Principles of the Atkins Diet

Many of you have heard of "Atkins diet". Who is this mysterious Atkins and what is this diet?

Dr. Robert Atkins became famous for his ingenious discovery, which changed dietetics.

However, in order to talk about his incredible method, it is worth telling first. history. After all, it was Robert’s childhood and adolescence that formed his vision of the world, which so strongly influenced modern dietetics.

Robert Atkins was born on October 17, 1930, into a Jewish family of immigrants from Russia. All his life, Robert was the only child spoiled and loved by his parents. A complex relationship with food Robert began to form very early, as his father first sold candy, and then seriously engaged in the restaurant business.

Robert was a hard-working guy from childhood. Despite the fact that his father provided well for the family, Atkins got a job very early. While still in school, he worked first as a shoe salesman, and then voiced humorous sketches on a local radio station. Atkins was amazing. humorousness!

Robert finished high school quickly and graduated in 1955. College of Medicine Vale Cornell. Atkins already felt that he had a great future and was on the cusp of something great and important.

And although Robert began his medical career as a cardiologist, he decided to quit this field and opened his career. private. However, due to Atkins’ youth and inexperience, he initially had few clients.

Because of stress, Robert I've recovered to a hundred pounds.. Like many successful nutritionists, Robert delved into the wilderness of the secrets of losing weight for his own good. Wanting to lose weight, which already significantly prevented him from living fully, Atkins studied many publications and tried a lot of ways to lose weight.

After a while, Robert developed his method based on everything he had read. It was. protein-fat diet.

The Atkins Diet The main principle of the diet is complete exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet. How does it work?

Normally, the body gets energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates, but if you don’t consume them, it starts releasing it from its own fat.

It is this approach that Atkins used in his weight loss method. From that point until almost the end of his life, Atkins was only promoting his method, which worked and helped many of his patients.

Benefits of the Atkins Diet
  1. Speed.
    Dr. Atkins' diet It works very quickly and efficiently. People who strictly adhere to it can lose weight in record time.
  2. Diversity
    In your diet remains an incredible amount of goodies that you can safely afford. Fatty meat or fish, eggs and cheeses - everything is at your disposal.

  3. Saturation
    Meat is a very satisfying product. You can eat a small piece of meat for a long time. This will help you to follow a diet and not break down, because usually people break down because of the constant hunger. After a couple of days of dieting, you will not want sweets, because you will feel full and full.

  4. Muscles
    Since the basis of such a diet is not only fats, but also proteins, you You will not lose muscle mass.. Our muscles are kept in shape and developed by the proteins we consume. Thanks to the Atkins diet, your abs and buttocks will remain as resilient and pumped as ever.

  1. Stress for the body
    Our body is used to the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Prix lock-up The body can behave very unpredictable from carbohydrates, be prepared for this.
  2. Diseases
    The effects of the Atkins diet have not yet been fully investigated. There is a high probability of losing pounds, but get problems with the heart or immunity.

  3. Individual approach
    It should be borne in mind that the Atkins method, like any other diet, can be suitable. far. It is necessary to consult with your family doctor before trying this method of nutrition. And even after the approval of the doctor, you should be extremely careful, from time to time taking all the necessary tests and making sure that your body feels well. Remember that a slim figure is not worth the health problems that can be gained by achieving it.

White Atkins diet for rapid weight loss The book was first published by Robert in 1972. There were specific recipes and principles of weight loss according to this method.

Although the Atkins diet has serious disadvantages, it is still worth paying tribute to the famous nutritionist for the fact that he made a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of weight loss and helped many people. On the basis of his diet, many methods of nutrition were developed, including the Israeli diet.

Be careful when choosing a diet and be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of your body.

Do not forget that often the cause of excess weight can be not only malnutrition, but also problems with the thyroid gland.

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