Guide to preparing dumplings from lavash

My mother has a special cookbook marked “for giving”. It often helps when there is no time to cook. And since my dad is still that picky, and there is no oven at the country house, only a small stove, recipes from a “dacha” notebook for weight in gold! Among the favourites are lazy lava dumplings. The whole family loves these meat roses! Don't bother with the dough, but it tastes just like dumplings.

What to make from lavash? Today. "Site" will tell you the original ground-up. These are the so-called "Daily" dumplings, which can be stewed, or you can bake in the oven.

Cook without fear - the lavash will not get wet and the mince will not fall apart! If you are very worried, instead of lavash, use ordinary dumpling dough, rolling it out with a thickness of 1-2 mm.

The ingredients
  • 2 leaves of lavash
  • 500g lean ground meat
  • 1 large bulb
  • 1 big carrot
  • 1 egg
  • 150g sour cream
  • 50g tomato paste or ketchup
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • salt, spices to taste

  1. Clean onions and carrots and wash under running water. Sod the carrots on a large grater and cut the onions with half rings. Roast vegetables in vegetable oil and lay out in a wide pan with a thick bottom or pot. If you have a deep enough pan, you can use it.

  2. Sprinkle and mince, add the whipped egg. Stir well and beat several times - throw the mince from your hand into a bowl, so it will become lush and will not fall apart during cooking.
  3. Evenly distribute the mince on the lavash and roll it with a roll. Cut in pieces 3-4 cm thick.

  4. Mix sour cream with tomato paste, add 1 tbsp. boiling water or broth and salt to taste. Put meat roulettes on a vegetable pillow with a cut down and pour sour cream sauce.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid and dumpling carcasses for about 20-30 minutes on a slow heat. Then turn off and hold under the lid for another 10 minutes.

  6. Dumplings can not be stewed and cooked. mincemeat. To do this, cover the form with blanks with a lid and put in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 20-30 minutes. When the dish is ready, sprinkle it with grated cheese and let it bluster for a few more minutes.
  7. Serve lazy dumplings with gravy and vegetables, sprinkled with fresh greens. Bon appetit!

If there was a package at hand lavashIt can be used not only on appetizing roulettes. Lavash is good for cake! Lavash cake with cheese is prepared very quickly, simply, and most importantly, with all the banality, its taste surpasses the taste of the most amazing lasagna.

What about a lazy dessert? “Napoleon” of fine lavash will be a real decoration of any festive table. Moreover, many guests will not even notice the change! It cooks quickly and turns out incredibly appetizing.

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