How to know whether you are a compulsive eater or simply like to eat?
How to know if I'm a compulsive eater or simply like to eat?In fact, very simple. Compulsive consumers regularly turn to food in the absence of physiological hunger. This does not mean that the "normal" consumer no moments when the food is absorbed, not because he was hungry, but because it looks good or because it's vacation and all-inlcusive paid for their blood.
However, unlike the compulsive eater, a normal consumer recognize the signals of discomfort — feeling of heaviness in the stomach, drowsiness, heartburn and quietly waiting for the next moment of the onset of physiological hunger to eat.
Eighty two million three hundred sixty thousand four hundred sixty eight
Compulsive eater, Bareev, violently scolds himself, panic, hysteria and despair, and considering, in whatever way dieticheskie to punish yourself to sit from Monday to protasovo, to arrange tomorrow's Apple (well, if not acetic) day, once again go to the gym, and so on. Because these moments of compulsive eater in one day can happen for a few, it takes a huge amount of mental strength and leads to low self esteem, depression and chronic guilt.
The key point is not how much you eat or how much you weigh among compulsive eaters is quite a slender individuals. Key point — the process of absorption of food has little connection with the feeling of hunger. Actually. many compulsive eaters do not know more what the feeling of hunger.
There is the classic, wide-cited research of Janet Polivy and PeterHerman from the University of Toronto, focuses on how people who go on restrictive diet, lose the ability to feel hunger and to recognize the signs of satiety. In the study in front of a group of participants sitting at the moment on a diet and the group eating normally set the task to compare different flavors of ice cream.
All participants were divided into three subgroups.
The first was given to drink two milkshakes before you offer ice cream to sample. The second was given to drink one milkshake before ice cream. The third did not give anything except ice cream.
Next, the participants were offered three different varieties of ice cream, and asked to rate them from eating as much as you like.
As a result, the group eating normally the maximum amount of ice cream eaten subgroup, which did not get any milkshake. Those who drank one ate less ice cream. Those who drank two or much less.
And dieters were obtained opposite results. Those who didn't get any cocktails, ate less ice cream. Drunk one milkshake ate more, but ate those who drank two.
Discovered a phenomenon the researchers called "disinhibited» — antipodally, i.e. the inverse process to the normal for dieters to suppress the normal process of nutrition. "I already broke the diet, so that you can keep away until I'm back on it will not come back".
The nutritionist Debra Waterhouse introduces the term "broken food" in order to describe the whole range of the phenomena of eating disorders. Dieting and overeating, excessive exercise in the gym and trying to miss another meal, absorption is much smaller or much larger quantities of food. than your body needs — all this broken food.
Most of the specialists in impaired nutrition come to the conclusion that any diet sooner or later leads to failure and subsequent attack of gluttony, resulting in a vicious cycle "diet-overeating".
Start dietary behavior negative thoughts and beliefs. We have already talked about them earlier as a characteristic personality trait with a disturbed nutrition. No diet starts with the fact that man looks at himself in the mirror and thinks: "look good! And not to sit whether I on a diet?". Any diet begins with the experience: "I'm fat/thick, I have a bulging belly, too wide hips, fat hanging down on her arms...» Any diet starts with negative thoughts. People who crash in many years of repeated diet cycles, suffer what they call "bad body thoughts" — negative body image.
The contemporary cultural climate is an ideal environment for nurturing a negative image of his own body. The average fashion model is between 13 and 19% of underweight according to medical standards. With 15% of the deficit weight is ascertained the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa.
Of course, there are metabolic skinny people, without effort and even against the wishes fall into this category. According to the statistics, there are approximately 3-5% of the population. All other glossy literature offers to work for it — through diet and gym — to reach this level, suggesting that with a proper diet and continuous plowing at the gym possible. So, this is — not true.
In addition to the direct destructive action on the image itself, these cultural standards have mediated. As I wrote, no diet, without fail. During a failure, the victim diet hates himself and thinks, how did it happen — because something different is possible (according to legend), and I never!
This is a direct way to diet pills and bariatric surgery (operations to limit the volume of the stomach). As a woman, not being able to make their own way, doing plastic surgery, because they do not believe that can be attractive, unchanged.
There will be appropriate to recall another study in which ordinary American women in the last 3 minutes showed pictures of glossy magazines with images on them models. Even such a brief exposure led to a significant increase in feelings of guilt, shame, dissatisfaction with their body, depression and stress.
The study was repeated on a group of College students, one half of which showed pictures of models, and the other neutral images: landscapes, etc. as a result, the subgroup considered models, found increased anxiety relative to its own weight and a sharp increase in dissatisfaction with the body. Notice that, although in these studies we are talking about women with men is exactly the same — however, the ideal way is not exhausted, and hypermasculinity playing muscles.
Thus,every day we are forced to compare themselves with unrealistic and painful examples of thinness and convince that diet and weight loss do happy, loved and successful.
In addition to negative thoughts about the body, dietary behavior generates more negative thoughts about "bad" or "harmful" food. Today it has become common place: any student otchebuchit you as our father, what bad food is a hamburger and fries, and good — lettuce and Apple.
We were terribly educated on this part and it has its cons. have you ever met someone who says: "sat-Sat on a diet, but broke down, eat a carrot as usual, obsessed with cabbage leaves! Friday night buy 5kg and by Monday all eaten!"? Here I do not.
All "diet violations" — it is always abuse "bad" food, ice cream, chips, burgers with potato cakes. Even more interesting is that diet failures are always based on the food that people consciously or unconsciously considers "harmful". If your view of pizza — quite a full meal, a kind of bread with vegetables (by the way, it is, in essence — at least in Italy) you will hardly be drawn to her in difficult moments in life.
Each cycle of "diet-binge" begins with the main thing: the feeling of control. This time I will succeed, — we say to ourselves, armed with a book or a printout of a new network of diet guru, scales, and refrigerator with chicken breast and celery. At the initial stage, the Dieter feels like a hero, refusing the usual delicious things, little carbohydrate feasts at work and "coffee" with her friends, implying a sample all the cakes on the menu. A sense of control and false hope are the two basic feelings, which begins any diet. And this, I tell you, enough to feel better. And when the scales show minus — self-esteem rises, and life begins to play with bright colors.
According to statistics, 95% of all diets end up being the person gains exactly the same number of pounds in some cases — more. Why?
Thirty seven million three hundred sixty thousand six hundred forty four
1. Genetics.
Our bodies are not so amenable to "modeling" from the outside, as attempts to show advertising a new fitness program. Approximately 40% to 70% of our body weight is determined genetically. This means that outside intervention can help to manage approximately 30-50%, the rest of the weight is sure to be dialed again.
2. Evolution.
I have already mentioned that evolutionary fat cells played an important role in the process of reproduction and the survival of humanity. As a result, our body has the ability to accumulate the fat cells after each short period of fasting. This is especially true of adolescent girls.
To prepare the female body to reproduce, the body produces fat cells and puts them in the chest, on the thighs, belly girls. Limiting the diet in this period leads to the fact that it starts hyperphosphatemia fat cells — not 5 million on a certain area of the body, and 6-7, purely just in case. Furthermore, and fundamentally, changing their size.
Produced as a result of the experience of fasting fat cells will not be the size of a penny coin and the size of a Nickel. In addition, a overproduction of lipogenic enzymes (which help to accumulate fat substances). As a result, as soon as the girl stops dieting and starts eating normally, her body begins the fat factories with twice the power and speed. So every calorie consumed instantly carefully translated into fat.
I can not remember S., I have treated a client who suffered from medium-scale obese and my whole life spent in the endless cycle of diet-binge. "My body absorbs everything I eat, and does not give a single gram", — she complained.
She ate quite moderately, not counting the regular chocolate breakdowns, because, according to her feeling, she was on a diet, and she thought it was tedious and unbearable. At times when she ate quite well, she didn't weight a single gram. During periods chocolate binges she had not seen themselves and the world with redoubled force.
3. Adaptation.
The body tends to adapt to the current mode. Every body definitely has its optimal point of operation in which it receives the optimum amount of food in those moments when the carrier body is really hungry, stopping the consumption at the time of saturation and daily performs some physical activity.
If the body receives too much "fuel" metabolism "sprints", the body begins to function more intensively. If fuel begins to flow less, the body has to deal with it by limiting, slowing down the metabolism. During the period from 24 to 48 hours from the moment you start restricting diets metabolic rate in humans is reduced from 15% to 30%.
It is well known that, coping with the onset of the "hungry" period, the body burns not only fat but also muscle tissue to compensate. However, the more muscle the higher the metabolism, the more it burns the "fuel"!
I know that you all have already read. The conclusion, which is usually done at this point — enough to eat, go to the gym. I even buzzwords know — deadlifts and free weights. Don't ask me what it is I do not know.
Now, I am a categorical opponent to "stop to eat and go to the gym" people with a BMI above 30. Spare yourself. Every person suffering from high body mass is a person wearing a pair of 15-pound sandbags. This results in an almost familiar pain in muscles, joints, spine, knees. Pain is the best friend of obesity.
Throwing himself in the gym, you put your body a lot of microtrauma, which is impossible to prevent. For people with a high body mass need special medical fitness for special equipment, under the guidance of specially trained to work with obese physiotherapist and not otherwise.
Of course, I know that we, the Soviet people, prone to masochism in the name of high ideas, but everything has a limit. Furthermore, overcoming the constant pain greatly reduces the motivation, and, as we have seen, physical activity to maintain the metabolism necessary.
Physical activity NOT deadlifts. Chromosomes never contain top-secret information "to stabilize the weight that you need to drag the bar". To get started simply enough to walk. For those who are just starting to normalize weight, and has a high BMI, a very good water aerobics and any "underwater" exercise — water facilitates heavy body and gives mobility and regular and especially Nordic walking (walking with plucky in the hands), the already mentioned medical fitness, running.
Each dietary period, reducing the metabolism, ends with the victim diet absorbs more fat, experiencing bouts of brutal appetite, and accumulates a greater percentage of fat relative to body weight. The body may be of less weight, but neither healthy nor beautiful that body is not called. And I can honestly say that I'm not always sure that beauty and health what are really eager dieters. Sometimes I think that the cherished number on the scales and the opinions of others have more weight.
The fact that dietary behavior is catastrophically damaging to the body and personality of the person became known not yesterday.
One of the key research on this topic was done in 1944 at the University of Minnesota. The aim was to examine the effects of "half-starved" existence.
A group of physically and mentally healthy men were put on a 6-month diet, especially well balanced in terms of vitamins, minerals and protein, but containing approximately 50% of the calories from the usual subject of consumption. Men consumed approximately 1570 calories per day.
The power supply circuit is almost completely coincided with the popular and fashionable diets. By the time men participants lost about 25% of its initial weight, the researchers noted significant personal change.
The participants became depressed, constantly sleepy, irritable, lethargic and had difficulty concentrating. Also, the food is turned in their obsession. They are not talking about anything but food, ways of cooking, gourmet food, weight loss and hunger. Tell then that the curmudgeonly and sudden crying "dietwise" associated with deficiencies of magnesium and b vitamins — more than serious.
I find it hard to resist not to quote the classics, of course, known to all.
"Svejk just returned from ordinary, daily round of prescribed by Dr. Grunstein, and sat on the bed, surrounded by a crowd of emaciated and hungry malingerers who still did not give up and stubbornly continued to compete with a rigorous diet Dr. Grunstein.
If anyone listened to the conversation of this company, I would have thought that he found himself among the Supreme chefs of cooking schools or courses sellers Delicatessens.
— Even the simplest pork rinds you can eat, as long as they are warm,- said the one who was treated here for chronic catarrh of the stomach.- When the fat will start to pop and splash, squeeze them, salt, pepper, and then I tell you, no goose cracklings can not compare with them.
— Let's watch it with goose greaves said the patient "gastric cancer", there is nothing better goose greaves! Well, where are you getting against them with bacon from pork fat! Goose cracklings, of course, to fry until then, until they become Golden, as is done with the Jews. They take the fat of goose, remove the skin from the fat and fry.
I think you're wrong on the part of pork cracklings,- said the neighbor Schweik.- I, of course, talking about bacon homemade pork fat. So they are called,- homemade pork rinds. They are neither brown nor yellow, the color of them somewhere in the middle between the two shades. Homemade cracklings should be neither too soft nor too hard. They should not crackle. Crunch — so overdone. They should melt on the tongue... but you should not feel that the fat flows through the chin.
— Do any of you eat pork rinds from horse fat? — there was a voice, but nobody answered, so ran the paramedic."
I suspect that this is what it's all about the look:)
In the second part of the experiment, participants were allowed eat all they want. Victims of the experiment were regularly barstable to such an extent that it was sick and needed medical intervention, I experienced intense hunger and quickly gained weight due to fat mass. Many have lost muscularity, inherent to the experiment, and some gained weight more initial.
Only after the weight is returned to the home, began the process of stabilization energy and akcionernogo level of the participants.
It is considered that the problem of those who are trying to adjust the weight diet — no will power. Despite the fact. the concept of willpower seems to modern psychologists is highly questionable, and indeed sitting on a diet — much more strong-willed people. They have the courage to refuse eating for an extended period of time. They are able nothing is in the periods of time when there is "no" or "bad". They can daily 2 hours practice in the gym.
See also: How to eat — so sick
Why do we feel tired after eating
The real problem dieters NOT in the power of the will, and the decisions that the diet offers. It's not you fail the diet, this diet "fails" you. According to a recent meta-studies of existing diet programs, almost all they are able to offer short-term weight loss. None is convincing evidence that body weight stabiliziruemost at the desired low point for a long period of time.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: svetlyachok.livejournal.com/584584.html
However, unlike the compulsive eater, a normal consumer recognize the signals of discomfort — feeling of heaviness in the stomach, drowsiness, heartburn and quietly waiting for the next moment of the onset of physiological hunger to eat.
Eighty two million three hundred sixty thousand four hundred sixty eight
Compulsive eater, Bareev, violently scolds himself, panic, hysteria and despair, and considering, in whatever way dieticheskie to punish yourself to sit from Monday to protasovo, to arrange tomorrow's Apple (well, if not acetic) day, once again go to the gym, and so on. Because these moments of compulsive eater in one day can happen for a few, it takes a huge amount of mental strength and leads to low self esteem, depression and chronic guilt.
The key point is not how much you eat or how much you weigh among compulsive eaters is quite a slender individuals. Key point — the process of absorption of food has little connection with the feeling of hunger. Actually. many compulsive eaters do not know more what the feeling of hunger.
There is the classic, wide-cited research of Janet Polivy and PeterHerman from the University of Toronto, focuses on how people who go on restrictive diet, lose the ability to feel hunger and to recognize the signs of satiety. In the study in front of a group of participants sitting at the moment on a diet and the group eating normally set the task to compare different flavors of ice cream.
All participants were divided into three subgroups.
The first was given to drink two milkshakes before you offer ice cream to sample. The second was given to drink one milkshake before ice cream. The third did not give anything except ice cream.
Next, the participants were offered three different varieties of ice cream, and asked to rate them from eating as much as you like.
As a result, the group eating normally the maximum amount of ice cream eaten subgroup, which did not get any milkshake. Those who drank one ate less ice cream. Those who drank two or much less.
And dieters were obtained opposite results. Those who didn't get any cocktails, ate less ice cream. Drunk one milkshake ate more, but ate those who drank two.
Discovered a phenomenon the researchers called "disinhibited» — antipodally, i.e. the inverse process to the normal for dieters to suppress the normal process of nutrition. "I already broke the diet, so that you can keep away until I'm back on it will not come back".
The nutritionist Debra Waterhouse introduces the term "broken food" in order to describe the whole range of the phenomena of eating disorders. Dieting and overeating, excessive exercise in the gym and trying to miss another meal, absorption is much smaller or much larger quantities of food. than your body needs — all this broken food.
Most of the specialists in impaired nutrition come to the conclusion that any diet sooner or later leads to failure and subsequent attack of gluttony, resulting in a vicious cycle "diet-overeating".
Start dietary behavior negative thoughts and beliefs. We have already talked about them earlier as a characteristic personality trait with a disturbed nutrition. No diet starts with the fact that man looks at himself in the mirror and thinks: "look good! And not to sit whether I on a diet?". Any diet begins with the experience: "I'm fat/thick, I have a bulging belly, too wide hips, fat hanging down on her arms...» Any diet starts with negative thoughts. People who crash in many years of repeated diet cycles, suffer what they call "bad body thoughts" — negative body image.
The contemporary cultural climate is an ideal environment for nurturing a negative image of his own body. The average fashion model is between 13 and 19% of underweight according to medical standards. With 15% of the deficit weight is ascertained the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa.
Of course, there are metabolic skinny people, without effort and even against the wishes fall into this category. According to the statistics, there are approximately 3-5% of the population. All other glossy literature offers to work for it — through diet and gym — to reach this level, suggesting that with a proper diet and continuous plowing at the gym possible. So, this is — not true.
In addition to the direct destructive action on the image itself, these cultural standards have mediated. As I wrote, no diet, without fail. During a failure, the victim diet hates himself and thinks, how did it happen — because something different is possible (according to legend), and I never!
This is a direct way to diet pills and bariatric surgery (operations to limit the volume of the stomach). As a woman, not being able to make their own way, doing plastic surgery, because they do not believe that can be attractive, unchanged.
There will be appropriate to recall another study in which ordinary American women in the last 3 minutes showed pictures of glossy magazines with images on them models. Even such a brief exposure led to a significant increase in feelings of guilt, shame, dissatisfaction with their body, depression and stress.
The study was repeated on a group of College students, one half of which showed pictures of models, and the other neutral images: landscapes, etc. as a result, the subgroup considered models, found increased anxiety relative to its own weight and a sharp increase in dissatisfaction with the body. Notice that, although in these studies we are talking about women with men is exactly the same — however, the ideal way is not exhausted, and hypermasculinity playing muscles.
Thus,every day we are forced to compare themselves with unrealistic and painful examples of thinness and convince that diet and weight loss do happy, loved and successful.
In addition to negative thoughts about the body, dietary behavior generates more negative thoughts about "bad" or "harmful" food. Today it has become common place: any student otchebuchit you as our father, what bad food is a hamburger and fries, and good — lettuce and Apple.
We were terribly educated on this part and it has its cons. have you ever met someone who says: "sat-Sat on a diet, but broke down, eat a carrot as usual, obsessed with cabbage leaves! Friday night buy 5kg and by Monday all eaten!"? Here I do not.
All "diet violations" — it is always abuse "bad" food, ice cream, chips, burgers with potato cakes. Even more interesting is that diet failures are always based on the food that people consciously or unconsciously considers "harmful". If your view of pizza — quite a full meal, a kind of bread with vegetables (by the way, it is, in essence — at least in Italy) you will hardly be drawn to her in difficult moments in life.
Each cycle of "diet-binge" begins with the main thing: the feeling of control. This time I will succeed, — we say to ourselves, armed with a book or a printout of a new network of diet guru, scales, and refrigerator with chicken breast and celery. At the initial stage, the Dieter feels like a hero, refusing the usual delicious things, little carbohydrate feasts at work and "coffee" with her friends, implying a sample all the cakes on the menu. A sense of control and false hope are the two basic feelings, which begins any diet. And this, I tell you, enough to feel better. And when the scales show minus — self-esteem rises, and life begins to play with bright colors.
According to statistics, 95% of all diets end up being the person gains exactly the same number of pounds in some cases — more. Why?
Thirty seven million three hundred sixty thousand six hundred forty four
1. Genetics.
Our bodies are not so amenable to "modeling" from the outside, as attempts to show advertising a new fitness program. Approximately 40% to 70% of our body weight is determined genetically. This means that outside intervention can help to manage approximately 30-50%, the rest of the weight is sure to be dialed again.
2. Evolution.
I have already mentioned that evolutionary fat cells played an important role in the process of reproduction and the survival of humanity. As a result, our body has the ability to accumulate the fat cells after each short period of fasting. This is especially true of adolescent girls.
To prepare the female body to reproduce, the body produces fat cells and puts them in the chest, on the thighs, belly girls. Limiting the diet in this period leads to the fact that it starts hyperphosphatemia fat cells — not 5 million on a certain area of the body, and 6-7, purely just in case. Furthermore, and fundamentally, changing their size.
Produced as a result of the experience of fasting fat cells will not be the size of a penny coin and the size of a Nickel. In addition, a overproduction of lipogenic enzymes (which help to accumulate fat substances). As a result, as soon as the girl stops dieting and starts eating normally, her body begins the fat factories with twice the power and speed. So every calorie consumed instantly carefully translated into fat.
I can not remember S., I have treated a client who suffered from medium-scale obese and my whole life spent in the endless cycle of diet-binge. "My body absorbs everything I eat, and does not give a single gram", — she complained.
She ate quite moderately, not counting the regular chocolate breakdowns, because, according to her feeling, she was on a diet, and she thought it was tedious and unbearable. At times when she ate quite well, she didn't weight a single gram. During periods chocolate binges she had not seen themselves and the world with redoubled force.
3. Adaptation.
The body tends to adapt to the current mode. Every body definitely has its optimal point of operation in which it receives the optimum amount of food in those moments when the carrier body is really hungry, stopping the consumption at the time of saturation and daily performs some physical activity.
If the body receives too much "fuel" metabolism "sprints", the body begins to function more intensively. If fuel begins to flow less, the body has to deal with it by limiting, slowing down the metabolism. During the period from 24 to 48 hours from the moment you start restricting diets metabolic rate in humans is reduced from 15% to 30%.
It is well known that, coping with the onset of the "hungry" period, the body burns not only fat but also muscle tissue to compensate. However, the more muscle the higher the metabolism, the more it burns the "fuel"!
I know that you all have already read. The conclusion, which is usually done at this point — enough to eat, go to the gym. I even buzzwords know — deadlifts and free weights. Don't ask me what it is I do not know.
Now, I am a categorical opponent to "stop to eat and go to the gym" people with a BMI above 30. Spare yourself. Every person suffering from high body mass is a person wearing a pair of 15-pound sandbags. This results in an almost familiar pain in muscles, joints, spine, knees. Pain is the best friend of obesity.
Throwing himself in the gym, you put your body a lot of microtrauma, which is impossible to prevent. For people with a high body mass need special medical fitness for special equipment, under the guidance of specially trained to work with obese physiotherapist and not otherwise.
Of course, I know that we, the Soviet people, prone to masochism in the name of high ideas, but everything has a limit. Furthermore, overcoming the constant pain greatly reduces the motivation, and, as we have seen, physical activity to maintain the metabolism necessary.
Physical activity NOT deadlifts. Chromosomes never contain top-secret information "to stabilize the weight that you need to drag the bar". To get started simply enough to walk. For those who are just starting to normalize weight, and has a high BMI, a very good water aerobics and any "underwater" exercise — water facilitates heavy body and gives mobility and regular and especially Nordic walking (walking with plucky in the hands), the already mentioned medical fitness, running.
Each dietary period, reducing the metabolism, ends with the victim diet absorbs more fat, experiencing bouts of brutal appetite, and accumulates a greater percentage of fat relative to body weight. The body may be of less weight, but neither healthy nor beautiful that body is not called. And I can honestly say that I'm not always sure that beauty and health what are really eager dieters. Sometimes I think that the cherished number on the scales and the opinions of others have more weight.
The fact that dietary behavior is catastrophically damaging to the body and personality of the person became known not yesterday.
One of the key research on this topic was done in 1944 at the University of Minnesota. The aim was to examine the effects of "half-starved" existence.
A group of physically and mentally healthy men were put on a 6-month diet, especially well balanced in terms of vitamins, minerals and protein, but containing approximately 50% of the calories from the usual subject of consumption. Men consumed approximately 1570 calories per day.
The power supply circuit is almost completely coincided with the popular and fashionable diets. By the time men participants lost about 25% of its initial weight, the researchers noted significant personal change.
The participants became depressed, constantly sleepy, irritable, lethargic and had difficulty concentrating. Also, the food is turned in their obsession. They are not talking about anything but food, ways of cooking, gourmet food, weight loss and hunger. Tell then that the curmudgeonly and sudden crying "dietwise" associated with deficiencies of magnesium and b vitamins — more than serious.
I find it hard to resist not to quote the classics, of course, known to all.
"Svejk just returned from ordinary, daily round of prescribed by Dr. Grunstein, and sat on the bed, surrounded by a crowd of emaciated and hungry malingerers who still did not give up and stubbornly continued to compete with a rigorous diet Dr. Grunstein.
If anyone listened to the conversation of this company, I would have thought that he found himself among the Supreme chefs of cooking schools or courses sellers Delicatessens.
— Even the simplest pork rinds you can eat, as long as they are warm,- said the one who was treated here for chronic catarrh of the stomach.- When the fat will start to pop and splash, squeeze them, salt, pepper, and then I tell you, no goose cracklings can not compare with them.
— Let's watch it with goose greaves said the patient "gastric cancer", there is nothing better goose greaves! Well, where are you getting against them with bacon from pork fat! Goose cracklings, of course, to fry until then, until they become Golden, as is done with the Jews. They take the fat of goose, remove the skin from the fat and fry.
I think you're wrong on the part of pork cracklings,- said the neighbor Schweik.- I, of course, talking about bacon homemade pork fat. So they are called,- homemade pork rinds. They are neither brown nor yellow, the color of them somewhere in the middle between the two shades. Homemade cracklings should be neither too soft nor too hard. They should not crackle. Crunch — so overdone. They should melt on the tongue... but you should not feel that the fat flows through the chin.
— Do any of you eat pork rinds from horse fat? — there was a voice, but nobody answered, so ran the paramedic."
I suspect that this is what it's all about the look:)
In the second part of the experiment, participants were allowed eat all they want. Victims of the experiment were regularly barstable to such an extent that it was sick and needed medical intervention, I experienced intense hunger and quickly gained weight due to fat mass. Many have lost muscularity, inherent to the experiment, and some gained weight more initial.
Only after the weight is returned to the home, began the process of stabilization energy and akcionernogo level of the participants.
It is considered that the problem of those who are trying to adjust the weight diet — no will power. Despite the fact. the concept of willpower seems to modern psychologists is highly questionable, and indeed sitting on a diet — much more strong-willed people. They have the courage to refuse eating for an extended period of time. They are able nothing is in the periods of time when there is "no" or "bad". They can daily 2 hours practice in the gym.
See also: How to eat — so sick
Why do we feel tired after eating
The real problem dieters NOT in the power of the will, and the decisions that the diet offers. It's not you fail the diet, this diet "fails" you. According to a recent meta-studies of existing diet programs, almost all they are able to offer short-term weight loss. None is convincing evidence that body weight stabiliziruemost at the desired low point for a long period of time.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: svetlyachok.livejournal.com/584584.html