Diet in which "starves" cancer and passes diabetes! To bring healing fat into your life, you need to...

Everyone knows that fatty foods are the main enemy of the figure. In all diets, fatty foods are advised to avoid. But not everyone knows that Fats in normal volume do not harm the bodyIt's just necessary for him.

“To maintain the work of the cardiovascular system, healthy fats are needed,” say cardiologists. They deny the myth of cholesterol as the main cause of clogged arteries and heart attacks.

Doctors also warn of the dangers associated with statins, medications used to lower cholesterol levels in the body.

The truth is that brain and nervous system tissues need cholesterol and similar fats to maintain their function.


Nutritionists have advised us for decades to reduce fat in general and animal (saturated) fat in particular. It was believed that this will reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and save from heart disease. But that was only partly true.

Replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. However, this only works in the well-fed West. In countries with an average and low standard of living, giving up fat means switching to cheap fast carbohydrates (sugar) and only worsens people’s health.

Fatty diet Low-carb fatty diet The LCHF diet was developed over a decade ago in Sweden. In this Scandinavian country, doctors for the first time officially abandoned the myth that fat is more dangerous than carbohydrates, and low-fat foods bring health benefits.

By this point, scientists have found enough evidence that the harm of fats, including saturated animals, was greatly exaggerated, but the danger of sugar and starch, on the contrary, underestimated.

Numerous studies have rehabilitated fats (only of natural origin, not trans fats), while carbohydrates and low-fat foods have shown a potential threat.

Low-fat foods are positioned as healthy food. But if you eat less fat, you need to eat more carbs to feel full. Feel the trick?

A low-carb fat diet is a diet plan based on a simple principle: consume a minimum of carbohydrates, namely sugars and starch, and a maximum of foods rich in lipids, proteins and fiber.

Like many other food systems, for example Dukan protein dietThis is not a diet, but a lifestyle in which you can eat high-quality food.

A high-fat diet – proven and true Recent research suggests that a high-fat diet can reverse some forms of cancer. Fred Hetfield, a former world powerlifting champion, coach and successful business owner, was diagnosed with metastatic bone cancer.

The prognosis, confirmed by several doctors, left him only three months to live. Hetfield stopped consuming sugar and carbohydrates, started eating enough good meat and healthy fats rather than cheap trans fats, hydrogenated oils or margarine. As a result, the disease receded.

According to a new discovery by a research team from the University of South Florida, the combination of a low-carbohydrate fatty diet and staying in a pressure chamber increases life expectancy in mice with aggressive metastatic cancer.

The study was led by Dominic D’Agostino, a leading specialist at the University of South Florida College of Medicine. The results of this work support the theory that cancer is a metabolic disease and the strategy of prevention and treatment of oncology should be based on proper nutrition.

Low-carb fatty diet: what should be excluded from the menu
  1. Sugar. The worst thing that industry has done. Artificial sugar substitutes should also be avoided.
  2. Soft drinks, candy, juice, sports drinks. Chocolate, cakes, buns, cakes, ice cream, breakfast cereal. Avoid flavored, sweet and low-fat foods.
  3. Starch: white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, chips and so on.
  4. Margarine. An industrial simulator of normal oil with an unnaturally high content of omega-6 fats (a skew of omega-6 compared to omega-3 is bad for the heart).
  5. Beer. It's a liquid bread full of instant carbohydrates.


Fatty diet approves
  1. Any meat - beef, pork, game, chicken. If possible, try to choose farm products rather than ham stuffed with antibiotics and hormones.
  2. Fish and shellfish: all kinds. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or herring are especially welcome. Avoid panning.
  3. Eggs. In any form - boiled, fried, omelets. It is preferable to choose organic eggs.
  4. Fruits: primarily avocados.
  5. Sauces. The use of butter and cream during cooking is allowed. Coconut oil and olive oil are also good options.
  6. Vegetables that grow above the ground: cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, asparagus, squash, eggplant, spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, peppers, tomatoes.
  7. Dairy products. Always choose options that have not been recycled: natural butter, cream (40% fat), sour cream, Greek yogurt and high-fat cheeses. Be careful when consuming skim milk as it contains a lot of sugar.
  8. Nuts and seeds. They'll do it instead of candy.
  9. Berries. Sweet - in moderation, sour - without restrictions.

Unfortunately, despite the well-known fact that sugar feeds cancer cells, oncologists forget to inform patients! Patients continue to eat candy and cakes, going through new chemotherapy.

If you or someone you know is suffering from cancer, the best thing you can do is take away your favorite food: sugar and simple carbohydrates.


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