The history of the life of giant pandas
In December 1938, five giant pandas were transported smuggled from China to England. Four of them bought the London Zoo. The story of their life in pictures.
In this picture we see one of these pandas named Ming poses for a picture with the son of the photographer Bert Hardy, Mike Hardy.
Min - one of the pandas, bought the London Zoo, even photographed for propaganda posters that were used to raise the morale of the British in World War II.
1946: Baby Steffi introduces his teddy bear panda with this panda Unity (formerly Lien Ho) in Regency London Zoo.
Twenty years later, in 1958, was taken to another panda female named Chi-Chi. In fact, it was intended for the American Zoo, but while Washington has stopped all possible trade with Communist China. So Chi Chi recognized the "communist commodity" and is not allowed to cross the US border.
Chi-Chi became the hallmark and the main spectacle londonkogo zoo, it also remained the most favorite animals in Britain until his death. As the only representative of giant pandas in the Western Hemisphere, Chi-Chi has brought inspiration to Peter Scott to create a logo for them based World Wildlife Fund.
About Chi-Chi has always cared for with special attention, but it did not help the poor man from the periodic eating chocolate was brought into the zoo visitors.
Zoological Society of London before purchase Chi-Chi has stated that it will not encourage the trapping of wild pandas, defending the interests of the entire passivated conservation of this species. But given the fact that Chi-Chi has caught her purchase was officially approved by society, what one of its representatives has publicly stated on channel Granada TV.
In the late 60s ineffectual novel Chi-Chi with a male panda An-An of the Moscow Zoo was the subject of the number one in the British media. And when the favorite of the whole of England died in 1972, mourned her inconsolable.
1966: Giant panda Chi Chi returned home to London Zoo, after an unsuccessful trip to a meeting in Moscow.
In 1974, Prime Minister Edward Heath returned from China with two new pandas for London Zoo: Chin-Chin female and male Chia-Chia. It was a gift from China, tried to thus improve diplomatic relations with Britain.
Chia-Chia and Ching-Ching, in spite of all the care and attention of the London Zoo, and have left no progeny.
In this picture we see Chia-Chia closeup. This male panda Ball presented by the Chinese government in the UK in 1974.
Chin-Chin was often ill and needed almost constant supervision of a veterinarian. After her death in 1988, Chia-Chia on borrowed time for breeding city zoo Mexico City, where local experts have achieved significant results in breeding pandas in captivity. In this photo Chin-Chin (right) after a protracted illness re-released in a cage with Chia-Chia.
In the autumn of 1991 in the London Zoo brought a new female panda named Ming-Ming. And immediately after that there came a male Bao Bao, borrowed from the Berlin Zoo, to produce offspring. But oddly enough, capricious Bao Bao girlfriend had no taste, and instead of lovemaking couple ustarivaet violent fights, crushing all timid hopes for a miracle Brits - the birth of the baby-panda at London Zoo.

In this picture we see one of these pandas named Ming poses for a picture with the son of the photographer Bert Hardy, Mike Hardy.

Min - one of the pandas, bought the London Zoo, even photographed for propaganda posters that were used to raise the morale of the British in World War II.

1946: Baby Steffi introduces his teddy bear panda with this panda Unity (formerly Lien Ho) in Regency London Zoo.

Twenty years later, in 1958, was taken to another panda female named Chi-Chi. In fact, it was intended for the American Zoo, but while Washington has stopped all possible trade with Communist China. So Chi Chi recognized the "communist commodity" and is not allowed to cross the US border.

Chi-Chi became the hallmark and the main spectacle londonkogo zoo, it also remained the most favorite animals in Britain until his death. As the only representative of giant pandas in the Western Hemisphere, Chi-Chi has brought inspiration to Peter Scott to create a logo for them based World Wildlife Fund.

About Chi-Chi has always cared for with special attention, but it did not help the poor man from the periodic eating chocolate was brought into the zoo visitors.

Zoological Society of London before purchase Chi-Chi has stated that it will not encourage the trapping of wild pandas, defending the interests of the entire passivated conservation of this species. But given the fact that Chi-Chi has caught her purchase was officially approved by society, what one of its representatives has publicly stated on channel Granada TV.

In the late 60s ineffectual novel Chi-Chi with a male panda An-An of the Moscow Zoo was the subject of the number one in the British media. And when the favorite of the whole of England died in 1972, mourned her inconsolable.

1966: Giant panda Chi Chi returned home to London Zoo, after an unsuccessful trip to a meeting in Moscow.

In 1974, Prime Minister Edward Heath returned from China with two new pandas for London Zoo: Chin-Chin female and male Chia-Chia. It was a gift from China, tried to thus improve diplomatic relations with Britain.

Chia-Chia and Ching-Ching, in spite of all the care and attention of the London Zoo, and have left no progeny.

In this picture we see Chia-Chia closeup. This male panda Ball presented by the Chinese government in the UK in 1974.

Chin-Chin was often ill and needed almost constant supervision of a veterinarian. After her death in 1988, Chia-Chia on borrowed time for breeding city zoo Mexico City, where local experts have achieved significant results in breeding pandas in captivity. In this photo Chin-Chin (right) after a protracted illness re-released in a cage with Chia-Chia.

In the autumn of 1991 in the London Zoo brought a new female panda named Ming-Ming. And immediately after that there came a male Bao Bao, borrowed from the Berlin Zoo, to produce offspring. But oddly enough, capricious Bao Bao girlfriend had no taste, and instead of lovemaking couple ustarivaet violent fights, crushing all timid hopes for a miracle Brits - the birth of the baby-panda at London Zoo.