Interesting factual material
1. A wide stream of water flows into the needle about 840 liters of water per day.
2. Andorra - the only country in the world with free mailing.
3. Just one drop of oil makes it unfit for drinking 25 liters of water.
4. In addition to fingerprints, the imprint is also unique language of each person.
5. Ivan Goncharov in the last century, wrote about the Japanese, "I had never seen that (he) walked or stood straight, and certainly polusognuvshis hands keeps at the ready, on his knees, and as well as looking around, who can not be there to worship ».
6. At the beginning of the XX century Orthodox church was recommended as follows: "In the name of consecration of the newborn should be borne in mind that the holy Ina and Rima were men ...».
7. Roman Catholic bishops called higher primates .... For this reason, the first classification of the animal world, created by Carl Linnaeus, was anathema.
8. Islam has five main pillars. First - Iman, the words "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet." Second - salat, daily prayer. Third - Saum, fasting in Ramadan. Fourth - zakat, the annual donation to the fortieth part of the income to the poor. Fifth - the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca.
9. Chinese sages have argued that on the back sleeping saints on the abdomen - are sinners on the right side - the kings, and the left - the sages.
10. The # symbol, often called the "grid", "number sign" or "pound sign" actually has an official name - oktotorp.
11. The Greek philosopher Anacharsis shared by all the people into three kinds: those who died, those who are alive and those ... who swims in the sea.
12. Curling a finger at a temple in Argentina and Peru, it means "I believe." In other countries the same gesture means "mad».
13. In one year 31,557,600 seconds.
14. In Islam there are 99 names of Allah.
15. Black accumulates heat, white - reflect.
16. Pogonofobiya - a fear of beards.
17. The initial speed of the champagne corks - up to 14 m / s, the altitude - 12 meters.
18. The first advertisement was published in England in 1477. It was an advertisement for a prayer book.
19. In the first millennium was 365,250 days. In the second - 365 237. In the third will be 365,242 days.
20. A Chinese proverb says: "He who can not smile should not engage in trade».
21. The official motto of the firm IBM - «Think!» («Think!»).
22. Shooting with two hands called dual wield.
23. World AIDS Day on 1 December.
24. In Russia, the name of Marlene male, and in the West - women.
25. A Japanese proverb says: "A good husband is always healthy and not at home».
26. Three of the most expensive retail brands in the world: Budweiser, Marlboro, Coca-Cola.
27. November 28, 2738 will mark the start of the day with a million of our era.
28. Hindus believe that it is not worthy to die in bed, you have to die at the river.
29. At the Bushmen there is an ancient legend that man descended from the monkey.
30. The tariff - an island in the Mediterranean, where he first began to charge for parking at the port.
31. The motto of the English Order of the Garter is: "Shame on him who thinks ill of it!»
32. Among the people who can move only one-third of the ears can move one ear.
33. The National Orchestra of State of Monaco more people than the army of Monaco.
34. Every time you lick a stamp, you expend calories 1/10.
35. In cartoon character Papaya 4 nephew Paypay, Pipa, navel and Puupay.
36. The headquarters of the company "Coca-Cola" is located in the US city of Atlanta.
37. In the 19th century, homosexuals are not called "blue" and "green».
38. In the immediate vicinity of Moscow, about 200 "official" landfills.
39. What are: round, with a tail and all the breaks? Answer: the comma.
40. Tide takes about 70 percent of the market detergents.
41. The ancient Irish called Paradise "a place where a lot of roast pork».
42. Name of camel, depicted in a pack of cigarettes «Camel» - Old Joe.
43. The telephone number of the White House reception: (202) 456-1414.
44. In England, the table of Pythagoras has dimension of 10 to 10 and 12 to 12.
45. The texts of the predictions of Nostradamus word "death" is found 139 times, "Battle" - 111 times, "blood" - 89 times, "fire" - 78 times, "plague" - 42 times, "hunger" - 38 times. < br />
46. Maximum number that can be written in Roman numerals, without breaking the rules Schwartzman (recording rules Roman numerals) - 3999 (MMMCMXCIX) - more than three consecutive numbers can not write.
47. In the movie, when it is necessary to show effectively scattering splinters of stone or wall after shooting, rifle bullets charge marble.
48. A person who, when addressing the issue of the canonization of the new saint was obliged to put the case against it, was of the position of "devil's advocate».
49. According to the job description, the fire - it is "the process of burning objects at the moment this is not intended».
50. In the computer game «PacMan» (if anyone still remembers a) colored ghosts name: Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde.
51. The building of the mausoleum chapel in Hamilton (Lancashire, England) is the world's longest echo. It lasts 15 seconds.
52. 718 degrees Celsius temperature of hell, the scientists calculated by comparing quotes from the Bible on this subject.
53. The US Patent Office registered 186 funds to combat snoring, and none acts 63,061,529
54. The average duration of one calendar month - 30 days 10:00 29 minutes and 4 seconds.
55. Neutral "bow", which tie shoes, sailors was referred to as "reef knot».
56. The composition of the daily allowance of UN peacekeepers serving in the Congo and Sierra Leone includes 1 condom.
57. The members of the British Order of the Garter at the same time may be no more than 25 people.
58. What can you take the left hand, but it is impossible to take the right? The elbow of his right hand.
59. The name of the Japanese electronics company TDK stands for Tokyo Denki Kogaku.
60. AK-47 fully called "7, 62-mm Kalashnikov rifle sample 1947".
2. Andorra - the only country in the world with free mailing.
3. Just one drop of oil makes it unfit for drinking 25 liters of water.
4. In addition to fingerprints, the imprint is also unique language of each person.
5. Ivan Goncharov in the last century, wrote about the Japanese, "I had never seen that (he) walked or stood straight, and certainly polusognuvshis hands keeps at the ready, on his knees, and as well as looking around, who can not be there to worship ».
6. At the beginning of the XX century Orthodox church was recommended as follows: "In the name of consecration of the newborn should be borne in mind that the holy Ina and Rima were men ...».
7. Roman Catholic bishops called higher primates .... For this reason, the first classification of the animal world, created by Carl Linnaeus, was anathema.
8. Islam has five main pillars. First - Iman, the words "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet." Second - salat, daily prayer. Third - Saum, fasting in Ramadan. Fourth - zakat, the annual donation to the fortieth part of the income to the poor. Fifth - the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca.
9. Chinese sages have argued that on the back sleeping saints on the abdomen - are sinners on the right side - the kings, and the left - the sages.
10. The # symbol, often called the "grid", "number sign" or "pound sign" actually has an official name - oktotorp.
11. The Greek philosopher Anacharsis shared by all the people into three kinds: those who died, those who are alive and those ... who swims in the sea.
12. Curling a finger at a temple in Argentina and Peru, it means "I believe." In other countries the same gesture means "mad».
13. In one year 31,557,600 seconds.
14. In Islam there are 99 names of Allah.
15. Black accumulates heat, white - reflect.
16. Pogonofobiya - a fear of beards.
17. The initial speed of the champagne corks - up to 14 m / s, the altitude - 12 meters.
18. The first advertisement was published in England in 1477. It was an advertisement for a prayer book.
19. In the first millennium was 365,250 days. In the second - 365 237. In the third will be 365,242 days.
20. A Chinese proverb says: "He who can not smile should not engage in trade».
21. The official motto of the firm IBM - «Think!» («Think!»).
22. Shooting with two hands called dual wield.
23. World AIDS Day on 1 December.
24. In Russia, the name of Marlene male, and in the West - women.
25. A Japanese proverb says: "A good husband is always healthy and not at home».
26. Three of the most expensive retail brands in the world: Budweiser, Marlboro, Coca-Cola.
27. November 28, 2738 will mark the start of the day with a million of our era.
28. Hindus believe that it is not worthy to die in bed, you have to die at the river.
29. At the Bushmen there is an ancient legend that man descended from the monkey.
30. The tariff - an island in the Mediterranean, where he first began to charge for parking at the port.
31. The motto of the English Order of the Garter is: "Shame on him who thinks ill of it!»
32. Among the people who can move only one-third of the ears can move one ear.
33. The National Orchestra of State of Monaco more people than the army of Monaco.
34. Every time you lick a stamp, you expend calories 1/10.
35. In cartoon character Papaya 4 nephew Paypay, Pipa, navel and Puupay.
36. The headquarters of the company "Coca-Cola" is located in the US city of Atlanta.
37. In the 19th century, homosexuals are not called "blue" and "green».
38. In the immediate vicinity of Moscow, about 200 "official" landfills.
39. What are: round, with a tail and all the breaks? Answer: the comma.
40. Tide takes about 70 percent of the market detergents.
41. The ancient Irish called Paradise "a place where a lot of roast pork».
42. Name of camel, depicted in a pack of cigarettes «Camel» - Old Joe.
43. The telephone number of the White House reception: (202) 456-1414.
44. In England, the table of Pythagoras has dimension of 10 to 10 and 12 to 12.
45. The texts of the predictions of Nostradamus word "death" is found 139 times, "Battle" - 111 times, "blood" - 89 times, "fire" - 78 times, "plague" - 42 times, "hunger" - 38 times. < br />
46. Maximum number that can be written in Roman numerals, without breaking the rules Schwartzman (recording rules Roman numerals) - 3999 (MMMCMXCIX) - more than three consecutive numbers can not write.
47. In the movie, when it is necessary to show effectively scattering splinters of stone or wall after shooting, rifle bullets charge marble.
48. A person who, when addressing the issue of the canonization of the new saint was obliged to put the case against it, was of the position of "devil's advocate».
49. According to the job description, the fire - it is "the process of burning objects at the moment this is not intended».
50. In the computer game «PacMan» (if anyone still remembers a) colored ghosts name: Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde.
51. The building of the mausoleum chapel in Hamilton (Lancashire, England) is the world's longest echo. It lasts 15 seconds.
52. 718 degrees Celsius temperature of hell, the scientists calculated by comparing quotes from the Bible on this subject.
53. The US Patent Office registered 186 funds to combat snoring, and none acts 63,061,529
54. The average duration of one calendar month - 30 days 10:00 29 minutes and 4 seconds.
55. Neutral "bow", which tie shoes, sailors was referred to as "reef knot».
56. The composition of the daily allowance of UN peacekeepers serving in the Congo and Sierra Leone includes 1 condom.
57. The members of the British Order of the Garter at the same time may be no more than 25 people.
58. What can you take the left hand, but it is impossible to take the right? The elbow of his right hand.
59. The name of the Japanese electronics company TDK stands for Tokyo Denki Kogaku.
60. AK-47 fully called "7, 62-mm Kalashnikov rifle sample 1947".