Diet for white meat
First, consider what nutrients, minerals and vitamins contains chicken breast:
The largest amount of white chicken meat contains protein. But chicken skin has a lot of fat. So follow the diet on chicken breast, skin to eat not worth it, but only clean meat, in which fat is virtually absent. Chicken meat contains a very rich group of vitamins PP, A, E, and almost the entire spectrum of vitamins In groups.
A lot of the white meat and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron. But the main advantage of chicken Breasts is that they lack the main enemies of harmony is carbohydrates. This is why this product is a part of almost all dietary diets and is considered a real solution for losing weight.
Nutritionists have developed three balanced complex diets on chicken breast for different results. Diets No. 1 and 2 are "Express" option and is suitable for those who want to lose your weight fast and in a short time. Diet No. 3 is a longer course. The extra pounds will go slower, but the result is to gain a foothold on longer.
Diet chicken breast No. 1
The diet is composed for 7 days. To keep such a diet for longer is not recommended. During this period can take from 3 to 6 pounds. The result will depend on the initial weights, the higher it is, the more pounds you will lose. The essence of the diet is that exactly half of the daily value had the chicken breast.
Your every day diet you should consume no more than 1200 kcal.
One of the products you should stock up on in the first place, white chicken breast, brown rice, vegetables. For the period of the diet from the diet completely eliminated sugar and salt. You can drink teas (unsweetened), herbs and just purified or mineral water. If you can't live without coffee, are allowed only one Cup a day.
Every day you need to boil 350 gr. breast (this is 588 kcal), 200 gr. rice, vegetables you can take any and in any form (cooked, fresh, steamed, braised), but not more than 400 g. a day. You can divide this diet for 3-5 servings so as not to let hunger defeat you. In this mode, you have to eat exactly 7 days.
Diet chicken breast No. 2
This option is ideal for those who like liquid food. On the daily norm is taken to be 800 grams. chicken fillet and boiled in a couple gallons of water, but without salt. The broth added vegetables and herbs on your preference. Then, the soup diet can be divided into several portions and eat them throughout the day. As drinks, the same unsweetened tea maximum one Cup of coffee per day brewed and useful herbs.
Diet chicken breast No. 3
This method is designed for 21 days and is similar in diet to diet. Only the breast is reduced to 200 gr. in the day, and the vegetables added fruit. Of fruits preferred less sweet, and not more than 300 gr. a day. Tea and coffee still need to drink without sugar and food to cook without salt. Once a week allowed a glass of dry red wine.
There is another type of mono-diet on chicken, but this option should be approached very carefully. First, it is strictly prohibited to people who have problems with the stomach, and secondly, such a diet is tolerated heavier, although the weight of the leaves faster and in greater volume.
So, consider this diet:
The diet is designed to 9 days. Products – only the apples and chicken. The first 3 days you should eat some apples (no more than 1.5 kg), then 3 days only boiled chicken breast (1 kg), and the last three days no food, only broth in which the cooked breast (2 liters per day). The broth is also desirable to cook without salt.
How does a diet of chicken breast?
The mechanism of action of such a diet aimed to supply the body with clean protein, complex carbohydrates and dietary fibers that are not deposited in fat and do not harm muscle tissues. Due to the fact that fatty deposits will no longer receive support, they literally begin to melt away. The lack of salt in the diet allows fluid to accumulate, and to go outside, bringing along all the toxins and wastes. The body is unloaded from unnecessary deposits, there is lightness, energy, and shape a markedly stroiput.
What are the advantages of diets based on chicken meat?
Such a diet is perfect for those who consider themselves meat-eater. Chicken meat, although the diet, however, it is quite hearty, not to allow you to experience a wrenching feeling of hunger that occurs when many other diets. In itself, fillet and delicious, which makes the diet enjoyable. To cook such food is not difficult, the portions are no problem to take with you to work, and eat even cold. Tolerated this food is easy, the body receives many nutrients, the feeling of hunger is absent, and the body appears unprecedented ease.
What are the disadvantages of such diets?
The main disadvantage of diets on chicken is that the body cease to act fats. In a number of they bodies simply need, therefore, in any case can not exceed the specified terms of diet, otherwise you may get into troubles with health. Another negative is the lack of salt. Sometimes our body is very useful to be cleansed from the salt and from the liquid that it holds. But the fact is that there food is not seasoned with salt, may initially be very unpleasant and she does not seem to be delicious. But it is only a matter of habit, and levies it, you may be able to enjoy food without salt.
If you decide to try one of the diets on chicken Breasts, then try to take only domestic chicken.
The food without salt didn't seem disgusting and tasteless, add in the broth, where you boil meat and wax more herbs, spices and roots.
To speed up the process of weight loss take at least the easiest sport. If you don't have time to go to the gym or anywhere else, study at home, at least half an hour a day. Rock press, roll Hoop, the word manifest any physical activity.
Do not continue a diet or not take it, if you feel that is not healthy. Also discard the diet, if you feel discomfort or any other strange, unusual for the symptoms.
Source: dieta-dieta.ru
The largest amount of white chicken meat contains protein. But chicken skin has a lot of fat. So follow the diet on chicken breast, skin to eat not worth it, but only clean meat, in which fat is virtually absent. Chicken meat contains a very rich group of vitamins PP, A, E, and almost the entire spectrum of vitamins In groups.
A lot of the white meat and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron. But the main advantage of chicken Breasts is that they lack the main enemies of harmony is carbohydrates. This is why this product is a part of almost all dietary diets and is considered a real solution for losing weight.

Nutritionists have developed three balanced complex diets on chicken breast for different results. Diets No. 1 and 2 are "Express" option and is suitable for those who want to lose your weight fast and in a short time. Diet No. 3 is a longer course. The extra pounds will go slower, but the result is to gain a foothold on longer.
Diet chicken breast No. 1
The diet is composed for 7 days. To keep such a diet for longer is not recommended. During this period can take from 3 to 6 pounds. The result will depend on the initial weights, the higher it is, the more pounds you will lose. The essence of the diet is that exactly half of the daily value had the chicken breast.
Your every day diet you should consume no more than 1200 kcal.
One of the products you should stock up on in the first place, white chicken breast, brown rice, vegetables. For the period of the diet from the diet completely eliminated sugar and salt. You can drink teas (unsweetened), herbs and just purified or mineral water. If you can't live without coffee, are allowed only one Cup a day.
Every day you need to boil 350 gr. breast (this is 588 kcal), 200 gr. rice, vegetables you can take any and in any form (cooked, fresh, steamed, braised), but not more than 400 g. a day. You can divide this diet for 3-5 servings so as not to let hunger defeat you. In this mode, you have to eat exactly 7 days.
Diet chicken breast No. 2
This option is ideal for those who like liquid food. On the daily norm is taken to be 800 grams. chicken fillet and boiled in a couple gallons of water, but without salt. The broth added vegetables and herbs on your preference. Then, the soup diet can be divided into several portions and eat them throughout the day. As drinks, the same unsweetened tea maximum one Cup of coffee per day brewed and useful herbs.
Diet chicken breast No. 3
This method is designed for 21 days and is similar in diet to diet. Only the breast is reduced to 200 gr. in the day, and the vegetables added fruit. Of fruits preferred less sweet, and not more than 300 gr. a day. Tea and coffee still need to drink without sugar and food to cook without salt. Once a week allowed a glass of dry red wine.
There is another type of mono-diet on chicken, but this option should be approached very carefully. First, it is strictly prohibited to people who have problems with the stomach, and secondly, such a diet is tolerated heavier, although the weight of the leaves faster and in greater volume.
So, consider this diet:
The diet is designed to 9 days. Products – only the apples and chicken. The first 3 days you should eat some apples (no more than 1.5 kg), then 3 days only boiled chicken breast (1 kg), and the last three days no food, only broth in which the cooked breast (2 liters per day). The broth is also desirable to cook without salt.
How does a diet of chicken breast?
The mechanism of action of such a diet aimed to supply the body with clean protein, complex carbohydrates and dietary fibers that are not deposited in fat and do not harm muscle tissues. Due to the fact that fatty deposits will no longer receive support, they literally begin to melt away. The lack of salt in the diet allows fluid to accumulate, and to go outside, bringing along all the toxins and wastes. The body is unloaded from unnecessary deposits, there is lightness, energy, and shape a markedly stroiput.
What are the advantages of diets based on chicken meat?
Such a diet is perfect for those who consider themselves meat-eater. Chicken meat, although the diet, however, it is quite hearty, not to allow you to experience a wrenching feeling of hunger that occurs when many other diets. In itself, fillet and delicious, which makes the diet enjoyable. To cook such food is not difficult, the portions are no problem to take with you to work, and eat even cold. Tolerated this food is easy, the body receives many nutrients, the feeling of hunger is absent, and the body appears unprecedented ease.
What are the disadvantages of such diets?
The main disadvantage of diets on chicken is that the body cease to act fats. In a number of they bodies simply need, therefore, in any case can not exceed the specified terms of diet, otherwise you may get into troubles with health. Another negative is the lack of salt. Sometimes our body is very useful to be cleansed from the salt and from the liquid that it holds. But the fact is that there food is not seasoned with salt, may initially be very unpleasant and she does not seem to be delicious. But it is only a matter of habit, and levies it, you may be able to enjoy food without salt.
If you decide to try one of the diets on chicken Breasts, then try to take only domestic chicken.
The food without salt didn't seem disgusting and tasteless, add in the broth, where you boil meat and wax more herbs, spices and roots.
To speed up the process of weight loss take at least the easiest sport. If you don't have time to go to the gym or anywhere else, study at home, at least half an hour a day. Rock press, roll Hoop, the word manifest any physical activity.
Do not continue a diet or not take it, if you feel that is not healthy. Also discard the diet, if you feel discomfort or any other strange, unusual for the symptoms.
Source: dieta-dieta.ru
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