio between alkaline and acidic products: alkaline should be 80%, acidic 20%.
The transition to alkaline nutrition should be gradual.
Vegetables are preferably eaten raw, like fruits. You can make salads.
During breakfast, you need to eat one green and one yellow vegetable.
Dried fruits can be eaten as a supplement. And it is advisable to cook at home, especially if you are going to eat them often.
It is assumed to use grain products no more than 2-3 times a week.
The intake of meat products is better to minimize. Of meat, preference should be given to chicken and turkey. And lamb, beef and veal are better eaten lean.
So, following the diet, fish dishes can be consumed no more than three times a week.
Seeds, nuts and legumes are very useful and have a lot of protein, so they can be consumed. But it is believed that it should not be dried.
In order for the stomach to digest food well, each bitten piece should be chewed as thoroughly as possible.
When cooking, it is desirable to use olive, peanut, soybean or sunflower oil.
Since tea, coffee, alcoholic and tonic drinks are dead, they should be abandoned.
As dessert can be used honey, this is probably the best option. Also, the diet allows for these purposes to use wedge syrup, brown sugar, unrefined molasses. But you need to know the measure. After all, these multi-calorie foods may not affect your weight in the best way.
One of the important rules of an alkaline diet is consistency and stability. Because if you have consumed meat in minimal amounts for several weeks, then you do not need to eat too much after that. Such actions, in a couple of days you can reduce not all previous efforts.
You can not eat after 5-6 p.m.
Products recommended on the alkaline diet Fruits can be consumed any, it is apples, pears, apricots, bananas, grapes, melon, cranberries, cherries, blueberries. It is also lemon, avocado, grapefruit, figa, peaches, mango, persimmon, pineapples, strawberries, plums, watermelon, raspberries, prunes. Fruits can be eaten as a main meal and as a dessert.
Vegetables can also be eaten, so you do not need to list them. It is advisable to eat vegetables raw or prepare fresh salads from them.
Nuts and seeds contain a lot of protein and fat. If possible, eat these fruits every day: walnuts, either Brazilian, or cashews, or almonds, peanuts, chestnuts. Seeds and nuts are good protein foods, and naturally they should be eaten raw. But, it is believed that if you still eat a little meat, for example, at the initial stage switch to an alkaline diet, then you need to reduce nuts to three times a week.
Legumes contain many plant proteins in their composition. They are advised to eat 3-4 times a week. It is believed that eating legumes can easily lose weight.
Oils that do not contain salts: olive, corn, soybean, Wallachian and sunflower oil. But the composition of these products on the label should be read carefully. Avoid chemical additives that are harmful to the body.
Sweets contain many calories and are fast carbohydrates, but among them there are harmless and even useful, for example: honey, date and yellow sugar, maple syrup, molasses. But in the consumption of these products you need to know the measure. Remember that they are highly concentrated.
Grain products should not be consumed more than three times a week. If you work hard or exercise, the frequency of consumption of grain products can be increased.
Meat products are allowed, but in small quantities.
Bread should also be used with great care. Especially for people who want to lose weight. You need to know that modern bread is not a useful product, it interferes with normal digestion, wanders in the intestines, etc. If you are interested to know what harm bread causes the body, read the article “7 reasons to give up bread”.
Consumption of other liquids only in the intervals between meals. And by the way, this is not a feature of the alkaline diet. In general, with any diet, a reasonable consumption of liquid only in breaks after meals. Not immediately. It takes between half an hour and two or more hours, depending on the food eaten, before water can be drunk. If it is fruit, then the time should pass less, for vegetables a little longer, etc. After meat products, you can drink water no earlier than 2 hours.
Products not recommended for consumption: Refined sugar, jam, jelly, marmalade.
Chewing gum, ice cream, cake, pies, cookies.
Sweet drinks, sweetened juices, fruit canned in syrup.
Marinades, ketchup, sauces.
Chips, crackers, salted nuts, crackers, etc.
Peel rice and cornflakes.
Tobacco and alcohol.
Fried food, margarine, peanut butter.
Sausages, sausages, smoked products.
The alkaline diet also involves the rejection of certain medications. Among them: sleeping pills, aspirin, painkillers, antihistamines, magnesia, bromides and tranquilizers.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/
The secret of an alkaline diet is the constant consumption of vegetables and fruits and the partial or complete rejection of meat. Who cares? As you can see, this style of eating is close to vegetarianism (if you completely exclude meat products) and raw food (if you also do not subject food to heat treatment). This means that an alkaline diet can be used as a tool to gradually transition to one of these eating styles.
Fruits and vegetables are endowed by nature with an abundance of trace elements, vitamins and other useful substances. When they are used in the stomach, an alkaline environment is created.
This has a good effect on bone tissue and strengthens it. Acids, on the contrary, affect the bones harmfully, reduce the amount of calcium in them. And the alkalis neutralize the action of these acids.
A large number of acids are contained in: animal proteins and fats, eggs, milk and oil. Although dairy products are considered one of the best sources of calcium, it does not linger in the bones due to the high acidity of these products. For this reason, an alkaline diet cleanses and restores the body. It is even better that all fruits and vegetables you eat are ripe and fresh. They should also not be subjected to heat treatment. This is the rule that brings this diet closer to raw food.
Of course, such a diet involves a smooth change in the diet. It is necessary, at least, so that you do not have a hard time, so that you do not fall off etc. After all, if your diet mainly consists of dairy and meat products, then the implementation of a sharp transition to alkaline nutrition can bring harm. Even though this diet is more natural and proper, the body is used to these products and it can have its consequences. There is an opinion that a complete transition is allowed when fruits and vegetables make up at least 60% of the diet.
Gradually, the body will learn to distinguish healthy food, and fruits and vegetables will be easily digested by the digestive system.
In the first days of such a diet, the body is likely to weaken, this is due to the fact that it does not receive the usual (albeit harmful) food. These are meat products, refined products, etc. But after a few days (some may be longer, depending on age, slagging, etc.), you will realize that you have become healthier and more lively.
This diet involves observing a certain ratio between alkaline and acidic products: alkaline should be 80%, acidic 20%.
The transition to alkaline nutrition should be gradual.
Vegetables are preferably eaten raw, like fruits. You can make salads.
During breakfast, you need to eat one green and one yellow vegetable.
Dried fruits can be eaten as a supplement. And it is advisable to cook at home, especially if you are going to eat them often.
It is assumed to use grain products no more than 2-3 times a week.
The intake of meat products is better to minimize. Of meat, preference should be given to chicken and turkey. And lamb, beef and veal are better eaten lean.
So, following the diet, fish dishes can be consumed no more than three times a week.
Seeds, nuts and legumes are very useful and have a lot of protein, so they can be consumed. But it is believed that it should not be dried.
In order for the stomach to digest food well, each bitten piece should be chewed as thoroughly as possible.
When cooking, it is desirable to use olive, peanut, soybean or sunflower oil.
Since tea, coffee, alcoholic and tonic drinks are dead, they should be abandoned.
As dessert can be used honey, this is probably the best option. Also, the diet allows for these purposes to use wedge syrup, brown sugar, unrefined molasses. But you need to know the measure. After all, these multi-calorie foods may not affect your weight in the best way.
One of the important rules of an alkaline diet is consistency and stability. Because if you have consumed meat in minimal amounts for several weeks, then you do not need to eat too much after that. Such actions, in a couple of days you can reduce not all previous efforts.
You can not eat after 5-6 p.m.
Products recommended on the alkaline diet Fruits can be consumed any, it is apples, pears, apricots, bananas, grapes, melon, cranberries, cherries, blueberries. It is also lemon, avocado, grapefruit, figa, peaches, mango, persimmon, pineapples, strawberries, plums, watermelon, raspberries, prunes. Fruits can be eaten as a main meal and as a dessert.
Vegetables can also be eaten, so you do not need to list them. It is advisable to eat vegetables raw or prepare fresh salads from them.
Nuts and seeds contain a lot of protein and fat. If possible, eat these fruits every day: walnuts, either Brazilian, or cashews, or almonds, peanuts, chestnuts. Seeds and nuts are good protein foods, and naturally they should be eaten raw. But, it is believed that if you still eat a little meat, for example, at the initial stage switch to an alkaline diet, then you need to reduce nuts to three times a week.
Legumes contain many plant proteins in their composition. They are advised to eat 3-4 times a week. It is believed that eating legumes can easily lose weight.
Oils that do not contain salts: olive, corn, soybean, Wallachian and sunflower oil. But the composition of these products on the label should be read carefully. Avoid chemical additives that are harmful to the body.
Sweets contain many calories and are fast carbohydrates, but among them there are harmless and even useful, for example: honey, date and yellow sugar, maple syrup, molasses. But in the consumption of these products you need to know the measure. Remember that they are highly concentrated.
Grain products should not be consumed more than three times a week. If you work hard or exercise, the frequency of consumption of grain products can be increased.
Meat products are allowed, but in small quantities.
Bread should also be used with great care. Especially for people who want to lose weight. You need to know that modern bread is not a useful product, it interferes with normal digestion, wanders in the intestines, etc. If you are interested to know what harm bread causes the body, read the article “7 reasons to give up bread”.
Consumption of other liquids only in the intervals between meals. And by the way, this is not a feature of the alkaline diet. In general, with any diet, a reasonable consumption of liquid only in breaks after meals. Not immediately. It takes between half an hour and two or more hours, depending on the food eaten, before water can be drunk. If it is fruit, then the time should pass less, for vegetables a little longer, etc. After meat products, you can drink water no earlier than 2 hours.
Products not recommended for consumption: Refined sugar, jam, jelly, marmalade.
Chewing gum, ice cream, cake, pies, cookies.
Sweet drinks, sweetened juices, fruit canned in syrup.
Marinades, ketchup, sauces.
Chips, crackers, salted nuts, crackers, etc.
Peel rice and cornflakes.
Tobacco and alcohol.
Fried food, margarine, peanut butter.
Sausages, sausages, smoked products.
The alkaline diet also involves the rejection of certain medications. Among them: sleeping pills, aspirin, painkillers, antihistamines, magnesia, bromides and tranquilizers.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/