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Who, when and how is going to fly to Mars

There are so often talk about missions to Mars that people sometimes confuse several independent projects. Sometimes we hear that Mars One - is a project of NASA, and Inspiration Mars is going to dig for gold, which found Curiosity. All this, of course, nonsense. So try to put all the Martian dreams on the shelves, that there was a universal cheat sheet for all occasions.
Advance reservation: this review reflects the current situation. I do not rule out future evolution and the possible association described projects or new.

So, we proceed in chronological order:

Mars Direct h4>
Cost i>: $ 30 billion. Dollars.
Idea i>: Sending a Mars expedition in two stages: first flying unmanned rocket, which should bring people back from Mars. It has a margin of hydrogen and fuel for the return trip must create itself using local carbon from the atmosphere. Second lander with the pilots, provides flight to Mars and livelihoods on the surface.
Implementation i>: for 10 years from the date of approval of the program.

The first private project manned flight to Mars was the American Mars Direct, a former engineer who proposed Locheed Martin Robert Zubrin in 90 years.

This project is very elaborated in the technical part, and is designed for implementation on the basis of current technical level of civilization. Although it has a few "narrow" moments, but they are, in principle, be solved, if we apply science and ingenuity.
I'm not going to describe it, and all the details can be found in this film, translated habrapolzovatelem paulpotseluev , and approved by Robert (he speaks some in Russian).

English original .

From myself, I note some characteristics of Mars Direct. Despite the non-state project, Robert Zubrin expects to realize it can only be the efforts of national space agencies. For lobbying and inspiration Mars potential voters USA, created Martian Community (Mars Society).

In Zubrin almost happened when the Bush administration announced the launch of an ambitious program Constellation. The program included the development of a new spaceship, the construction of the base on the Moon and Mars circled. Unfortunately, because of the high cost of excessive Constellation and budget crisis in the US, the program turned. From it remained only ship Orion, missile SLS, and some props for shooting parody clips:

Realizing that the US alone will not pull Mars Direct, Robert Zubrin refocused idea for implementation of the entire international community. For this purpose, open the international department of the Mars community. He recently visited Russia, lectured , talked about the project, and its & quot; Mi mozzhem sdelat it vmeste < / i> & quot; sneaks up ants. However, he left virtually with nothing , although it laid the foundations for the future establishment of the Russian branch of the Mars community.

Despite the prospects of the project (this is one of the most robust and work in today's list) Mars Direct gives me a feeling of old-fashioned approach is felt 90: hope for the state / VA; multi-page, though talented inspirational books; lack of Crowdfunding and crowdsourcing, which provides Internet today. In general, the project was born at the dawn of the Internet, and almost does not provide for the implementation of its many resources. Against the background of a succession of projects in recent years, Zubrin looks powerful dinosaur, which, though not going to die, and emits a powerful energy, but felt that his era has passed.

Mars One h4>
Cost i>: $ 6 billion. Dollars.
Idea i>: Non expedition at one end, as a flight in one direction reduces the cost of the entire program. Funding is expected by organizing a reality show on Mars and selling rights to broadcast TV channels. Also: sponsorship, advertising, Crowdfunding.
Implementation i>: 2024 (mentions the possibility of transfer to 2026)

The next initiative - Mars One. This is probably the most sensational, most recently, a project that consistently attracts the interest of the media. This is not surprising, because its initiator - the Dutchman Bas Lansdorp - PR, and now, almost all activities Mars One - it's PR. Yes, and it is expected to pay off at the expense of the media.
About Mars One heard, perhaps, anyone even slightly interested in the topic of space and Mars. His reviews have appeared more than once and Habré and in the media.

Mars One has attracted many of its romance, potentially available to everyone, the idea of ​​the heroic death in the name of progress of all mankind and, as a consequence, the unfading glory ... You can tell if Mars Direct - a project professionals, the Mars One - design enthusiasts. Mars One is the largest number of critical reviews from professionals astronautics. Professionals generally it was not taken seriously. The main claims can honor in blog editor of "Space News" Alexander Ilyin. Separate claim, which is often expressed in relation to Mars One - is suspected that this is a banal scam.

The project and its lighting, really looks like a "joint-stock company of giant plants", but personally I trust Basu. Just look at his fanatical eyes to understand that he was blown away on the idea of ​​a flight to Mars, and the whole project was organized with only one purpose - to fly there.

I plan to write a separate opinion on the Mars One. Now, just to say that I support the project, despite its obvious utopianism.

The Colony Elon Musk h4>
Cost i>: $ 40 billion. Dollars.
Idea i>: the creation of a huge alien colony numbering tens of thousands of people who paid their own airfare and living on Mars. To achieve this goal, reducing the cost of removal of cargo into orbit, creates a powerful spaceship.
Implementation i>: the next decade.

The most incredible Mars exploration project has not yet even have a name, not even worked at Mars One, and is known only from the interview its ideology and initiator businessman Elon Musk. Paradoxically, but in the way of this project, performed most of the way all the ideas under consideration.

It began with the fact that suddenly wealthy creator Pay Pal decided to inspire humanity to further space exploration and, above all Mars. It is interesting that his first idea was blooming apple trees on Mars!
Okay, about the apple and embellished, but he seriously thought launch to Mars flask with the plant and its life-support system, only to show the world the first flower grew up under the Martian sun. Run flask he assumed the Russian-Ukrainian conversion rocket "Dnepr". Then he began to think about why our missiles are so cheap, and the American way road. Of the conclusions was born space company SpaceX. In general, this is an example of how ideas can grow polubredovoy unless flower on Mars, the coolest startup with a billion package of contracts.

In the wake of the success of SpaceX Elon Musk outlined his thoughts on the future of the Martian city (!). Yes, he is not wasting his talent on trifles, four colonists - it was not his level, so he is considering a draft settlement in the 80 th. People. One ticket is claimed $ 500 thousand. Dollars.

True its estimate of the cost of such a huge settlement (and delivery people there) raises doubts as to its adequacy. However, looking at his persistence and apparent success in implementing planned, I want to say: "Go on, Elon, I save on tickets».

Even if the skeptics believe that Musk on Mars only dreams, you can not take away the incredible talent with which he was able to motivate employees in your company. It is enough to look at page careers :

People in his factory did not just build a rocket , and lay the way to Mars.

Inspiration Mars h4>
Cost i>: $ 3 billion. Dollars.
Idea i>: The flight of manned spacecraft to get closer to Mars flight trajectory without landing and return to Earth. Duration of flight 501 a day.
Implementation i>: 2018

Dennis Tito, an old man in the commercial space exploration (and by itself is not young). He became famous as the first space tourist when flew in 2001 at the age of 60 years. On Earth, it is a multi-millionaire and a major investor.

In early 2013, he unveiled its proposal, should inspire the American nation for new achievements in space: Inspiration Mars (Mars Inspiration). The spacecraft, with two pilots must fly on a heliocentric orbit, where the path from one side crosses Earth orbit, on the other hand, runs 160 km for Mars. That is, travelers will fly over the night side of the Red Planet, and during the approach and removal can observe its phases:

This is the simplest, cheapest and most realizable program of these ( description , обоснование). The truth and the most boring. Useful for science only in assessing the state of the human body under long exposure to cosmic radiation and weightlessness.

The funny thing is that the Inspiration Mars has become a part of the conspiracy mythology. Someone with a rich imagination and a lack of basic knowledge, it seemed that this project came after the Curiosity rover found on Mars gold. The absurdity of this idea is obvious: he did not find gold; the cost of any pinch of Martian soil on the orders exceeds the value of the world's gold, but even if Curiosity found turbinievuyu pyramid, Inspiration Mars does not help neither the US nor humanity. View from the top we can and satellites, and the pilots sit "Inspiration" can not. However, this idea has supporters on both sides of the ocean.

Despite the apparent simplicity of Inspiration Mars, in the way of its implementation are several obstacles need to run the unit either in 2018 or in 2031, the year (or later). Launch is scheduled for 2018, and is no ship, no rockets, no money. Recently it became known the reason why Tito since February and have not announced fundraising and did not hear about any movement. Calculation of the businessman was to NASA took the project under his wing and began implementation. Until approval from the space agency has been reported. The reason is obvious: one of the main principles of NASA - the safety of the crew and the mission need people who are ready for the role of guinea pigs kamikaze. However, such Tito found, but NASA is not ready to take responsibility for their deaths.

In theory, such an expedition on forces to organize and Roscosmos, but Tito, you need to inspire the American nation, and Roskosmos not need anything at all ...

NASA h4>
Cost i>: not determined, but it is much more Mars Direct.
Idea i>: implement a series of missions to Mars. First without landing, with access to the orbit and remote control robots on the surface. Possibly landing on Phobos. Then landing on Mars and return.
Implementation i>: 2030s ... I guess.

As already mentioned, the project Constellation closed without offering in exchange for the Mars rovers nothing but Curiosity and the MSL-2020. However, Obama has repeatedly said the US plans to send humans to orbit Mars and then to the surface. First, is the date 2030-th year, then 2030's. The current head of NASA, Charles Bolden, himself a fan of Mars, but above the head can not jump, Congress allocates budget money, and there is much "lunar" lobby. Actually NASA, Roscosmos like, are going through an identity crisis: everyone understands that it's time to step on the ISS, but all scary and it is unclear what is there to do at all.

In the summer of 2013 NASA released a list of astronauts, who promised expedition "into orbit an asteroid and Mars» ( low-Earth orbit, an asteroid and Mars ). In fact, it's just a list of candidates for the crew of the future spacecraft Orion, let alone where he will fly - it is not known to anyone. But trolling media and public success. List of NASA published a month after the beginning of the application in the project Mars One, so some thought that these astronauts will fly to Mars at one end with the Bass Lansdorpom that, of course, does not correspond to reality. And I'm afraid that by the time when NASA seriously gather to Mars, this group is already too old.

I think the best thing we can hope for from NASA - a flight on the "orbit Tito" in 2031.

Russian h4>
Cost i>: ten rubles olimpiardov
Idea i>: the astronauts and dreamers claim that Mars will be apple blossom.
Implementation i>: God will give 2050

An interesting situation is unfolding in our home. Russia has no project flight to Mars. Moreover, no one even tries to offer something serious (at least I did not hear anything). At the same time we are being developed and conducted biological experiments that, in the future, it is useful in a manned expedition to Mars.

If NASA is seriously getting on the technique: Orion spaceship and rocket SLS, then we have an advantage in experiments on human beings. Sounds dissonant, but that our astronauts behind work on "peace" and ISS in regimes that NASA would simply did not allow for their people.
In addition to the record time in orbit, Russia conducted a famous experiment - Mars-500. Recently conducted another interesting little experiment: astronauts, immediately after landing from the ISS, have engaged in simulated work in spacesuits on Mars after landing.

In some ways bypasses Russia and "iron". For Mars-500, for example, created a real space suit "Orlan-E". Seriously, we have only now have the suit to reach the surface of Mars (though for that is suitable for any spacesuit spacewalk).

Research Center. Keldysh developing space nuclear reactor megawatt-class electric propulsion system, say already completed preliminary design ( of course, show nothing). A Lytkarino going to build a test bench "for the study of traction and handling ramjet engines as well as fuel consumption and aerodynamics. In addition, during the tests will simulate "transient conditions", in particular "the behavior of the engine in the atmosphere of Mars».

The new head of Roscosmos, too, seems to be "Martian". About superrakete, here spoke . But talk at us much, look at the case.

In general, in Russia there are here and there is an interesting activity, but in the absence of a common strategy as a whole - a stagnant swamp. Fly to the ISS? All work? So do not touch.

Here's a picture today in the world: there are many ideas about Mars say much more than, say, five years ago, but no specifics, but on the XXI century is the second dozen exchanged.

What to do? H4>
Anyone who has the desire and ability can go to work in the space program or related industries, develop science and technology, bringing the future. In Russia, now the industry's lack of staff, and Elon Musk example shows that aspirations in space need not be a space engineer. You can think about the private astronautics, but an example of " Selenokhod " does not inspire.

On the other hand, we - the public. According to the theory of the social contract, we can generate your order state. Of course, the theory is far from objective reality, especially Russia, but a chance to be heard have . You can start with a simple letter Roscosmos or higher. This is if you want to see the astronaut on Mars, not an astronaut.

To promote the ideas of the international Mars exploration is planned to be created Russian branch of the Mars community . Really this is being undertaken 2, 5 person, and while there is rudimentary, so any help will not prevent (If you want to help, please contact Cholgaa a >).

Penny can help Mars One
now .

If there are any ideas, let's discuss.

Source: habrahabr.ru/post/207134/