Great news: giant pandas are no longer in the list of endangered animals

China managed to save giant pandas from extinction: the population of bears in 10 years increased by 17% and they are no longer under the threat of extinction. The international Union for conservation of nature and natural resources have excluded them from the list of endangered species, and we Website, as big fans of these little cuties so glad of this news.
Bamboo bear once lived in large numbers in the southern and Eastern forests of China, but due to the climate change, agriculture development and deforestation the population of bears has been reduced.
However, Chinese environmentalists working actively to rescue the pandas, and from 2004 to 2014, the population of adults increased from 1596 until 1864, as the increased number of wildlife parks in the country — now they are 67.
The international Union for conservation of nature and natural resources changed the status of the animal: "threatened with extinction" moved it into the category of "vulnerable". This means that pandas are saved, but still remain a rare species.
Source IUCN
Photo preview-panda.org.cn
See also
Pandas does not happen much
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