Lose weight on the cabbage soup diet
Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage... the cabbage many varieties, and single purpose: to heal the body, that is, to cleanse it of toxins and, importantly, of fat!
Leader for the purpose of losing weight is considered to be cabbage, which is 100 grams of product contains only 20 kcal. Many nutritionists cabbage even called the product of a negative energy balance. Roughly speaking, it can be eaten all day and hasn't to get better as in the product of calories, and its processing of the body spends more energy than it receives. Of course, if you stick cabbage fatty pork knuckle or sausage with ketchup, then the harmony will have to say goodbye... the Cabbage soup diet offers other recipes, which will help to attain the desired figure. Adhering to this diet for a week, you can lose weight by 5-7 kg.
Sixty six million nine hundred forty eight thousand two
But before we move on to dietary menu, first take a look at useful properties of the product and contraindications for some people to consume this vegetable in large quantities.
Cabbage is rich in vitamin C. it contains a large number of enzymes, potassium, volatile, which contributes to the prevention of heart disease. Shown cabbage to people with stomach ulcer and gastritis. To eat cabbage the food you need for those who want to reduce blood sugar levels, to organize the work of the kidneys and liver.Cabbage is useful for colds, pain in the joints and spine, gout and of mastitis. Particularly sensitive students suggest before exams to eat coleslaw, then the nervousness will fade and pass exams with less stress. Also, the use of cabbage relieves headaches and feelings of apathy.
Recently scientists discovered another useful quality of cabbage leaves. It turned out that the cabbage during the process of splitting in the stomach, acquires the ability to slow down the growth of cancerous tumors!
Before you go to the market for cabbage, remember not only the dialed pounds, but the body as a whole. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this diet is not suitable! Primarily because the consumption of large quantities of vegetables are very good for digestion. Also the cabbage soup diet dangerous for diabetics, patients with impaired renal function and severe degrees of obesity.
If contraindications are not available, consider the following disadvantages: the cabbage soup diet is considered to be poorly balanced, since it lacks the necessary body of vitamins and minerals and does not contain beneficial fatty acids. It is therefore possible that during the process of losing weight you will experience headaches, weakness and fatigue, that can prevent employment. It is best during the cabbage diet to be on vacation, when there is no urgent pressing matters that require greater attention and speed of reaction.
If the holiday has already passed, and earned pounds bring sorrow nutritionists recommend this diet no more than once in a month or two.
And another important point: after a week of this diet the body begins to use as fuel muscle mass. And without muscle, the body loses elasticity and becomes flabby, so don't get carried away with the duration of the cabbage diet.
In addition, on this diet you will need willpower, as the proposed products in the diet is very small. And those who managed to survive to the end, it is necessary to remember that the most important thing is the end of the diet when the temptation to pounce on their favorite dishes, and thus trigger the return of the departed pounds. And the right to only refund! Can stick and extra pounds.
However, the cabbage diet, there are options that can be alternated. Classical cabbage diet is a very severe and prolonged (7-10 days). The mechanism of weight loss is: cabbage fills the stomach and, therefore, satisfies hunger.
BREAKFAST - coffee without sugar, with sweetener.
LUNCH - salad from any number of cabbage with one tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oils; a day for lunch, added one egg, hard-boiled.
DINNER - 200 g boiled lean meat or fish or a Cup of yogurt (or Bifidok, or natural drinking yoghurt without additives).
Nothing to salt. Between meals you can eat cabbage in any quantity, but without any additives. Cabbage to eat fresh. You can drink water or green tea, up to 2 liters per day.
The duration of the diet — 10 days. Sitting on her claim that during these 10 days you can lose up to 7 and even 10 pounds. The diet is quite heavy, very low in calories (200 grams of meat is about 400 kcal, a spoon of oil, 150 pounds of cabbage — 200), malouglevodnomu. But the feeling of hunger during dieting much torment, because the stomach always has something to fill: the volume of consumed cabbage diet is not limiting.
And now we offer you another option cabbage diet. This time the basis is not fresh, and sauerkraut. This diet is much softer, for up to 4 days and includes meals. However, to lose with no more than 3 kg, but it is much more useful than the classic cabbage diet.
1 day
Breakfast: 175 g fat-free cottage cheese with watercress, a slice of bread from wheat flour.
Lunch: 200 g sauerkraut, 100 g of roast pork, pear (all put out).
Dinner: Salad 150 grams of sauerkraut, 4 radishes, 1/2 white radish and 1/2 cucumber. Sauce — 75 grams of yogurt with 1 teaspoon chopped nuts.
2nd day
Breakfast: banana, 150 g fat-free yogurt, sprinkle 1 tablespoon of oatmeal.
Lunch: soup 200 g sauerkraut (pour 100 ml of broth (from cubes) and 50 ml of Apple juice for 5 minutes until done put in soup 2 chopped sweet peppers).
Dinner: salad with 200 grams of sauerkraut with 150 grams of salmon fillet (pan-fried, sprinkle with lemon juice and salt).
3rd day
Breakfast: salad of orange with 150 grams of cottage cheese (sprinkle with sunflower seeds).
Lunch: 150 g fried Pollack with 150 grams of sauerkraut.
Dinner: potato pancakes (3 potatoes) with a salad — 4 grapes and 100 grams of sauerkraut.
4th day
Breakfast: bread from wheat flour with bran, Gouda cheese (30 g) and a few slices of Apple.
Lunch: 200 g beef fillet (fried) with 150 grams of sauerkraut and pineapple — all put out.
Dinner: salad of 3 tomatoes, 100 grams of sauerkraut and 125 grams of pork cuts.
The basis of the diet is cabbage soup. It includes the following ingredients: 500 g cabbage, 5 roots carrots, 5 onions, 2 Bulgarian pepper, 2 tomatoes, 4 stalks of celery, 100 gr. brown rice and salt. The soup can be eaten in unlimited quantities. However, apart from the body needs it and other products.
Cabbage soup, fruit (except grapes and bananas).
Cabbage soup.
Cabbage soup, vegetables (except potatoes).
Cabbage soup, fat-free milk.
Cabbage soup, 500 g lean meat or fish, tomatoes.
It's Saturday.
Cabbage soup, vegetables, lean meat (200 g).
Cabbage soup, vegetables, fruit juice (natural, no sugar). published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.greenmama.ru/nid/1116717
Leader for the purpose of losing weight is considered to be cabbage, which is 100 grams of product contains only 20 kcal. Many nutritionists cabbage even called the product of a negative energy balance. Roughly speaking, it can be eaten all day and hasn't to get better as in the product of calories, and its processing of the body spends more energy than it receives. Of course, if you stick cabbage fatty pork knuckle or sausage with ketchup, then the harmony will have to say goodbye... the Cabbage soup diet offers other recipes, which will help to attain the desired figure. Adhering to this diet for a week, you can lose weight by 5-7 kg.
Sixty six million nine hundred forty eight thousand two
But before we move on to dietary menu, first take a look at useful properties of the product and contraindications for some people to consume this vegetable in large quantities.
Cabbage is rich in vitamin C. it contains a large number of enzymes, potassium, volatile, which contributes to the prevention of heart disease. Shown cabbage to people with stomach ulcer and gastritis. To eat cabbage the food you need for those who want to reduce blood sugar levels, to organize the work of the kidneys and liver.Cabbage is useful for colds, pain in the joints and spine, gout and of mastitis. Particularly sensitive students suggest before exams to eat coleslaw, then the nervousness will fade and pass exams with less stress. Also, the use of cabbage relieves headaches and feelings of apathy.
Recently scientists discovered another useful quality of cabbage leaves. It turned out that the cabbage during the process of splitting in the stomach, acquires the ability to slow down the growth of cancerous tumors!
Before you go to the market for cabbage, remember not only the dialed pounds, but the body as a whole. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this diet is not suitable! Primarily because the consumption of large quantities of vegetables are very good for digestion. Also the cabbage soup diet dangerous for diabetics, patients with impaired renal function and severe degrees of obesity.
If contraindications are not available, consider the following disadvantages: the cabbage soup diet is considered to be poorly balanced, since it lacks the necessary body of vitamins and minerals and does not contain beneficial fatty acids. It is therefore possible that during the process of losing weight you will experience headaches, weakness and fatigue, that can prevent employment. It is best during the cabbage diet to be on vacation, when there is no urgent pressing matters that require greater attention and speed of reaction.
If the holiday has already passed, and earned pounds bring sorrow nutritionists recommend this diet no more than once in a month or two.
And another important point: after a week of this diet the body begins to use as fuel muscle mass. And without muscle, the body loses elasticity and becomes flabby, so don't get carried away with the duration of the cabbage diet.
In addition, on this diet you will need willpower, as the proposed products in the diet is very small. And those who managed to survive to the end, it is necessary to remember that the most important thing is the end of the diet when the temptation to pounce on their favorite dishes, and thus trigger the return of the departed pounds. And the right to only refund! Can stick and extra pounds.
However, the cabbage diet, there are options that can be alternated. Classical cabbage diet is a very severe and prolonged (7-10 days). The mechanism of weight loss is: cabbage fills the stomach and, therefore, satisfies hunger.
BREAKFAST - coffee without sugar, with sweetener.
LUNCH - salad from any number of cabbage with one tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oils; a day for lunch, added one egg, hard-boiled.
DINNER - 200 g boiled lean meat or fish or a Cup of yogurt (or Bifidok, or natural drinking yoghurt without additives).
Nothing to salt. Between meals you can eat cabbage in any quantity, but without any additives. Cabbage to eat fresh. You can drink water or green tea, up to 2 liters per day.
The duration of the diet — 10 days. Sitting on her claim that during these 10 days you can lose up to 7 and even 10 pounds. The diet is quite heavy, very low in calories (200 grams of meat is about 400 kcal, a spoon of oil, 150 pounds of cabbage — 200), malouglevodnomu. But the feeling of hunger during dieting much torment, because the stomach always has something to fill: the volume of consumed cabbage diet is not limiting.
And now we offer you another option cabbage diet. This time the basis is not fresh, and sauerkraut. This diet is much softer, for up to 4 days and includes meals. However, to lose with no more than 3 kg, but it is much more useful than the classic cabbage diet.
1 day
Breakfast: 175 g fat-free cottage cheese with watercress, a slice of bread from wheat flour.
Lunch: 200 g sauerkraut, 100 g of roast pork, pear (all put out).
Dinner: Salad 150 grams of sauerkraut, 4 radishes, 1/2 white radish and 1/2 cucumber. Sauce — 75 grams of yogurt with 1 teaspoon chopped nuts.
2nd day
Breakfast: banana, 150 g fat-free yogurt, sprinkle 1 tablespoon of oatmeal.
Lunch: soup 200 g sauerkraut (pour 100 ml of broth (from cubes) and 50 ml of Apple juice for 5 minutes until done put in soup 2 chopped sweet peppers).
Dinner: salad with 200 grams of sauerkraut with 150 grams of salmon fillet (pan-fried, sprinkle with lemon juice and salt).
3rd day
Breakfast: salad of orange with 150 grams of cottage cheese (sprinkle with sunflower seeds).
Lunch: 150 g fried Pollack with 150 grams of sauerkraut.
Dinner: potato pancakes (3 potatoes) with a salad — 4 grapes and 100 grams of sauerkraut.
4th day
Breakfast: bread from wheat flour with bran, Gouda cheese (30 g) and a few slices of Apple.
Lunch: 200 g beef fillet (fried) with 150 grams of sauerkraut and pineapple — all put out.
Dinner: salad of 3 tomatoes, 100 grams of sauerkraut and 125 grams of pork cuts.
The basis of the diet is cabbage soup. It includes the following ingredients: 500 g cabbage, 5 roots carrots, 5 onions, 2 Bulgarian pepper, 2 tomatoes, 4 stalks of celery, 100 gr. brown rice and salt. The soup can be eaten in unlimited quantities. However, apart from the body needs it and other products.
Cabbage soup, fruit (except grapes and bananas).
Cabbage soup.
Cabbage soup, vegetables (except potatoes).
Cabbage soup, fat-free milk.
Cabbage soup, 500 g lean meat or fish, tomatoes.
It's Saturday.
Cabbage soup, vegetables, lean meat (200 g).
Cabbage soup, vegetables, fruit juice (natural, no sugar). published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.greenmama.ru/nid/1116717
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