The ideal diet for women weighing 75 to 85 kg! Dr. Kovalkov teaches you to lose weight correctly.

Many people are trying to lose weight. To do this, come up with a variety of ways, look for the most sophisticated methods. But that’s not what you really need. And Dr. Kovalkov proved this by his own example, dropping more than 50 kilograms. He described his experience and created a method that was One of the best diets for weight loss.

Editorial "Site" He will tell you about the diet of Dr. Kovalkov, which is a pleasure to lose weight.

Today, Doctor of Science Alexei Kovalkov is one of the most popular nutritionists in Moscow. Even 10 years ago, he suffered from excess weight and tried to get rid of it. This is what made him interested in weight loss and develop a special nutrition system. So he developed one of the most thoughtful and safe from the point of view of health diets. Later, he founded a clinic, where more than 6,000 people have successfully lost weight.

Judging by the many reviews on the forums and the unrelenting interest in the Kovalkov method, this scheme really works. Let’s find out what its essence is.

First, we need to talk about the psychological aspects of the method. The doctor strongly opposes any monodiet, strict diets and a sharp restriction of the amount eaten. He believes that any periodic diet, and after periods of gluttony lead to irreversible psychological disorders.

The doctor says, “Any ban sooner or later comes back to you with an irresistible desire.” This is what keeps you from losing weight the most. Any weight loss process should not cause stress to you or your body. Everything should be moderate, gradual and thoughtful.


To get, and then keep a normal weight, you need to first understand the cause of excess weight, formulate goals in the long term, and then, most importantly, realize and take responsibility for the state of your weight. Most diets and other modern methods assume that someone else will take care of your slimness. Kovalkov’s diet puts responsibility only on the thinnest. If you take this approach, the result will not be long in coming.

Diet has many advantages: you do not need to keep a fanatical count of calories, starve and injure the body with sudden changes. The author divided his method into several stages. Let's figure it out. stages of the Kovalkov diet.

  1. Preparatory phase
    Changing the diet is stressful for the body. To avoid harmful consequences, you need to approach the preparatory stage very carefully. Slowly limit portions of the daily menu, gradually remove from the diet foods that stimulate appetite. If possible, get rid of bad habits. During the preparatory stage, the body will feel relief. Then comes the second phase of the preparatory phase. This is the most difficult period, but it helps the body to rebuild, enter a new rhythm and normalize metabolism. The duration of this stage is approximately 14 days. During this time, the gastrointestinal tract will be cleared.

    The regimen involves 6 meals. In the morning, it is better to drink 200 ml of kefir and eat a handful of nuts. You will not have a usual lunch at this stage, it is replaced by two snacks: the first - 1 apple, the second - half a grapefruit. Then again 1 apple, and then the second half of grapefruit. For dinner, you can eat 250 grams of vegetable salad and a piece of cheese. And before going to bed, you can eat the protein of two eggs and drink a glass of milk.

    This is an approximate diet, you can adjust it for yourself, but only within the rules. At this stage, do not eat any fatty foods and generally meat, as well as carbohydrates. At the same time, you need to increase physical activity. There is no need to bother yourself too much, just add daily walking.


  2. Main stage
    After 14 days of the first stage, we gradually move on to the second. At this stage, portions become larger, seafood, low-fat meat, chicken breast, fish, low-fat cottage cheese can be introduced into the diet. The doctor recommends cooking all dishes for a couple without adding oil. Use salt in small quantities. Prepare a variety of dishes so that there is no aversion to food. At this stage, in addition to active walking, strength exercises are gradually introduced: weight is steadily reduced, and the work of body systems continues to normalize. Nutrition restrictions are not as strict as in the preparatory phase, portions are quite large, and the main goal is to teach the body to get the benefits and pleasure of the right foods in the right combination.


    Of the products in the diet must necessarily be cabbage, cucumbers, radish, onions, garlic, spinach, parsley, lettuce, apples and pears, citrus fruits, berries and nuts, low-fat dairy products. In the morning, be sure to eat a handful of nuts, and in the evening two egg whites.

    It is very important to follow the regimen, eat at the same time. And at this stage, we increase the amount of physical activity. Trying to walk more. The doctor recommends bringing the number of steps to 16 thousand per day. In this mode, you need to keep until the weight returns to normal or to the desired mark.

  3. Final stage
    During this period, we consolidate the results of the diet. If you are comfortable in this mode and there are no contraindications for health, then you can observe it all your life. The basic rules of this period are simple: gradually add cereals with a low glycemic index (buckwheat), several pieces of white or bran bread, a portion of baked potatoes for lunch. Yeah, you get a full lunch. Now you can drink a glass of dry wine, eat a piece of dark chocolate. Baking and sweets are still banned, but a little on holidays. Green tea and coffee in moderation are allowed. This period will help to consolidate the results and prevent weight gain.


Everyone who loses weight needs to know that there are a number of foods that help burn fat. Adding them to the diet will be the right decision. In general, more walks, more physical activity and less junk food - that's all the rules of this diet, to sum up.

The bicycle is not invented, but all the rules are systematized and represent a complete method. Following it is not so difficult, but you need to set yourself up for weight loss, understand why you need it, and work hard on yourself.

In addition to this amazing technique, take it as a habit to perform gymnastics Alexander Drozennikov, which will help get rid of excess fat even from the most problematic places. Good luck in losing weight, you will succeed!

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