List of the best diets for weight loss

There is a huge amount in the world. weight-loss techniques and all sorts of diets. Some are based on fats, others are based on proteins, and others do not put any restrictions on us at all, except for the size of portions. You always want to lose weight, but there is no desire to waste time on inefficient and even harmful food systems. Therefore, scientists created a rating of diets, which was published on the website of the National Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood.


Editorial "Site" He'll tell you about 5 leaders. dietary.

The best diets for weight loss
  1. DASH Diet
    The DASH diet is a nutrition system for hypertensive patients. The main principle of DASH is to reduce or completely eliminate salt, foods high in saturated fat and sugar. The diet is designed primarily to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thereby improving well-being and metabolism. Nutrition experts say that DASH works better than many hypertension medications, and also promotes weight loss. We already talked about the DASH diet.


  2. Mediterranean diet
    Another leader in the ranking is the Mediterranean diet. We all know that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean are least susceptible to obesity, heart attacks, diabetes and stroke. Their diet was taken to compile a diet. At the heart of such a food system are complex carbohydrates (bulgur, brown rice, paste from hard wheat varieties, whole grain bread), vegetables and fruits, olive oil, nuts, fish, in small quantities poultry meat. Red meat and sweets based on refined sugar can be consumed in very limited quantities. Diet helps to reduce weight, improve heart and brain function, prevent the development of diabetes and even avoid cancer. If possible, we recommend taking this diet as a basis.


  3. Flexible vegetarian diet
    Adherents of a flexible vegetarian diet, according to scientists, weigh 15% less than meat lovers, are less prone to heart attacks, diabetes and cancer, and live an average of 3.5 years longer. This dietary system calls for the rejection of meat, but not forever (and it is harmful). Meat dishes can be consumed when the body asks. The only thing you need to give up completely is smoked meat products.

  4. The Weight Watcher Diet
    The diet was invented by 2 lush housewives in 1961. Wanting to lose weight, they developed their own food system, which was soon introduced to the whole of America and the world. The diet does not require a radical change in food preferences and provides powerful psychological support (there are points for motivation and various pleasures). The basic principles of the diet: daily record everything that was eaten, drink at least 8 glasses of fluids every day, take multivitamins, eat at least five types of vegetables and fruits, regularly engage in physical activity, follow a nutrition program that is selected by a nutritionist. As you can see, the diet requires consultation with a representative of Weight Watchers.


  5. Intuitive nutrition
    Intuitive nutrition has been very popular for the last 3 years. After all, nutritionists and adherents of various diets have come to the conclusion that if you reasonably approach the choice of products and eat in a balanced manner, then the risk of breaking off the diet is much less than with strict restrictions. In addition, it is psychologically easier not to deny yourself anything, but at the same time lose weight. The diet is a bit like the Mediterranean diet, only you can afford to eat cream dessert or chips when you really want to. We have already talked about the principles of intuitive nutrition.


As you can see, all these diets are without strict restrictions in food. It has long been proven that monodiet and a sharp rejection of many familiar foods (fried potatoes or meat, for example) negatively affect our health. Therefore, you need to responsibly approach the issue of weight loss, or better - consult a specialist and pass tests for vitamins and food tolerance. Maybe you should just review your diet to improve your metabolism.

Earlier we talked about proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle.

Tell us in the comments if your favorite diet is on the list. Share this article with your friends on social media!

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