Six Healing Sounds: a Wellness technique from Taoist master Mantak Chia
A few thousand years ago, Taoist master during meditation opened six sounds that help to maintain the optimal condition of the internal organs, preventing or healing illness. They found that a healthy body generates vibrations of a certain frequency. Along with the Six healing Sounds were developed Qigong healing Sounds, six postures, which activates the acupuncture meridians and energy channels of the organs.
1. To extract the maximum benefit, properly position and accurately pronounce the sound of each organ.
2. During exhalations need to look up at the ceiling, throwing his head back. This forms a direct passage from the mouth through the esophagus to the internal organs, which facilitates the exchange of energy.
3. The sounds are pronounced without voice, i.e. lips, teeth and tongue to produce the sound, but you hear it only inside; so intensifies the impact of the sound. All Six of the Sounds to be spoken slowly and smoothly.
4. Perform all exercises in the proposed order. This order promotes even heat distribution in the body. It corresponds to the natural seasons, machinas autumn and ending with Indian summer.
5. To implement the Six Healing Sounds begin no sooner than an hour after a meal. However, if you have flatulence, nausea or stomach cramps, can carry the Sound of the spleen casupole food.
6. Choose a quiet place and unplug the phone. Until you develop the ability inner focus, you need to eliminate all distractions.
7. Dress warmly to keep warm. Clothing should be loose, the belt loosen. Remove the glasses and watch.
The first healing sound – the Sound of Light In the theory of the Five Elements control the Light Metal. Metal can have both positive and negative effects on our body and state of consciousness. Overheated light have a negative effect on the Metal. And this, in turn, has an impact on other organs. However, the Taoists discovered that the negative elements and forces create and control negative emotions. Negative emotions that arise due to overheating of the lungs is sadness and depression.
The healing Sound for the Lungs: SSSSSSS… Seems like lazy hiss of a snake. The sound is made only during expiration.The healing Sound for the Lungs begins the process of releasing negative emotions by releasing heat from the lungs.It itself has a positive effect on the body.
Thirty three million four hundred forty six thousand eight hundred thirty
1.Feel your lungs.
2.Take a deep breath and raise your hands in front of him, watching say movement of the eyes. When the hands will be at eye level, begin to rotate your palm and raise your hands high above your head, turning palms up. The elbows in this bent.You should feel the tension coming from the wrists to the forearms, elbows and shoulders. With this lightweight and gradnally will be revealed and this will make breathing easier.
3.Close your mouth so that the teeth are gently closed, and signalandwait lips. The corners of the mouth pull back and exhale, releasing the air through the slit between the teeth, when this happens the sound 'SSSSS..." which should be pronounced without voice, slowly and smoothly on odnawiane.
4.Simultaneously imagine and feel how the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs) are fully compressed, squeezing out excess heat, sick energy, sadness, sorrow and longing.
5.After a full exhale (performed without voltage) expand palm down, close glaza fill lungs with air to strengthen them. If you are sensitive to color, can you imagine that pure white light and quality of nobility fill all of your lungs. Gently relax your placei slowly lower hands on hips palms up. Feel the exchange of energy in the hands and palms.
6.Close your eyes, breathe normally, smile easy, feel them and imagine that you seeme say their Sound. Pay attention to all the feeling. Try to feel the cool, fresh energy replacing the hot and harmful energy.
7.Once the breathing is normalized, do this exercise 3 to times used.
For colds, flu, toothaches, Smoking, asthma, emphysema, depression, or when you noticeability the mobility of the thorax and the elasticity of the inner surface of the arms, or to cleanse the lungs of toxins can repeat the sound 9, 12, 18, 24 or 36 times. Lung sound can help you stop being nervous, if you are in front of a large audience. To do this silently and bendirei hands, run it a few times. This will help you to calm down. If the lung Sound is not enough, you can perform the heart Sound and the Inner Smile.
The Second Healing Sound, The Kidney Sound
In the theory of the Five Elements kidneys control the Water Element. Water is pure Yin energy.This cold energy in comparison with its opposite, the Element of Fire is pure Yang, hot energy. Thus, the kidneys control the cold Water Element in our body.
If our kidneys too much heat, they, of course, cannot work effectively to regulate the Element of Water and to cool the body. Healing Sounds release the heat from organofacies fascia. When you release heat from the kidney, they begin to work better and stanovjatsja.
Each of the Five Elements is associated with certain negative emotions. Negative emotion associated with the kidney is fear. Fear is a powerful emotion. Just as the Element Water, he is identified with the cold.
The healing Sound of the Kidneys, CHUUUUU… The healing Sound of the Kidneys will release the excessive cold from the kidneys and neutralize fear. The neutralization of negative emotions allows you to manifest positive emotions. Positive emotions Item Vodii of the kidneys — kindness and wisdom to defeat fear. When you're scared, say the Healing Sound of the Kidneys. You'll be surprised at how well it dissipates the fear.
Ninety eight million eight hundred thirty six thousand nine hundred seventy four
1.Feel the kidneys.
2.Keep feet, ankles and knees touching. Leaning forward, take a deep breath and interlock brush; grab the lock hands knees and pull them on.Straight arms, feel the tension of the back in region of kidneys; raise your eyes and without tension, tilt the head back.
3.We round the lips and almost silently say the sound that you get when you blow out the candle. At the same time pull the middle part of the abdomen between the breastbone and the navel is to the spine. Imagine excess heat, wet, sick energy, and fear squeezed out of the shell around the kidneys.
4.After a full exhale, sit up straight and slowly inhale into the kidneys, imagining how bright golbaengi and quality of meekness consists in the kidneys. Spread your legs to hip length and place on thigh rociadores up.
5.Close your eyes and breathe normally. Smile to the kidneys, imagining that you still proiznositsya Sound. Pay attention to your feelings. Feel the exchange of energies in the region around the kidneys, the hands, head and feet.
6.After breathing calms down, repeat the Healing Sound from 3 to 6 times.
When back pain, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, or to cleanse the kidneys from toksicheskie repeat 9 to 36 times.
The third healing Sound, the Liver Sound
For the Taoists the liver is a manifestation, and storage of the Tree Element in the body. The element Wood has the quality of generation and symbolized by the tree growing out of the ground. The Tree element is also stored in the gallbladder that is attached to the underside of the liver and is to store bile produced by the liver. The energy of Wood — warm and humid. It interacts with energymeter, energy, light, cold and dry, to regulate body temperature, safeguard, agoot extreme effects of cold and heat.
Negative emotion associated with the liver is anger. Excessive anger leads to peregretye the hardening of the liver. Some people feel it as a big solid piece of wood beneath the rib cage.
The Healing Sound Of The Liver: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh… The healing Sound of the Liver helps to release the excessive heat from the liver. The release of this heat reduces and dissolves anger. Anger is a very unhealthy emotion that often prevadid explosive or even self-destructive behavior. It creates chasms that divide people. Too strong heat in the liver causes anger. So now saying the healing Sound of the Liver you will begin the process of transforming the negative emotions of anger in a positive emotion of the liver — kindness.
Sixty two million one hundred ninety four thousand four hundred thirty three
1.Feel the liver and make the connection between eyes and liver.
2.Put your hands palms outwards. Take a deep breath, slowly raising his hands to the sides above her head. At the same time bend your head and look at hands.
3.Interlace your fingers and expand palms up. Push up Sebastiai feel the tension of the muscles of the arms from hands to shoulders. Slightly lean to the left, creating a soft tension in the liver area.
4.Exhale with the sound 'SHH...", the vocal cords in this little part.And again imagine and feel like a shell in which is enclosed the liver shrinks and gets rid of the excess heat and anger.
5.After a full exhale, open your fingers and pushing in the side of the lower part of the palms, take a slow breath in the liver; imagine it filled with bright green light of kindness.
6.Close your eyes, breathe normally, smile of the liver, presenting as though you still pronounce the Sound. Follow the sensations. Feel the exchange of energies.
7.Run from 3 to six times.
If you feel anger, you have red or watery eyes, in the mouth feel sour or bitter taste, repeat 9 to 36 times. Taoist masters talked about controlling anger: 'If you said the liver Sound 30 times and you're still angry with someone, you have the right to beat the man."
The fourth healing Sound, the Heart Sound
Healing sounds help cool our bodies, and thereby restore them estestvennosti energy. The sound of the Heart gives us the opportunity to "let off steam", to release our serdceed destructive heat. The sound of the Heart is a precious gift stored Taoist sages to regulate our heart.
The heart is the seat of Element Fire. Negative emotions, it is linked to impatience, hatred, cruelty, arrogance, lust for violence and fanaticism. Almost all diseases of this world are somehow connected with this list. All of these negative, destructive emotions arise and fester in our heart. Heat increases. Our heart hardens. Harden and nasosnaya.
Positive emotions of the heart — joy, love, willingness to learn, respectfulness, honesty, frankness, enthusiasm, radiance and light. Some of these reflect traditional Chinese values, especially the dignity. The Taoists say, when you have the gravity, the heart is opened. Taoists also say that the heart pushes the spirit of the teachings. This spirit finds pleasure in radostei fun, and they help provide the zeal necessary for true teaching, such teaching that comes from the heart.
The healing Heart Sound, HUUUUUU… The healing Sound of the Heart gives us the means to release heat through the fascia, known as the pericardium (pericardial bag) that surrounds the heart and regulating its temperature. Qigong Healing Heart Sound is almost identical to qigong Healing Sound of the Liver. The only difference sostoit that you lean to the right (not left) as woven push your fingers up.
Eighty one million six hundred four thousand nine hundred sixty one
1.Feel your heart and feel the connection between him and the language.
2.Take a deep breath, while taking the same position as for the execution of Sound of the liver, but this time lean to the right.
3.Open your mouth, round the lips and exhale with the sound 'HUUUUUU...", without a voice, representing, as the pericardium gets rid of excess heat, impatience, irritability and haste.
4.The rest is the same as when performing Sound of the liver, with the only difference that the focus needs to be on your heart and imagine how it fills with bright red light and the qualities of joy, honor, creativity iskrennosti.
5.Perform from three to six times.
If sore throat, colds, swollen gums or tongue, heart disease, pain in the heart, nervousness, repeat 9 to 36 times.
Fifth healing sound – the Sound of Spleen
The spleen is perhaps the worst of all studied of the five major Taoist internal organs. Taoists believe that the spleen produces antibodies that protect us from certain diseases.In the West, where the spleen and its functions are still considered somewhat mysterious, this function is not widely recognized. Unlike the four other major organs, loss of spleen is not necessarily detrimental to the body. The spleen removes worn-out, Krasnyi white blood cells, breaks down hemoglobin and serves as a reservoir of iron in our body.At the stage of the foetus and immediately after birth, the spleen produces all types of blood cells, but week the ninth month of life most of these functions takes over the bone marrow, and sentencebased white blood cells known as lymphocytes.
The spleen is located on the left side of the body, in the upper part of the abdomen. It is soft on the oval. The spleen is in direct contact with the pancreas, which runs in the middle of the body, from the liver to the spleen. The pancreas is vital to the existence of our body. It produces insulin, which regulates sugar levels in blood. In the absence of enough insulin the sugar content in graviodynamics to toxic levels: this actually happens in diabetes. Excess insulin leads to a condition known as hypoglycemia that can lead to death, if not his testimonies control.
Element spleen is Earth. Negative emotion of the spleen is worry and self-pity.The positive emotions or qualities — openness and fairness to oneself and to others.
Sound healing Spleen: HUUUUUU… The Taoists realized the close relationship between the spleen and the pancreas. Very often these bodies and mentioned together: "the spleen/pancreas". The healing Sound of the Spleen is distributed on the two bodies. The sound of this: HUUUUU. Looks like an owl.
Sixty million two hundred forty four thousand four hundred thirty
1.Feel the spleen; feel the connection between the spleen and the mouth.
2.Take a deep breath, placing her hands on the upper part of the stomach so that the index finger rests on the area below and slightly to the left of the sternum. At the same time push down on this area forefinger and push forward signiwcant back.
3.Exhale with the sound 'HUUUUUU...", pronouncing it without the voices, but cebion felt on his vocal cords. Exhale the excess heat, vlazhnosti dampness, anxiety, pity and regret. Breathe into the spleen, pancreas and stomach, or imagine a bright yellow light with the qualities of honesty, compassion, dedication, and musicality.
5.Slowly lower hands on hips palms up.
6.Close your eyes, breathe normally and imagine that you still pronounce the Sound of the spleen. Follow the sensations and energy metabolism.
7.Repeat from 3 to six times.
Repeat 9 to 36 times with indigestion, nausea and diarrhea, and also if you want to clean selectquot toxins. Made in combination with other Healing Sounds, the sound is much better and healthier than any medication. This is the only one of Six Sounds, which can be done immediately after eating.
Sixth Healing Sound — The Sound Of Triple Heater
Triple Heater is not an organ in the Western sense of the word. It's more otnositsa the fact that the Taoists perceived as three body areas: upper, middle and lower. The upper region is considered hot, the middle region is warm and bottom is cold. The upper region consists of the brain, heart and lungs. The middle region includes kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreatic selesai stomach. The lower area includes the entire lower part of the stomach, large and small intestines, sexual organs and bladder.
Healing sound the Triple Heater: HIIIII… The Triple Heater sound — a great tool for stress relief. If you do it before ekodoma sleep, it will provide you with a good, deep and relaxed nights sleep. Triple Obogrevateli has emotion, item, or color, associated with it. The sound itself is as follows: HIIIII. The sound of Drainagewater is used to control the temperature in these three areas of the body. You dominiocolectivo or to imagine as the energy descends from the head down in your lower part Zhivotov moment when you pronounce the Healing Sound. Hot energy drops in the lower region, and cold energy rising through the digestive system up to balance, temperaturo all three areas.
Qigong healing Sound the Triple Heater
1.Lie on your back. If you feel pain in the lumbar region, is placed under the knees pillow.
2.Close your eyes and take a deep breath, stress bloating stomach and chest.
3.Exhale with the sound 'HIIIII...", pronouncing it without the voices, imagining and feeling as if toorani roller squeezes out the air you starting from the neck and zakapyvat in the lower part of the abdomen. Imagine that the chest and abdomen have become marshy, as a sheet of paper, and make inside a easy, light and the void. Relax, doing normal breathing.
4.Repeat 3 to 6 times or more, if you do not feel drowsy.
Sound Triple Obogrevateli you can also use it to relax, not falling asleep, for that it must perform side-lying or sitting on a chair.
Daily practice
Try to do Six Healing Sounds daily any time of the day. Especially effective is to perform them before going to sleep, because they provide a deep refreshing sleep. Having mastered the technique of the exercises you will complete the entire cycle in just 10 15 minutes.
Release excess heat after strenuous exercise Do the Six Healing Twocourse after any strenuous exercise, such as aerobics, walking, martial arts, or after any activity in the system of yoga or meditation, in which the Upper Heater (mothei heart) generates large amount of heat. So you will be able to prevent dangerous overheating of the internal organs. Do not take immediately after vigorous exercise, a cold shower is too much shock to your organs.
The sequence of the Six healing Sounds Always perform them in the following order: lung Sound (autumn), kidney Sound (winter), liver Sound (spring), heart Sound (summer), spleen Sound (Indian summer) and the sound of the Triple Heater. If werbespot any particular organ or its associated symptoms, just increase the number you perform one or another Sound, not re-performing a cycle of all Six Sounds.
The body works harder and, consequently, generates more heat at that time of the year, cogdon dominates. Therefore, in this period, doing exercise intended for him, increase the number of repetitions of its Sound. For example, in the spring make the Sound of the liver from 6 to 9 times, and seecaline – from 3 to 6 times.
If you have too little time or you are very tired, you can perform only the Sound of light and Sound of the kidneys. During the holidays watch your condition. The break between the implementation of the Sounds is very important. This is the time when you clearly feel your organyi establish with them closer than ever. Often, resting or smiling on you to mozetepovezati exchange of Qi energy in the body, as well as in the hands and feet. In my head, too, can feel the flow of energy. On vacation dedicate as much time as you feel necessary.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: goio.ru/cigun/shest-iscelyayushhih-zvukov.html
1. To extract the maximum benefit, properly position and accurately pronounce the sound of each organ.
2. During exhalations need to look up at the ceiling, throwing his head back. This forms a direct passage from the mouth through the esophagus to the internal organs, which facilitates the exchange of energy.
3. The sounds are pronounced without voice, i.e. lips, teeth and tongue to produce the sound, but you hear it only inside; so intensifies the impact of the sound. All Six of the Sounds to be spoken slowly and smoothly.
4. Perform all exercises in the proposed order. This order promotes even heat distribution in the body. It corresponds to the natural seasons, machinas autumn and ending with Indian summer.
5. To implement the Six Healing Sounds begin no sooner than an hour after a meal. However, if you have flatulence, nausea or stomach cramps, can carry the Sound of the spleen casupole food.
6. Choose a quiet place and unplug the phone. Until you develop the ability inner focus, you need to eliminate all distractions.
7. Dress warmly to keep warm. Clothing should be loose, the belt loosen. Remove the glasses and watch.
The first healing sound – the Sound of Light In the theory of the Five Elements control the Light Metal. Metal can have both positive and negative effects on our body and state of consciousness. Overheated light have a negative effect on the Metal. And this, in turn, has an impact on other organs. However, the Taoists discovered that the negative elements and forces create and control negative emotions. Negative emotions that arise due to overheating of the lungs is sadness and depression.
The healing Sound for the Lungs: SSSSSSS… Seems like lazy hiss of a snake. The sound is made only during expiration.The healing Sound for the Lungs begins the process of releasing negative emotions by releasing heat from the lungs.It itself has a positive effect on the body.
Thirty three million four hundred forty six thousand eight hundred thirty
1.Feel your lungs.
2.Take a deep breath and raise your hands in front of him, watching say movement of the eyes. When the hands will be at eye level, begin to rotate your palm and raise your hands high above your head, turning palms up. The elbows in this bent.You should feel the tension coming from the wrists to the forearms, elbows and shoulders. With this lightweight and gradnally will be revealed and this will make breathing easier.
3.Close your mouth so that the teeth are gently closed, and signalandwait lips. The corners of the mouth pull back and exhale, releasing the air through the slit between the teeth, when this happens the sound 'SSSSS..." which should be pronounced without voice, slowly and smoothly on odnawiane.
4.Simultaneously imagine and feel how the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs) are fully compressed, squeezing out excess heat, sick energy, sadness, sorrow and longing.
5.After a full exhale (performed without voltage) expand palm down, close glaza fill lungs with air to strengthen them. If you are sensitive to color, can you imagine that pure white light and quality of nobility fill all of your lungs. Gently relax your placei slowly lower hands on hips palms up. Feel the exchange of energy in the hands and palms.
6.Close your eyes, breathe normally, smile easy, feel them and imagine that you seeme say their Sound. Pay attention to all the feeling. Try to feel the cool, fresh energy replacing the hot and harmful energy.
7.Once the breathing is normalized, do this exercise 3 to times used.
For colds, flu, toothaches, Smoking, asthma, emphysema, depression, or when you noticeability the mobility of the thorax and the elasticity of the inner surface of the arms, or to cleanse the lungs of toxins can repeat the sound 9, 12, 18, 24 or 36 times. Lung sound can help you stop being nervous, if you are in front of a large audience. To do this silently and bendirei hands, run it a few times. This will help you to calm down. If the lung Sound is not enough, you can perform the heart Sound and the Inner Smile.
The Second Healing Sound, The Kidney Sound
In the theory of the Five Elements kidneys control the Water Element. Water is pure Yin energy.This cold energy in comparison with its opposite, the Element of Fire is pure Yang, hot energy. Thus, the kidneys control the cold Water Element in our body.
If our kidneys too much heat, they, of course, cannot work effectively to regulate the Element of Water and to cool the body. Healing Sounds release the heat from organofacies fascia. When you release heat from the kidney, they begin to work better and stanovjatsja.
Each of the Five Elements is associated with certain negative emotions. Negative emotion associated with the kidney is fear. Fear is a powerful emotion. Just as the Element Water, he is identified with the cold.
The healing Sound of the Kidneys, CHUUUUU… The healing Sound of the Kidneys will release the excessive cold from the kidneys and neutralize fear. The neutralization of negative emotions allows you to manifest positive emotions. Positive emotions Item Vodii of the kidneys — kindness and wisdom to defeat fear. When you're scared, say the Healing Sound of the Kidneys. You'll be surprised at how well it dissipates the fear.
Ninety eight million eight hundred thirty six thousand nine hundred seventy four
1.Feel the kidneys.
2.Keep feet, ankles and knees touching. Leaning forward, take a deep breath and interlock brush; grab the lock hands knees and pull them on.Straight arms, feel the tension of the back in region of kidneys; raise your eyes and without tension, tilt the head back.
3.We round the lips and almost silently say the sound that you get when you blow out the candle. At the same time pull the middle part of the abdomen between the breastbone and the navel is to the spine. Imagine excess heat, wet, sick energy, and fear squeezed out of the shell around the kidneys.
4.After a full exhale, sit up straight and slowly inhale into the kidneys, imagining how bright golbaengi and quality of meekness consists in the kidneys. Spread your legs to hip length and place on thigh rociadores up.
5.Close your eyes and breathe normally. Smile to the kidneys, imagining that you still proiznositsya Sound. Pay attention to your feelings. Feel the exchange of energies in the region around the kidneys, the hands, head and feet.
6.After breathing calms down, repeat the Healing Sound from 3 to 6 times.
When back pain, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, or to cleanse the kidneys from toksicheskie repeat 9 to 36 times.
The third healing Sound, the Liver Sound
For the Taoists the liver is a manifestation, and storage of the Tree Element in the body. The element Wood has the quality of generation and symbolized by the tree growing out of the ground. The Tree element is also stored in the gallbladder that is attached to the underside of the liver and is to store bile produced by the liver. The energy of Wood — warm and humid. It interacts with energymeter, energy, light, cold and dry, to regulate body temperature, safeguard, agoot extreme effects of cold and heat.
Negative emotion associated with the liver is anger. Excessive anger leads to peregretye the hardening of the liver. Some people feel it as a big solid piece of wood beneath the rib cage.
The Healing Sound Of The Liver: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh… The healing Sound of the Liver helps to release the excessive heat from the liver. The release of this heat reduces and dissolves anger. Anger is a very unhealthy emotion that often prevadid explosive or even self-destructive behavior. It creates chasms that divide people. Too strong heat in the liver causes anger. So now saying the healing Sound of the Liver you will begin the process of transforming the negative emotions of anger in a positive emotion of the liver — kindness.
Sixty two million one hundred ninety four thousand four hundred thirty three
1.Feel the liver and make the connection between eyes and liver.
2.Put your hands palms outwards. Take a deep breath, slowly raising his hands to the sides above her head. At the same time bend your head and look at hands.
3.Interlace your fingers and expand palms up. Push up Sebastiai feel the tension of the muscles of the arms from hands to shoulders. Slightly lean to the left, creating a soft tension in the liver area.
4.Exhale with the sound 'SHH...", the vocal cords in this little part.And again imagine and feel like a shell in which is enclosed the liver shrinks and gets rid of the excess heat and anger.
5.After a full exhale, open your fingers and pushing in the side of the lower part of the palms, take a slow breath in the liver; imagine it filled with bright green light of kindness.
6.Close your eyes, breathe normally, smile of the liver, presenting as though you still pronounce the Sound. Follow the sensations. Feel the exchange of energies.
7.Run from 3 to six times.
If you feel anger, you have red or watery eyes, in the mouth feel sour or bitter taste, repeat 9 to 36 times. Taoist masters talked about controlling anger: 'If you said the liver Sound 30 times and you're still angry with someone, you have the right to beat the man."
The fourth healing Sound, the Heart Sound
Healing sounds help cool our bodies, and thereby restore them estestvennosti energy. The sound of the Heart gives us the opportunity to "let off steam", to release our serdceed destructive heat. The sound of the Heart is a precious gift stored Taoist sages to regulate our heart.
The heart is the seat of Element Fire. Negative emotions, it is linked to impatience, hatred, cruelty, arrogance, lust for violence and fanaticism. Almost all diseases of this world are somehow connected with this list. All of these negative, destructive emotions arise and fester in our heart. Heat increases. Our heart hardens. Harden and nasosnaya.
Positive emotions of the heart — joy, love, willingness to learn, respectfulness, honesty, frankness, enthusiasm, radiance and light. Some of these reflect traditional Chinese values, especially the dignity. The Taoists say, when you have the gravity, the heart is opened. Taoists also say that the heart pushes the spirit of the teachings. This spirit finds pleasure in radostei fun, and they help provide the zeal necessary for true teaching, such teaching that comes from the heart.
The healing Heart Sound, HUUUUUU… The healing Sound of the Heart gives us the means to release heat through the fascia, known as the pericardium (pericardial bag) that surrounds the heart and regulating its temperature. Qigong Healing Heart Sound is almost identical to qigong Healing Sound of the Liver. The only difference sostoit that you lean to the right (not left) as woven push your fingers up.
Eighty one million six hundred four thousand nine hundred sixty one
1.Feel your heart and feel the connection between him and the language.
2.Take a deep breath, while taking the same position as for the execution of Sound of the liver, but this time lean to the right.
3.Open your mouth, round the lips and exhale with the sound 'HUUUUUU...", without a voice, representing, as the pericardium gets rid of excess heat, impatience, irritability and haste.
4.The rest is the same as when performing Sound of the liver, with the only difference that the focus needs to be on your heart and imagine how it fills with bright red light and the qualities of joy, honor, creativity iskrennosti.
5.Perform from three to six times.
If sore throat, colds, swollen gums or tongue, heart disease, pain in the heart, nervousness, repeat 9 to 36 times.
Fifth healing sound – the Sound of Spleen
The spleen is perhaps the worst of all studied of the five major Taoist internal organs. Taoists believe that the spleen produces antibodies that protect us from certain diseases.In the West, where the spleen and its functions are still considered somewhat mysterious, this function is not widely recognized. Unlike the four other major organs, loss of spleen is not necessarily detrimental to the body. The spleen removes worn-out, Krasnyi white blood cells, breaks down hemoglobin and serves as a reservoir of iron in our body.At the stage of the foetus and immediately after birth, the spleen produces all types of blood cells, but week the ninth month of life most of these functions takes over the bone marrow, and sentencebased white blood cells known as lymphocytes.
The spleen is located on the left side of the body, in the upper part of the abdomen. It is soft on the oval. The spleen is in direct contact with the pancreas, which runs in the middle of the body, from the liver to the spleen. The pancreas is vital to the existence of our body. It produces insulin, which regulates sugar levels in blood. In the absence of enough insulin the sugar content in graviodynamics to toxic levels: this actually happens in diabetes. Excess insulin leads to a condition known as hypoglycemia that can lead to death, if not his testimonies control.
Element spleen is Earth. Negative emotion of the spleen is worry and self-pity.The positive emotions or qualities — openness and fairness to oneself and to others.
Sound healing Spleen: HUUUUUU… The Taoists realized the close relationship between the spleen and the pancreas. Very often these bodies and mentioned together: "the spleen/pancreas". The healing Sound of the Spleen is distributed on the two bodies. The sound of this: HUUUUU. Looks like an owl.
Sixty million two hundred forty four thousand four hundred thirty
1.Feel the spleen; feel the connection between the spleen and the mouth.
2.Take a deep breath, placing her hands on the upper part of the stomach so that the index finger rests on the area below and slightly to the left of the sternum. At the same time push down on this area forefinger and push forward signiwcant back.
3.Exhale with the sound 'HUUUUUU...", pronouncing it without the voices, but cebion felt on his vocal cords. Exhale the excess heat, vlazhnosti dampness, anxiety, pity and regret. Breathe into the spleen, pancreas and stomach, or imagine a bright yellow light with the qualities of honesty, compassion, dedication, and musicality.
5.Slowly lower hands on hips palms up.
6.Close your eyes, breathe normally and imagine that you still pronounce the Sound of the spleen. Follow the sensations and energy metabolism.
7.Repeat from 3 to six times.
Repeat 9 to 36 times with indigestion, nausea and diarrhea, and also if you want to clean selectquot toxins. Made in combination with other Healing Sounds, the sound is much better and healthier than any medication. This is the only one of Six Sounds, which can be done immediately after eating.
Sixth Healing Sound — The Sound Of Triple Heater
Triple Heater is not an organ in the Western sense of the word. It's more otnositsa the fact that the Taoists perceived as three body areas: upper, middle and lower. The upper region is considered hot, the middle region is warm and bottom is cold. The upper region consists of the brain, heart and lungs. The middle region includes kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreatic selesai stomach. The lower area includes the entire lower part of the stomach, large and small intestines, sexual organs and bladder.
Healing sound the Triple Heater: HIIIII… The Triple Heater sound — a great tool for stress relief. If you do it before ekodoma sleep, it will provide you with a good, deep and relaxed nights sleep. Triple Obogrevateli has emotion, item, or color, associated with it. The sound itself is as follows: HIIIII. The sound of Drainagewater is used to control the temperature in these three areas of the body. You dominiocolectivo or to imagine as the energy descends from the head down in your lower part Zhivotov moment when you pronounce the Healing Sound. Hot energy drops in the lower region, and cold energy rising through the digestive system up to balance, temperaturo all three areas.
Qigong healing Sound the Triple Heater

1.Lie on your back. If you feel pain in the lumbar region, is placed under the knees pillow.
2.Close your eyes and take a deep breath, stress bloating stomach and chest.
3.Exhale with the sound 'HIIIII...", pronouncing it without the voices, imagining and feeling as if toorani roller squeezes out the air you starting from the neck and zakapyvat in the lower part of the abdomen. Imagine that the chest and abdomen have become marshy, as a sheet of paper, and make inside a easy, light and the void. Relax, doing normal breathing.
4.Repeat 3 to 6 times or more, if you do not feel drowsy.
Sound Triple Obogrevateli you can also use it to relax, not falling asleep, for that it must perform side-lying or sitting on a chair.
Daily practice
Try to do Six Healing Sounds daily any time of the day. Especially effective is to perform them before going to sleep, because they provide a deep refreshing sleep. Having mastered the technique of the exercises you will complete the entire cycle in just 10 15 minutes.
Release excess heat after strenuous exercise Do the Six Healing Twocourse after any strenuous exercise, such as aerobics, walking, martial arts, or after any activity in the system of yoga or meditation, in which the Upper Heater (mothei heart) generates large amount of heat. So you will be able to prevent dangerous overheating of the internal organs. Do not take immediately after vigorous exercise, a cold shower is too much shock to your organs.
The sequence of the Six healing Sounds Always perform them in the following order: lung Sound (autumn), kidney Sound (winter), liver Sound (spring), heart Sound (summer), spleen Sound (Indian summer) and the sound of the Triple Heater. If werbespot any particular organ or its associated symptoms, just increase the number you perform one or another Sound, not re-performing a cycle of all Six Sounds.
The body works harder and, consequently, generates more heat at that time of the year, cogdon dominates. Therefore, in this period, doing exercise intended for him, increase the number of repetitions of its Sound. For example, in the spring make the Sound of the liver from 6 to 9 times, and seecaline – from 3 to 6 times.
If you have too little time or you are very tired, you can perform only the Sound of light and Sound of the kidneys. During the holidays watch your condition. The break between the implementation of the Sounds is very important. This is the time when you clearly feel your organyi establish with them closer than ever. Often, resting or smiling on you to mozetepovezati exchange of Qi energy in the body, as well as in the hands and feet. In my head, too, can feel the flow of energy. On vacation dedicate as much time as you feel necessary.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: goio.ru/cigun/shest-iscelyayushhih-zvukov.html
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