All the world's pandas belong to China, but can be rented

China owns all the pandas, and if you have in your zoo panda - they rented. Providing zoo animals for breeding is widespread, but the delivery of the animal in the rent for a profit if the pandas can be unique.

In his article in «The Guardian» John Vidal explains how the "pandonomika»:
«Pandas are leased from the Chinese government for ten years, and Edinburgh Zoo has to pay for the £ 600 000 per year for a couple of pandas. Each cub is born to be sent to China two years after its birth. In the case of the death of the cub zoo must pay compensation of £ 300,000 ».
blockquote> £ 600,000 equivalent to $ 947,000, respectively, for rent two pandas within ten years will cost about $ 10 million, not counting the cost of the care and feeding of the animals.
Vidal also wrote that China is using the Panda as a geopolitical tool, which is not really new: a donation pair of pandas at the National Zoo in Washington, at least, in part, helped to remove tension during the Cold War.
"Now there is a new wave of conducting diplomacy with the help of giant pandas - says the researcher of the World Resources Institute Caitlin Buckingham. - Provision of pandas associated with deliveries to China of valuable resources and symbolizes China's willingness to create trade relations ».