Martian faktiki
Interesting fact number 1
The name of the planet comes from the name of the god of war the Romans due to the fact that the color of Mars is very similar to blood. The second title of Mars - The Red Planet. Scientists have hypothesized that this color is caused by the presence in the atmosphere of large amounts of iron oxides.
Interesting fact number 2
On the surface of Mars is the canyon "Valles Marineris", which is much longer and deeper than the Grand Canyon in North America.
Interesting fact number 3
On Mars there are mountains higher than Everest and Mount Olympus is currently the highest mountain in the solar system known to mankind.
Interesting fact number 4
None of the people or animals would not survive on Mars without a special suit. Mars pressure is so low that the oxygen in the blood would be instantly transformed into gas bubbles, which would lead to instantaneous death.
Interesting fact number 5
The atmosphere on Mars is 100 times more exhausted than on Earth, but it is enough for the formation of wind and clouds.
Interesting fact number 6
The temperature at the equator of Mars varies from +30 ºC at noon until - 80 ºC at midnight. Near the poles could fall to -143 ºC.
Interesting fact number 7
In the absence of the ozone layer on Mars, at sunrise the planet's surface receives a fatal dose of radiation.
Interesting fact number 8
Mars is often plagued most ferocious and powerful dust storms known to mankind. Wind speed sometimes reaches more than 180 kilometers per hour, the storm continued for several weeks and can cover the entire planet. Most often, storms occur when Mars is close to the sun.
Interesting fact number 9
Of all spacecraft launched to Mars, only one-third was able to successfully fulfill its mission, the others disappeared without a trace. Scientists have suggested that the planet may have located the Martian "Bermuda Triangle", which absorbs and space satellites.
Interesting fact number 10
Mars as the planet rotates similarly - from west to east around the axis.
Interesting fact number 11
In comparison with Earth, Mars gravity in 2, 5 times less, it means that the person who on Earth weighs 45 kg, Mars will be 17 kg and will be able to jump 3 times higher.
Interesting fact number 12
During the winter season on the planet freezes about 20% air.
Interesting fact number 13
Mars has two small moons - Deimos (from the Greek - "panic") and Phobos ("fear"), the first of which rises in the west and sets in the east twice a day, the second - on the other hand, it requires 2, 7 days to get up and sit in the east to the west.
Interesting fact number 14
The planet Mars was formed more than 4, 5 billion. Years ago. Its diameter is 2 times smaller than Earth's and is about 4,000 miles. By weight easier Mars Earth about 10 times, and most of its surface is covered by oceans. In comparison with the Earth, the land surface of these planets in roughly equal percentages.
Interesting fact number 15
The first of the people who saw Mars through a telescope, was a famous Italian scientist Galileo Galilei. This happened in 1609
Interesting fact number 16
Mars has almost the same period of the earth's rotation around its axis - 24 hours 37 minutes 22 seconds 7. Year on Mars lasts 687 Earth days, or 668, 6 Martian solar day, called solami.
Interesting fact number 17
Martian atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide, very sparse. The pressure at the surface 6, 1 mbar in less than 160 times earth. Because of the large differences in elevation on Mars pressure can vary greatly: on the top of Mount Olympus (27 km above the average) leveled 0, 5 mbar and in the pool Hellas (4 km below the average surface) 8, 4 mbar.
Interesting fact number 18
Mars is red due to the significant spread in the soil iron oxides. The presence of dust in the atmosphere of Mars gives the sky a pinkish hue.
Interesting fact number 19
Hemisphere of Mars is quite different in character of the surface. In the southern hemisphere the surface is at 1-2 km above the average and thickly studded with craters. In the north, the surface is below average and there are few craters - the bulk of the territory is covered by relatively smooth valley.
Interesting fact number 20
Mars in ancient times was a lot of water, but they then disappeared. Evidence "of water past" of Mars are meanders - dried riverbed ancient rivers, as well as some minerals, which could be formed only by the action of water.
Source: p-i-f.livejournal.com
The name of the planet comes from the name of the god of war the Romans due to the fact that the color of Mars is very similar to blood. The second title of Mars - The Red Planet. Scientists have hypothesized that this color is caused by the presence in the atmosphere of large amounts of iron oxides.
Interesting fact number 2
On the surface of Mars is the canyon "Valles Marineris", which is much longer and deeper than the Grand Canyon in North America.

Interesting fact number 3
On Mars there are mountains higher than Everest and Mount Olympus is currently the highest mountain in the solar system known to mankind.

Interesting fact number 4
None of the people or animals would not survive on Mars without a special suit. Mars pressure is so low that the oxygen in the blood would be instantly transformed into gas bubbles, which would lead to instantaneous death.
Interesting fact number 5
The atmosphere on Mars is 100 times more exhausted than on Earth, but it is enough for the formation of wind and clouds.
Interesting fact number 6
The temperature at the equator of Mars varies from +30 ºC at noon until - 80 ºC at midnight. Near the poles could fall to -143 ºC.
Interesting fact number 7
In the absence of the ozone layer on Mars, at sunrise the planet's surface receives a fatal dose of radiation.
Interesting fact number 8
Mars is often plagued most ferocious and powerful dust storms known to mankind. Wind speed sometimes reaches more than 180 kilometers per hour, the storm continued for several weeks and can cover the entire planet. Most often, storms occur when Mars is close to the sun.
Interesting fact number 9
Of all spacecraft launched to Mars, only one-third was able to successfully fulfill its mission, the others disappeared without a trace. Scientists have suggested that the planet may have located the Martian "Bermuda Triangle", which absorbs and space satellites.
Interesting fact number 10
Mars as the planet rotates similarly - from west to east around the axis.
Interesting fact number 11
In comparison with Earth, Mars gravity in 2, 5 times less, it means that the person who on Earth weighs 45 kg, Mars will be 17 kg and will be able to jump 3 times higher.
Interesting fact number 12
During the winter season on the planet freezes about 20% air.
Interesting fact number 13
Mars has two small moons - Deimos (from the Greek - "panic") and Phobos ("fear"), the first of which rises in the west and sets in the east twice a day, the second - on the other hand, it requires 2, 7 days to get up and sit in the east to the west.

Interesting fact number 14
The planet Mars was formed more than 4, 5 billion. Years ago. Its diameter is 2 times smaller than Earth's and is about 4,000 miles. By weight easier Mars Earth about 10 times, and most of its surface is covered by oceans. In comparison with the Earth, the land surface of these planets in roughly equal percentages.
Interesting fact number 15
The first of the people who saw Mars through a telescope, was a famous Italian scientist Galileo Galilei. This happened in 1609

Interesting fact number 16
Mars has almost the same period of the earth's rotation around its axis - 24 hours 37 minutes 22 seconds 7. Year on Mars lasts 687 Earth days, or 668, 6 Martian solar day, called solami.
Interesting fact number 17
Martian atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide, very sparse. The pressure at the surface 6, 1 mbar in less than 160 times earth. Because of the large differences in elevation on Mars pressure can vary greatly: on the top of Mount Olympus (27 km above the average) leveled 0, 5 mbar and in the pool Hellas (4 km below the average surface) 8, 4 mbar.
Interesting fact number 18
Mars is red due to the significant spread in the soil iron oxides. The presence of dust in the atmosphere of Mars gives the sky a pinkish hue.

Interesting fact number 19
Hemisphere of Mars is quite different in character of the surface. In the southern hemisphere the surface is at 1-2 km above the average and thickly studded with craters. In the north, the surface is below average and there are few craters - the bulk of the territory is covered by relatively smooth valley.

Interesting fact number 20
Mars in ancient times was a lot of water, but they then disappeared. Evidence "of water past" of Mars are meanders - dried riverbed ancient rivers, as well as some minerals, which could be formed only by the action of water.

Source: p-i-f.livejournal.com