Know who you are
Read his dark secret nature! Who are you, a murderer, a rapist ?! Crime horoscope for you!
Do not take to heart
The nature of possible criminality is primarily due to lack of Aries an inferiority complex, and therefore they do not seek to assert themselves at the expense of others, and do not seek any price rise in their eyes, as already sufficiently appreciate its merits. Aries usually alien evil envy, is pushing for a crime of people sensitive to someone else's success. Aries confident in their plans to rely only on his tenacity and his ability, which he, however, are sometimes inclined to overestimate. Aries is extremely aggressive, but aggression is directed not so much on the destruction, and to overcome.
Therefore Aries rapist does not seek to humiliate, trample their prey in the mud, not even trying to prove their superiority, but only overcome her resistance, crush the obstacles encountered, which he - as a stubborn nature and despotic - infuriating.
Aries killer may act from a false sense of justice. Aries avantyuristichen initially, and this quality can cause many decisive actions, sometimes fatal. Aries among the killers took the seventh place among the rapists - the third. Aries are much more stringent than cruel
The nature of possible criminality is due primarily to the ability of Taurus and dedication to the gradual accumulation of aggression that involves well-planned and cold, with a clear mind calculated crime. It is this ability to patiently waiting in the wings makes the Taurus, the most dangerous criminals. Taurus will never depart from the intended offense and make it without affectation, calm and confident, well providing all the possible consequences and take care of a safe hiding evidence. Taurus is not envious, does not suffer from complexes, but what he thinks belongs to him on the same objective, or they set for themselves the right, will fail. In Taurus combines the desire for hoarding and the desire for a convincing demonstration of their financial status.
Taurus killer initially operate by selfish motives. They were not vengeful in the conventional sense, but having experienced some infringement of their interests pass decisions his future victims.
Taurus rapist deprived of impulsivity. He rarely elect their victims strangers and unfamiliar women, no, he had already targeted by the object, first openly stating their rights to him, and then, having been refused, take by force what he considers his own. The lists, murderers, rapists, Taurus has a leading runner.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, a very high level of anxiety of the individual. In Gemini no original adventure, their aspirations are unpredictable and lightning-fast, but nevertheless they are when committing the crime, do not do it spontaneously, as it seems at first glance, they are driven by quite conscious desire only occurs so fast that it seems random and makes their actions are difficult to predict.
Seconds Apart differ boldness and cunning. They are somewhat fussy, but resolute and severe. His ideas they embody quickly, without delay, hiding them reasonably necessary.
Twins are extremely cynical and rapists tend to be accompanied by acts of violence and beatings manifestations of sexual perversion. They rarely kill their prey, to cover their tracks, but exhibit sadism during the act of violence. Among the killers took the third place, as well as among the rapists. But the list of especially dangerous murderers sentenced to death, took a terrible first place, sharing it with Libra.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, its high demands, not always to do so, and his vengeance, which can take on the character's obsession. In certain parts of Rakov prevails stable misanthropy that if you are sensitive can become a breeding ground for crime.
Crabs have a particular cunning killer. They think through well-planned and long circling over his prey before time blunting its vigilance to cause sudden, accurate and devastating blow with the least negative consequences for themselves. The main motive for murder - greed.
Crabs rapists commit their actions under the influence of the same misanthropy and vindictiveness. This may be the place chosen by the victim for his former love for her failure or arrogant behavior with him, but somehow vindictive feeling is always present in his actions.
In the list of killers crabs occupy the fourth place in the list of offenders - the sixth, as the list of dangerous criminals.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, power-aggressive nature of Leo with the installation of a crackdown on any opposition. Lion devoid of anxiety, it is alien to envy or revenge. Inflated self-esteem combined it with an unwavering belief in his innocence and bold determination to achieve the task. For Lions characterized desperate assaults, acts of terrorism, but without sophisticated cruelty. Leo is able to let the train derailed, but will not torment the victim hot awl.
Lions Killer differ boldness and scale operations, some ostentatious show of force and reckless.
Lions-rapists leadership is vanity, ignorance of any kind was forbidden barriers and the desire to break the resistance of the victim, to subdue her to his will and to demonstrate its superiority. In the list of killers Lions win first place, but among dangerous criminals occupy the fifth place, rapists - the seventh.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, increased anxiety that nature and her suspiciousness, combined with conservative, sometimes wearing a clearly aggressive nature. Virgin will not tolerate any deviation from the established rules, see this as an encroachment on its vital interests with persistent, focused and well thought-out aggression, they often sincerely believe a defensive reaction.
Virgin Killer is usually extremely cautious, prudent, and deprived of any kind was impulsive. It is not that they are committing the crime of cold cruelty, but plans crimes have always thought over, and most importantly - are irreversible, as is observed in the inhibited, quiet, ordinary, but inwardly whole people.
Virgin rapists are often influenced by painful experiences caused by sexual inferiority complex. They are looking for self-assertion, cold sensing the victim only as a means of restoring the disturbed mental balance. In general, the list of killers Virgin ranked eighth in the list of offenders - the ninth. The list of especially dangerous - the fifth, sharing it with Leo.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, aggressive consumer attitude to life. This is not a whim and fancy, this position is stable, based on the firm conviction that Libra should belong to all the things that they want to see her. They do not tolerate the obstacles in its path, but does not sweep them, and destroy the other, more subtle and sophisticated ways. The belief in the correctness of the path chosen criminal makes Libra very dangerous and aggressive. The fact that the representatives of the other signs of the zodiac is a challenge to society, a splash of negative energy, manifestations of evil vindictiveness or pathological greed of Libra has the character of the ideology, they are assured of their right to forcibly affect the prevailing rules and implement this right without hesitation inherent while other life forms.
Scale rapists, mainly following the principle of "All mine! - Bulat said, "in no small part to the aggressive seek satisfaction of his lust increased, usually manifesting sexual perversion.
In general, the list of killers Libra ranked fifth, but the list of especially dangerous criminals - first sharing it with the Twins. In the rapists Scale in eighth place.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, scale motifs. Yes, in the nature of Scorpio present and vengeance, and ruthlessness, and truly samurai patience in waiting for an hour a terrible revenge. Scorpion differs from the other signs of the zodiac is the magnitude, depth of Shakespeare's motives for the atrocities. Scorpio - a staunch individualist, he, as a rule, completely devoid of the herd instinct, a kind of Count of Monte Cristo, a lone avenger. Scorpions only in exceptional cases, take part in group crimes. Scorpio devilishly ingenious planning crimes. His ultimate aim is not so much visible result is not so much torment and sacrifice, but the fact of what happened retribution.
Scorpions killer combine uncommon boldness and an equally uncommon diligence in crimes. There is no doubt that most of the unsolved murders committed Scorpions. The total number of the killers took the eleventh place, but in the list of especially dangerous - the fourth.
Scorpions-rapists tend to be guided in their actions by considerations of place, not destruction per se. Scorpio can rape victim, which caused significant damage or offended him in some way. The general list of rapists they last.
The nature of possible criminality is due primarily to the explosive nature of chance and Sagittarius. This player is an avid adventurer and usually sells its aggression audacious and often unpredictable frontal attacks caused by spontaneous outburst or an unexpected turn in the development of a fairly banal conflict, does not imply a tragic denouement. Sagittarius is influenced by the herd instinct, which is able to push him to the crimes in the group. There fatal role excitability, gambling and relatively easy suggestibility Sagittarius.
Sagittarians killer careless in the process of concealing evidence, fussy and illogical. While hiding from justice, they make mistakes so harsh that they sometimes seem thin deliberate game experienced and intelligent recidivist.
Archers-rapists hasty in making decisions, daring and rampant. Prone to sexual perversions, wearing explicitly calling and demonstrative character. In general, the list of killers Archers take last place, as well as the list of offenders.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, commitment, will and businesslike Capricorns. Capricorn never commits a crime under the influence of anger, hatred or passion. His actions are always verified, designed and is not subordinated to short-term, as the core goal of his life. Capricorn deprived of inferiority complexes, malice, envy and jealousy. Crimes of Capricorn in most cases, are mercenary in nature. It builds their welfare spell and hard and all that it represents a threat to prosperity, resolutely and mercilessly swept away from the path. No wonder the crimes committed Capricorns become more frequent during the privatization of apartments, and state property.
Capricorns killer differ cold cruelty and clear forethought acts committed impassive, businesslike, without any affectation and vandalism. The main thing - the ultimate objective and thorough concealment of evidence that good at Capricorn in most cases.
Capricorns-rapists commit violence out of a desire to extend his rule, make the object to its domain. In the list of killers Capricorns occupy sixth place in the list of offenders - the fourth.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, a tendency to affectation, obsessions and the desire to destroy any valuable existing order of things. These qualities often make the crime of Aquarius unpredictable in terms of formal logic. Aquarians are deprived of greed and envy in the standard sense of the word, but an unsatisfied desire for recognition and success can push Aquarius to extraordinary actions, shocking others and making new impetus to the routine reality.
Aquarius killer combine eccentricity motive and clear logical reasoning of a criminal act. This combination sets the result of a lot of mysteries, however, it is solved, if take into account the assessment of motive characteristic nature of Aquarius.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, increased anxiety these unwise natures experiencing emotional constant vibration, strong differences of value orientations and volatile mix a wide variety of systems - from a guilt complex to the Oedipus complex. These complex nature are the extremely inhibited, the psychopathic, and the alternation of the polar states often impossible to predict. Fish can be both Mozart and Salieri. Another feature of Pisces - a significant risk of alcohol and drug abuse, which dramatically enhances the criminal potential of Pisces. Blur traits greatly complicates the rationale criminal motives of these people, who at the same time brave and cowards, confident the proud and envious low, prim prude and voluptuous perverts.
Fish Killer different at the audacity and cruelty of chance. Their motives - fame, power, prestige. As a rule, selfish motives in crimes no Pisces.
Fish rapists are particularly aggression, cruelty and a penchant for sexual perversions. In general, the list of killers Fish occupy ninth place, but in the "execution list" - leading the second. In the rapists Fish occupy the first place.

Do not take to heart

The nature of possible criminality is primarily due to lack of Aries an inferiority complex, and therefore they do not seek to assert themselves at the expense of others, and do not seek any price rise in their eyes, as already sufficiently appreciate its merits. Aries usually alien evil envy, is pushing for a crime of people sensitive to someone else's success. Aries confident in their plans to rely only on his tenacity and his ability, which he, however, are sometimes inclined to overestimate. Aries is extremely aggressive, but aggression is directed not so much on the destruction, and to overcome.
Therefore Aries rapist does not seek to humiliate, trample their prey in the mud, not even trying to prove their superiority, but only overcome her resistance, crush the obstacles encountered, which he - as a stubborn nature and despotic - infuriating.
Aries killer may act from a false sense of justice. Aries avantyuristichen initially, and this quality can cause many decisive actions, sometimes fatal. Aries among the killers took the seventh place among the rapists - the third. Aries are much more stringent than cruel
The nature of possible criminality is due primarily to the ability of Taurus and dedication to the gradual accumulation of aggression that involves well-planned and cold, with a clear mind calculated crime. It is this ability to patiently waiting in the wings makes the Taurus, the most dangerous criminals. Taurus will never depart from the intended offense and make it without affectation, calm and confident, well providing all the possible consequences and take care of a safe hiding evidence. Taurus is not envious, does not suffer from complexes, but what he thinks belongs to him on the same objective, or they set for themselves the right, will fail. In Taurus combines the desire for hoarding and the desire for a convincing demonstration of their financial status.
Taurus killer initially operate by selfish motives. They were not vengeful in the conventional sense, but having experienced some infringement of their interests pass decisions his future victims.
Taurus rapist deprived of impulsivity. He rarely elect their victims strangers and unfamiliar women, no, he had already targeted by the object, first openly stating their rights to him, and then, having been refused, take by force what he considers his own. The lists, murderers, rapists, Taurus has a leading runner.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, a very high level of anxiety of the individual. In Gemini no original adventure, their aspirations are unpredictable and lightning-fast, but nevertheless they are when committing the crime, do not do it spontaneously, as it seems at first glance, they are driven by quite conscious desire only occurs so fast that it seems random and makes their actions are difficult to predict.
Seconds Apart differ boldness and cunning. They are somewhat fussy, but resolute and severe. His ideas they embody quickly, without delay, hiding them reasonably necessary.
Twins are extremely cynical and rapists tend to be accompanied by acts of violence and beatings manifestations of sexual perversion. They rarely kill their prey, to cover their tracks, but exhibit sadism during the act of violence. Among the killers took the third place, as well as among the rapists. But the list of especially dangerous murderers sentenced to death, took a terrible first place, sharing it with Libra.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, its high demands, not always to do so, and his vengeance, which can take on the character's obsession. In certain parts of Rakov prevails stable misanthropy that if you are sensitive can become a breeding ground for crime.
Crabs have a particular cunning killer. They think through well-planned and long circling over his prey before time blunting its vigilance to cause sudden, accurate and devastating blow with the least negative consequences for themselves. The main motive for murder - greed.
Crabs rapists commit their actions under the influence of the same misanthropy and vindictiveness. This may be the place chosen by the victim for his former love for her failure or arrogant behavior with him, but somehow vindictive feeling is always present in his actions.
In the list of killers crabs occupy the fourth place in the list of offenders - the sixth, as the list of dangerous criminals.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, power-aggressive nature of Leo with the installation of a crackdown on any opposition. Lion devoid of anxiety, it is alien to envy or revenge. Inflated self-esteem combined it with an unwavering belief in his innocence and bold determination to achieve the task. For Lions characterized desperate assaults, acts of terrorism, but without sophisticated cruelty. Leo is able to let the train derailed, but will not torment the victim hot awl.
Lions Killer differ boldness and scale operations, some ostentatious show of force and reckless.
Lions-rapists leadership is vanity, ignorance of any kind was forbidden barriers and the desire to break the resistance of the victim, to subdue her to his will and to demonstrate its superiority. In the list of killers Lions win first place, but among dangerous criminals occupy the fifth place, rapists - the seventh.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, increased anxiety that nature and her suspiciousness, combined with conservative, sometimes wearing a clearly aggressive nature. Virgin will not tolerate any deviation from the established rules, see this as an encroachment on its vital interests with persistent, focused and well thought-out aggression, they often sincerely believe a defensive reaction.
Virgin Killer is usually extremely cautious, prudent, and deprived of any kind was impulsive. It is not that they are committing the crime of cold cruelty, but plans crimes have always thought over, and most importantly - are irreversible, as is observed in the inhibited, quiet, ordinary, but inwardly whole people.
Virgin rapists are often influenced by painful experiences caused by sexual inferiority complex. They are looking for self-assertion, cold sensing the victim only as a means of restoring the disturbed mental balance. In general, the list of killers Virgin ranked eighth in the list of offenders - the ninth. The list of especially dangerous - the fifth, sharing it with Leo.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, aggressive consumer attitude to life. This is not a whim and fancy, this position is stable, based on the firm conviction that Libra should belong to all the things that they want to see her. They do not tolerate the obstacles in its path, but does not sweep them, and destroy the other, more subtle and sophisticated ways. The belief in the correctness of the path chosen criminal makes Libra very dangerous and aggressive. The fact that the representatives of the other signs of the zodiac is a challenge to society, a splash of negative energy, manifestations of evil vindictiveness or pathological greed of Libra has the character of the ideology, they are assured of their right to forcibly affect the prevailing rules and implement this right without hesitation inherent while other life forms.
Scale rapists, mainly following the principle of "All mine! - Bulat said, "in no small part to the aggressive seek satisfaction of his lust increased, usually manifesting sexual perversion.
In general, the list of killers Libra ranked fifth, but the list of especially dangerous criminals - first sharing it with the Twins. In the rapists Scale in eighth place.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, scale motifs. Yes, in the nature of Scorpio present and vengeance, and ruthlessness, and truly samurai patience in waiting for an hour a terrible revenge. Scorpion differs from the other signs of the zodiac is the magnitude, depth of Shakespeare's motives for the atrocities. Scorpio - a staunch individualist, he, as a rule, completely devoid of the herd instinct, a kind of Count of Monte Cristo, a lone avenger. Scorpions only in exceptional cases, take part in group crimes. Scorpio devilishly ingenious planning crimes. His ultimate aim is not so much visible result is not so much torment and sacrifice, but the fact of what happened retribution.
Scorpions killer combine uncommon boldness and an equally uncommon diligence in crimes. There is no doubt that most of the unsolved murders committed Scorpions. The total number of the killers took the eleventh place, but in the list of especially dangerous - the fourth.
Scorpions-rapists tend to be guided in their actions by considerations of place, not destruction per se. Scorpio can rape victim, which caused significant damage or offended him in some way. The general list of rapists they last.
The nature of possible criminality is due primarily to the explosive nature of chance and Sagittarius. This player is an avid adventurer and usually sells its aggression audacious and often unpredictable frontal attacks caused by spontaneous outburst or an unexpected turn in the development of a fairly banal conflict, does not imply a tragic denouement. Sagittarius is influenced by the herd instinct, which is able to push him to the crimes in the group. There fatal role excitability, gambling and relatively easy suggestibility Sagittarius.
Sagittarians killer careless in the process of concealing evidence, fussy and illogical. While hiding from justice, they make mistakes so harsh that they sometimes seem thin deliberate game experienced and intelligent recidivist.
Archers-rapists hasty in making decisions, daring and rampant. Prone to sexual perversions, wearing explicitly calling and demonstrative character. In general, the list of killers Archers take last place, as well as the list of offenders.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, commitment, will and businesslike Capricorns. Capricorn never commits a crime under the influence of anger, hatred or passion. His actions are always verified, designed and is not subordinated to short-term, as the core goal of his life. Capricorn deprived of inferiority complexes, malice, envy and jealousy. Crimes of Capricorn in most cases, are mercenary in nature. It builds their welfare spell and hard and all that it represents a threat to prosperity, resolutely and mercilessly swept away from the path. No wonder the crimes committed Capricorns become more frequent during the privatization of apartments, and state property.
Capricorns killer differ cold cruelty and clear forethought acts committed impassive, businesslike, without any affectation and vandalism. The main thing - the ultimate objective and thorough concealment of evidence that good at Capricorn in most cases.
Capricorns-rapists commit violence out of a desire to extend his rule, make the object to its domain. In the list of killers Capricorns occupy sixth place in the list of offenders - the fourth.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, a tendency to affectation, obsessions and the desire to destroy any valuable existing order of things. These qualities often make the crime of Aquarius unpredictable in terms of formal logic. Aquarians are deprived of greed and envy in the standard sense of the word, but an unsatisfied desire for recognition and success can push Aquarius to extraordinary actions, shocking others and making new impetus to the routine reality.
Aquarius killer combine eccentricity motive and clear logical reasoning of a criminal act. This combination sets the result of a lot of mysteries, however, it is solved, if take into account the assessment of motive characteristic nature of Aquarius.
The nature of possible criminality is caused, first of all, increased anxiety these unwise natures experiencing emotional constant vibration, strong differences of value orientations and volatile mix a wide variety of systems - from a guilt complex to the Oedipus complex. These complex nature are the extremely inhibited, the psychopathic, and the alternation of the polar states often impossible to predict. Fish can be both Mozart and Salieri. Another feature of Pisces - a significant risk of alcohol and drug abuse, which dramatically enhances the criminal potential of Pisces. Blur traits greatly complicates the rationale criminal motives of these people, who at the same time brave and cowards, confident the proud and envious low, prim prude and voluptuous perverts.
Fish Killer different at the audacity and cruelty of chance. Their motives - fame, power, prestige. As a rule, selfish motives in crimes no Pisces.
Fish rapists are particularly aggression, cruelty and a penchant for sexual perversions. In general, the list of killers Fish occupy ninth place, but in the "execution list" - leading the second. In the rapists Fish occupy the first place.