Culinary secrets of Armenian lavash

Lavash is a thin pastries, cakes which in many countries are used as bread. Recipes of cooking a great variety. One of the most popular pita bread is an Armenian.

Armenian cuisine is the most ancient in the Caucasus and more than one thousand years. Armenian recipes are almost not changed with time, and many of their dishes have copied the Turks in turn from which the Armenian cuisine became known to Europe.

The oldest pastry is thin and soft pita bread that has hardly changed in hundreds of years. It is popular all over the world, because it is possible separately, and can be used as a basis for other dishes.

Pita bread: the history and sovremennostyu ancient times, lavash was made only in the warm season. Baked it with the stock for the whole winter and kept in linen bags. If the pita bread was drying his lightly soaked with water, and the pita bread again soft.

Lavash is sold in many grocery stores, but not expensive products, it's easy to make at home. A traditional recipe for pita bread, which came from antiquity, does not contain yeast. This freshly baked cake is very useful: it contains vitamins, fiber, manganese and iron.

Recipe home of lavaratory to prepare pita bread at home, you'll need: 1 egg, 2 tbsp. flour, 0.5 St. water and 0.5 tsp salt.

Method of preparation: egg with salt mix thoroughly so that the salt has dissolved. Add the flour and knead well the dough. If it is sticky, add more flour. Then cover the dough with a towel and let stand half an hour.

Divide the dough into small pieces, a chicken egg size. Each part should roll out the fondant thinly and fry in a dry pan for one minute on each side. Ready lavash wrap in a plastic bag to soften. published


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