Elon Musk - "Iron Man" in the real world

Elon Musk: 'I want to be a part of what changes the world » i>
future genius was born in 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa in the family of a local engineer and former Canadian model. When Elona was 9 years old, his parents divorced. The boy lived mostly with his father.
From childhood he loved books and read a lot. A special role in the formation of the character of the young played the legendary Mask of John Tolkien's trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" and a fantastic satire of Douglas Adams' "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
Quote Mask:
«The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" has taught me that the hardest thing in the world - to choose what kind of questions to ask. But if you made the right choice, then everything else will go easily. Blockquote>
Musk started programming at school-age i>
Musk trained around independently. With 10 years he started programming and has already sold in 12 years he created the first game Blastar for $ 500. In 17 years (1988) with the support of his mother the young man went to Montreal (Canada), where he held various work, balancing on the brink of poverty. In 1990, he enrolled at Queen's University, Ontario, where he studied for two years. There he met his future wife and mother of five children. Then he continued his studies in Pennsylvania, where he received a degree in economics and physics. At 24, Musk went to Stanford, California. But in the classroom did not really show up, took the place of science entrepreneurship. At the start of his career he has successfully selected three advanced to conquer the business sector: the Internet, clean energy and space.
Projects Zip2, X.com and PayPal h4>
Musk was rapidly conquer the Internet when he was 23 years old. Worldwide network only began its way of becoming and has been one of the most promising areas for business. In 1995, together with his brother Kimbalom they have created a program to support sites and publishing of media content - Zip2. As an "office" brothers used a rented apartment in Palo Alto.
In 1999, the program Zip2 Compaq was acquired for $ 307 million. Musk made a profit in the amount of 7% of sales ($ 22 million.). The money went to new projects.
Peter Thiel and Elon Musk i>
Musk started to learn electronic payments. He became one of the founders of start-X.com (payment system via e-mail).
In 2000 the company merged with X.com Max Levchin, Peter Thiel - Confinity. One of the branches of the company was PayPal. Both systems (X.com and PayPal) is engaged in providing personal electronic remittances via email.
But working together disagreement that led to the mask left the position of CEO of the company. Thanks to progress and competent marketing strategy of the company, the audience PayPal rapidly increased. And in 2002, the online auction site eBay bought PayPal for $ 1, 5 billion. As the largest shareholder, Musk received from the sale of its stake.
The company Tesla Motors h4>
In 2003, Musk co-founded the company Tesla Motors. Company activity - production of machines running on electricity. The mask is very interested in the idea of creating an electric sports car. Together with Jeffrey Strobel they decided together with the other founders to create Tesla Motors. Musk has provided the lion's share of funding and acted as chairman and head of the department of design in the development of a sports car Tesla Roadster, and later the Model S. Strobel remained on the development of the transmission. Official presentation of the Roadster was held on 19 July 2006 in the city of Santa Monica, California. Model S prototype was first shown in 2009 at the Frankfurt Motor Show.
Tesla Motors i>
Musk remained chairman of the board of directors and took over operational management of the company. But the financial crisis in 2008 contributed to the fact that he became CEO and chief designer of the company.
After the company experienced a crisis, things went smoothly. German concern Daimler has invested in Tesla approximately $ 50 million. Financial assistance has also had, and the state (for which he was criticized by the society, as a landmark production Tesla Motors has been directed exclusively to wealthy buyers).
The most successful model was the company's Model S sedan luxury to charge the battery to 426 km, striking design and good speed characteristics (acceleration up to 96 km / h in 3, 9). In the first quarter of 2013 in the United States it has sold 4,750 copies of Tesla Model S. The model even received the "Car of the Year" by Motor Trend 2013 & quot ;.
October 6, 2014 Tesla unveiled the new car - Model S P85D. Its main difference from its predecessor was the presence of all-wheel drive. Model S razgonyatlsya to 100 km / h in only 3, 2.
Company SolarCity h4>
The near future: the project Quarter houses with solar roofs i>
Along with Tesla Motors, Musk took the start cousins Lyndon and Peter Raivo - SolarCity, which has invested about $ 10 million.
The company is installing modular SolarCity private solar power plants with a capacity of a few kilowatts. This solution is ideal for small organizations and homes. SolarCity engaged in a long-term lease, ie, not sold, and gave the products to rent up to 20 years. The buyer pays only for the energy which is produced by the station. Financing transactions engaged in by creditors who received tax incentives for supporting the "green" economy.
Concept SolarCity was economical, environmentally friendly and fully coincides with the principles of the mask. The company also built the battery recharging stations for electric machines Tesla Motors.
Musk is still the major shareholder of the company, the capital of which is approaching $ 3 billion. SolarCity is one of the largest supplier of solar power systems in the United States.
Musk shared his revolutionary ideas in "The Simpsons» i>
Space Project SpaceX h4>
The mask has always attracted the cosmos. As a child he dreamed of how to create space rocket and fly to Mars. They captured the ambitious idea - to create a platform for multiple human travel to other planets. Starting, of course, to the promised Mars.
In 2002, businessman founded the Space Exploration Technologies Corporation - SpaceX. The company, which was engaged in the private development of a series of carrier rockets, became a commercial operator space systems. In this project Musk has invested a fortune, and he became the chief engineer of the company.
Chief Engineer on the background of the spaceship Dragon i>
Here is what Musk of SpaceX:
We are committed to the great philosophical goal, though we do business. If we will build a company that will help a person to become an interplanetary view - this is equivalent to finding the Holy Grail. But if we create something that will be able to deliver the human and equipment to Mars, I will assume the task of SpaceX performed. At least at this stage. Blockquote>
The first major development was the project SpaceX rocket Falcon 1. The construction took about four years and hundreds of millions of dollars of private investment. The result is a missile, and with it the three types of liquid engines - Merlin, Kestrel, and Draco.
In 2008, SpaceX became interested in developments in NASA. This state space agency signed a contract with the Musk in the amount of $ 1, 6 billion. 12 starts and Falcon spaceship Dragon.
The first three Falcon 1 launch in the period from 2006 to 2008 have not been successful. But on the fourth attempt, the rocket was launched, and the fifth - was successfully put into orbit cargo and fulfilled its mission. As later expressed Musk, SpaceX future depended on the outcome of the missile launch.
The Falcon 9 was used to launch the private cargo spacecraft Dragon in the program supply the International Space Station. Ship in the long term should accommodate crew of seven astronauts.
On the Falcon 9 rocket test region, 2010. i>
In 2015, held another successful launch of the carrier rocket Falcon 9 - the satellite successfully reached orbit. But gently put the first stage failed, she landed too hard on a special platform and part of the equipment seriously damaged.
Max remembered his dream to fly to Mars. And in 2012, the head of SpaceX announced plans to study and colonize the Red Planet. He intended first to land on Mars a small number of people (10-15) and a large amount of payload (up to 100 tons). Later, according to his calculations, the colony could be expanded to 80 thousand people. According to the businessman, the study of Mars would put a price on transport missions to the planet at the level of $ 500 thousand. Of course, Musk acknowledged that first interplanetary flights will be carried out not very often because of their high cost. But over time, the situation should change. To do this, SpaceX began to carry out the project development Mars Colonial Transporter (MCT) - a system which did not exist before. Led by Musk SpaceX engineers are working on innovative rocket engines and spacecraft to transport people from Earth to Mars. Presentation MCT scheduled for late 2015 at the same time with the system, and Musk intends to present new spacesuit from SpaceH. CEO promises that "suit" is not only functional, but also very modern in design.
According to billionaire possibility of life on other planets serve as protection from the threat of human extinction as a species.
The asteroid or a super volcano is able to destroy us, we are confronted with the risk that the dinosaurs did not dream: some crazy virus - the fruit of Bioengineering, accidentally created a micro black hole, catastrophic global warming or yet unknown technology. All of this could mean the end for us. Mankind has evolved over millions of years, but over the past sixty years to create a nuclear weapon is a threat to a complete self-destruction. Sooner or later, we need to extend life beyond our world. Otherwise, we are threatened with extinction. blockquote>
According to the mask, after 10-20 years of science fiction could become a reality. "I would like to die on Mars. But it did not break the surface of the planet "- joking billionaire i>
Hyperloop - transport of the future h4>
In 2012, Musk announced another project - a high-speed vactrain Hyperloop (loop time). He presented his idea as the fifth mode of transport, most high-speed and cheap.
Hyperloop was conceived as situated on supports above ground pipeline, inside which at a speed of 480 to 1220 km / h every 30 seconds in one direction moves the single transport capsule. Suggests two possibilities: the passenger with an inner diameter of 2 to 23 m, the cross section of the capsule 1, 35 m x 1 m 1 accommodating two series of seats 14 in each seat; passenger and cargo with an inner diameter of the pipe 3, 3 m.
Project Hyperloop i>
Capsule should move with a linear motor. For this purpose involves obtaining energy by means of solar panels. They have to produce 57 MW system needs only 21 MW. Musk promises passengers an unprecedented level of security. In case of emergencies in the nose of the capsule behind the fan was electric compressor, which was to accumulate on-board compressed air during depressurization. Also housed in the stern 1, 5 tons of batteries, a charge which will last for 45 minutes. This time is enough to get to the nearest station during power failure.
In January 2015 Musk announced its intention to build a special test track for Hyperloop. According to preliminary information, the project will be implemented in Texas.
Artificial Intelligence Security h4>
Musk is actively interested in the theme of the development of artificial intelligence. As someone who grew up on science fiction, he fears repetition of the fantastic stories with the uprising of machines and the like.
In 2014, the billionaire has invested $ 40 million. The company Vicarious FPC, which is engaged in the development of artificial intelligence. The founders of the project plan to copy the cortex responsible for sensory perception, thinking, motor skills, speech - and convert all the code.
Musk has sent $ 10 million to the institute engaged in research on the safety of the future. And he wrote a letter for the scientists, which describes in detail what they have to do, how to dispose of the money, and what goals they are facing. Musk is trying to keep a finger on the pulse.
By the way, the comparison with Elon Musk "Iron Man" Tony Stark is really remarkable. In addition to the thirst for revolutionary inventions, the two characters have much in common and characteristics. The two American engineers billionaire, who followed in the footsteps of their fathers. Mask as Stark's research interest in the field of engineering, new technologies, space. Even the growth and physique they coincide ...
Source: geektimes.ru/company/ua-hosting/blog/267070/