Mars One fighting off criticism and requests $ 15 million
In August, the head of the Mars One Bas Lansdorp discussed two aerospace engineers at MIT question of how feasible objective of the company. By the end of the dispute it was clear that Mars One does not have a clear definition of their plans and the concept of 'plan' at all. These dates, which have already shifted twice, are perceived more as a dream or a source of inspiration. At the moment, Mars One is trying to find funds for additional research and recruitment. The requested amount - $ 15 million.
Mars One - the company, which received the 2012 universal media attention his ambitious plan to conquer the red planet. It's not just landing on the Mars rover or a small probe, it is not even landing a man is the creation of a permanent settlement. Create colony offered by volunteers, selected from among ordinary people. A special feature of the program is fatal: plans for the return of colonists to Mars is not provided. Later in life, the project participants are forced to live on Mars. According to the original plan of the colony to begin in 2023, when the planet of the first people to arrive. It is this proximity and a chance for everyone to participate in the historic event so fascinated by all familiar with the project.
Tiny by the standards of the aerospace industry for the amount of landing on Mars - $ 6 billion - are invited to gather with the help of TV shows in the format of reality shows and broadcast on television all stages. Data on Mars One contracts with television companies are not available. Colonia should be self-sustaining : for example, the colonists will eat food grown on site, and oxygen for breathing will mined from the ground. Receive will only spare parts and equipment. The top four at the moment will arrive in 2027. Like everyone else, this date has shifted: first in 2023 in 2025, and then to 2027. Delivery is planned with missiles SpaceX, in particular the Falcon Heavy. At this point there was no starting accomplished this embodiment Falcon 9.
In 2013, during an online registration data were obtained 202,586 people. These are the 200 thousand participants of Mars One, which are often mentioned. In fact, it's just a confirmed email address. Later, the fact overestimate the number of participants and the process of selection of criticized . Only 4227 (according to other sources - in 2761) people have a registration fee. After that they were given access to a web site as a service of social networks, where they were asked to fill in questionnaires and talk about motivation in the movies. After passing this stage there were only 1058 people, which begins the second round of selection. Within its framework it was necessary to undergo a medical examination by a physician of their own and agree to the publication of the completed structure. In the subsequent two steps interviews were only 660 people. Gradually it has been selected for the final 100 participants.
The project is immediately subjected to harsh criticism because of unrealistic promises. More in 2012, the magazine Wired put Mars One plans 2 points out of 10 on a scale of believability. Independent technical analysis MIT says , the colonists die after about 68 days after planting because of the low partial pressure of oxygen . Habitat will also be at risk of fire due to the high molar fraction of oxygen. Even if this does not happen, the burden of maintaining the colony will increase exponentially because of the need to send the equipment for repair. The Mars One notice that although the study contains a criticism, it is regarded as a possible mission. But researchers опровергают this statement: "In order to fully clarify the situation: the mission plan Mars One, as described on their web site and elsewhere, Mr. Lansdorpom and others, is not feasible." And in an interview with Mars One co-worker Dr. Norbert Kraft называет [at around 3:50] study "false and fabricated».
In August, the ежегодной meeting «Martian community" was held discussion on realistic project Mars One. On one side is the head of the Addiction Bas Lansdorp and aerospace consultant Barry Finger of Paragon Space Development Corporation. Last held recently for Mars One исследование the needs of the life support system. With views of Mars One disagreed Sidney Doo and Andrew Owens, who are the authors of the aforementioned study at MIT. They новый analysis uses the declared value of the program ($ 6 billion) from the perspective of the "iron triangle" of project management.
The threefold limitations or "iron triangle" describes the balance between the content (the objectives), the cost and time of execution of the project. (Quality not considered here.) The change affects one side of the triangle on the other side. Feasibility of the project - is one in which the objectives are achieved the acceptable limits of cost and execution time. So, Mars One заявляет: to deliver four people by 2027 (12 years from now) on the surface of Mars, we need $ 6 billion. For every subsequent two years it is planned to send four more and spend 4 billion dollars. Cost is $ 6 billion and 4 every two years. The goal - the creation of colonies on Mars. Time - 2027. A key research question: can the Mars One project delivered to implement these restrictions?
Arguments Mars One well known. In terms of time Lansdorp said, when he sent a man to the moon, NASA had less time. In relation to the objective is often referred to, that the Mars One plans to use the existing technology: there are rockets and landing systems. Landing system similar to that used for the rovers' Kyuriositi "and life-support systems resemble used on the International Space Station.
However, this is not true. Close-size image is available by clicking.
Space now is not only a lot of state agencies, so it's easy to find something to compare grandiose plans Mars One.
It is doubtful, and the argument about the existence and availability of technology.
Landing is not so simple. Up to this point on the surface of the red planet planted exclusively drones. The largest of these - a rover "Kyuriositi." His weight is 899 kilograms. "Smart" rover Mars One will weigh 2500 kilograms, more 4200 - is the dry mass of the capsule Dragon. In sum, it is 6700 kilograms, 7, 5 times have greater "curiosity." The rover will prepare a place for the colony. A capsule with a life-support system will weigh 7434 kilograms. This is more of the total weight of all the units, successfully landed on Mars in history. To Mars One plan requires a leap.
"Smart" rover and other systems Mars One must also have unparalleled reliability. As a rule, the ISS spends about 3 months without dosnabzheniya. In the space truck can add necessary parts or entire blocks of broken life support systems, and send to the station. Equipment Mars One will not receive any new details about 26 months, 8, 7 times. As a result, the situation will look like logistical nightmare in which laid much less correct supply even in the face 2 times more reliable equipment. No production facilities on Mars strategy of a single ticket is not feasible.
The analysis also touched upon the research corporation Paragon: According to researchers, it affected only a goal, but not the cost and lead time. Researchers also are direct quotes analysis that fulfilled Barry Finger. It states that take a considerable time to build production capacity. The base for the production and it is considered to be mandatory in order to achieve a permanent settlement.
In response Lansdorp said that the aim of Mars One is not to send people to Mars in 2027 for $ 6 billion and 14 starts. The goal is simply landing on Mars. He then repeated all the same mysterious phrase that says about the previous study: analysis of Andrew and Sydney contrary confirms plan Mars One.
Presentation Lansdorpa contain only one slide, which demonstrated changes in concepts "Apollo" system, get people to the moon. He said that plans for Mars One is based on preliminary work and can change over time with availability of new data. As an example, a recent study led Lansdorp Paragon, which states that the mass of life-support systems will be higher than expected. Now Mars One is looking for $ 15 million to finance the building and additional research teams at Lockheed Martin on the topic of systems reentry, descent and landing. Lansdorp expressed optimism that may show up some billionaire who will finance the whole venture, which will accelerate the work.
The most frightening argument that озвучил Du was not unenforceability project Mars One. It was a remark that if the project loudly blown away in the future, any, even the most plausible attempt the conquest of Mars will be perceived ambiguously.
Слайды presentations from Mars One estimate from the perspective of the "iron triangle»
Source: geektimes.ru/post/261954/
In August, the head of the Mars One Bas Lansdorp discussed two aerospace engineers at MIT question of how feasible objective of the company. By the end of the dispute it was clear that Mars One does not have a clear definition of their plans and the concept of 'plan' at all. These dates, which have already shifted twice, are perceived more as a dream or a source of inspiration. At the moment, Mars One is trying to find funds for additional research and recruitment. The requested amount - $ 15 million.
Mars One - the company, which received the 2012 universal media attention his ambitious plan to conquer the red planet. It's not just landing on the Mars rover or a small probe, it is not even landing a man is the creation of a permanent settlement. Create colony offered by volunteers, selected from among ordinary people. A special feature of the program is fatal: plans for the return of colonists to Mars is not provided. Later in life, the project participants are forced to live on Mars. According to the original plan of the colony to begin in 2023, when the planet of the first people to arrive. It is this proximity and a chance for everyone to participate in the historic event so fascinated by all familiar with the project.
Tiny by the standards of the aerospace industry for the amount of landing on Mars - $ 6 billion - are invited to gather with the help of TV shows in the format of reality shows and broadcast on television all stages. Data on Mars One contracts with television companies are not available. Colonia should be self-sustaining : for example, the colonists will eat food grown on site, and oxygen for breathing will mined from the ground. Receive will only spare parts and equipment. The top four at the moment will arrive in 2027. Like everyone else, this date has shifted: first in 2023 in 2025, and then to 2027. Delivery is planned with missiles SpaceX, in particular the Falcon Heavy. At this point there was no starting accomplished this embodiment Falcon 9.
In 2013, during an online registration data were obtained 202,586 people. These are the 200 thousand participants of Mars One, which are often mentioned. In fact, it's just a confirmed email address. Later, the fact overestimate the number of participants and the process of selection of criticized . Only 4227 (according to other sources - in 2761) people have a registration fee. After that they were given access to a web site as a service of social networks, where they were asked to fill in questionnaires and talk about motivation in the movies. After passing this stage there were only 1058 people, which begins the second round of selection. Within its framework it was necessary to undergo a medical examination by a physician of their own and agree to the publication of the completed structure. In the subsequent two steps interviews were only 660 people. Gradually it has been selected for the final 100 participants.
The project is immediately subjected to harsh criticism because of unrealistic promises. More in 2012, the magazine Wired put Mars One plans 2 points out of 10 on a scale of believability. Independent technical analysis MIT says , the colonists die after about 68 days after planting because of the low partial pressure of oxygen . Habitat will also be at risk of fire due to the high molar fraction of oxygen. Even if this does not happen, the burden of maintaining the colony will increase exponentially because of the need to send the equipment for repair. The Mars One notice that although the study contains a criticism, it is regarded as a possible mission. But researchers опровергают this statement: "In order to fully clarify the situation: the mission plan Mars One, as described on their web site and elsewhere, Mr. Lansdorpom and others, is not feasible." And in an interview with Mars One co-worker Dr. Norbert Kraft называет [at around 3:50] study "false and fabricated».
In August, the ежегодной meeting «Martian community" was held discussion on realistic project Mars One. On one side is the head of the Addiction Bas Lansdorp and aerospace consultant Barry Finger of Paragon Space Development Corporation. Last held recently for Mars One исследование the needs of the life support system. With views of Mars One disagreed Sidney Doo and Andrew Owens, who are the authors of the aforementioned study at MIT. They новый analysis uses the declared value of the program ($ 6 billion) from the perspective of the "iron triangle" of project management.
The threefold limitations or "iron triangle" describes the balance between the content (the objectives), the cost and time of execution of the project. (Quality not considered here.) The change affects one side of the triangle on the other side. Feasibility of the project - is one in which the objectives are achieved the acceptable limits of cost and execution time. So, Mars One заявляет: to deliver four people by 2027 (12 years from now) on the surface of Mars, we need $ 6 billion. For every subsequent two years it is planned to send four more and spend 4 billion dollars. Cost is $ 6 billion and 4 every two years. The goal - the creation of colonies on Mars. Time - 2027. A key research question: can the Mars One project delivered to implement these restrictions?
Arguments Mars One well known. In terms of time Lansdorp said, when he sent a man to the moon, NASA had less time. In relation to the objective is often referred to, that the Mars One plans to use the existing technology: there are rockets and landing systems. Landing system similar to that used for the rovers' Kyuriositi "and life-support systems resemble used on the International Space Station.
However, this is not true. Close-size image is available by clicking.
Space now is not only a lot of state agencies, so it's easy to find something to compare grandiose plans Mars One.
It is doubtful, and the argument about the existence and availability of technology.
Landing is not so simple. Up to this point on the surface of the red planet planted exclusively drones. The largest of these - a rover "Kyuriositi." His weight is 899 kilograms. "Smart" rover Mars One will weigh 2500 kilograms, more 4200 - is the dry mass of the capsule Dragon. In sum, it is 6700 kilograms, 7, 5 times have greater "curiosity." The rover will prepare a place for the colony. A capsule with a life-support system will weigh 7434 kilograms. This is more of the total weight of all the units, successfully landed on Mars in history. To Mars One plan requires a leap.
"Smart" rover and other systems Mars One must also have unparalleled reliability. As a rule, the ISS spends about 3 months without dosnabzheniya. In the space truck can add necessary parts or entire blocks of broken life support systems, and send to the station. Equipment Mars One will not receive any new details about 26 months, 8, 7 times. As a result, the situation will look like logistical nightmare in which laid much less correct supply even in the face 2 times more reliable equipment. No production facilities on Mars strategy of a single ticket is not feasible.
The analysis also touched upon the research corporation Paragon: According to researchers, it affected only a goal, but not the cost and lead time. Researchers also are direct quotes analysis that fulfilled Barry Finger. It states that take a considerable time to build production capacity. The base for the production and it is considered to be mandatory in order to achieve a permanent settlement.
In response Lansdorp said that the aim of Mars One is not to send people to Mars in 2027 for $ 6 billion and 14 starts. The goal is simply landing on Mars. He then repeated all the same mysterious phrase that says about the previous study: analysis of Andrew and Sydney contrary confirms plan Mars One.
Presentation Lansdorpa contain only one slide, which demonstrated changes in concepts "Apollo" system, get people to the moon. He said that plans for Mars One is based on preliminary work and can change over time with availability of new data. As an example, a recent study led Lansdorp Paragon, which states that the mass of life-support systems will be higher than expected. Now Mars One is looking for $ 15 million to finance the building and additional research teams at Lockheed Martin on the topic of systems reentry, descent and landing. Lansdorp expressed optimism that may show up some billionaire who will finance the whole venture, which will accelerate the work.
The most frightening argument that озвучил Du was not unenforceability project Mars One. It was a remark that if the project loudly blown away in the future, any, even the most plausible attempt the conquest of Mars will be perceived ambiguously.
Слайды presentations from Mars One estimate from the perspective of the "iron triangle»
Source: geektimes.ru/post/261954/
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