Solar roof the Tesla will be cheaper than usual without taking into account of power generation

17 November 2016 the company Tesla Motors has held a meeting with shareholders about the possible merger of the companies, Tesla Motors and SolarCity through an exchange of shares. Let me say that as a result more than 85% of the shareholders of Tesla Motors voted positively so that the issue can be considered closed. Documents to the securities Commission, the United States will be served shortly.
The meeting was addressed by Elon Musk is the CEO and main shareholder of both companies. Elon made a remarkable statement: according to his calculations, the innovative technology — SolarCity solar roof that generate electricity for the house and car, will be cheaper than conventional roofs at the stage of installation, i.e. without taking into account power generation!
Coming on the scene to shareholders, Elon Musk said: he has just come from a meeting with the engineers SolarCity now, so can confidently state this fact. Solar roof will actually be cheaper than usual even without power generation.
It's amazing and good news. Moreover, it is a stunningly bold statement. After all, if it proves true, then the average person will not remain a reason to put a conventional roof, if for the same money or even cheaper a great solar roof, and even generating energy. No wonder, if after the start of sales of solar roofs in the next year the Tesla factory in Buffalo will not cope with all orders.

Electricity generation the roof of the glass slate: one of the four types of glass developed by engineers Tesla
During the official announcement of solar roofs 28 Oct heard. SolarCity promised that solar roof will cost cheaper than usual considering the cost of the generated electricity. That is, the person was asked to make a profitable investment. To buy a more expensive roof, which will gradually pay for itself, although it will never pay off fully, but in the end will cost cheaper than usual.
Now claimed entirely different. In such circumstances, people have really no reasons to not install solar panels.
"It looks promising that the solar roof will actually cost less than the normal roof without electricity, said Elon Musk. — So the main question is: "do You want a roof that looks better than the normal roof lasts twice as long, is cheaper and, incidentally, generates electricity?" Why buy something else?". Indeed, this is a rhetorical question.
Elon Musk said that the roof of the new generation will be cheaper given the cost of installation and without government subsidies. It is important with the imminent inauguration of the new U.S. President, who seems to be going to cancel the subsidies and support the oil sector of the U.S. economy.
Presentation of the four types of solar plates for the roofs was held on 28 October 2016. Glass for them, developed new scientific and technical unit of Tesla.

Four types of solar plates for roofs Tesla
Now Elon Musk has added that the developed glass "in three, four, sometimes five times" lighter than existing solutions, concrete and ceramics. The entrepreneur has calculated that the company will be able to save considerably if to get rid of extra costs that are associated with large weight and fragility of conventional roofing, logistics, and reduction of breakage in transit.
He added that an important source of savings is the "Erasure" of the supply chain. We are talking about reducing the number of intermediaries that a wind-up. Here the production, delivery and installation deals with only one company.
Manufacture of roofs will establish together with Panasonic, the new plant in Buffalo (new York). Tesla promises to start production of a new glass in the next year.
The final cost of each roof will be calculated individually. It depends on roof area and cost of installation. Perhaps, from the cost of the home.
Of course, the cost of the roof is not included battery Powerwall 2 for home storage of electricity. The battery 14 kWh with an integrated inverter will be sold separately for $5500.

Battery Powerwall 2 with size 1150×755×155 mm and weighing 122 kg suitable for internal or external installation on the wall or the floor, work in temperatures ranging from -20°C to 50°C. 10 years Warranty (unlimited number of cycles charge/discharge), a power of 5 kW continuous, kW peak 7
If the company make a promise that new technology will become truly revolutionary product that could transform the market. At the moment a new roof is installed by 5 million American homes annually. This includes new buildings and old houses that need to be updated roof.

Sun roof Tesla from smooth glass

Tesla solar roof with Tuscan glass

Sun roof Tesla of textured glass
Recall that Elon Musk has proposed the merging of Tesla Motors and SolarCity in June 2016. Energy company SolarCity is engaged in the design, financing and installation of solar energy systems. The company employs more than 13,000 people. The company was founded in 2006 by brothers Peter and Lyndon Riva, who implemented the idea of his cousin Elon musk. Elon himself became the head of the company and helped with the launch of the project.
Within ten years, SolarCity holds the leadership in the field of services for the installation of solar panels in California, ranking second in the number of installations in the United States.
In 2013, the shares of Tesla Motors rose more than 500%, although the company has not yet turned a profit. At the same time, the net loss SolarCity has doubled in 2015 to $769 million Elon Musk financed their companies when they needed money, buy their stock and opened a personal line of credit secured against their remaining shares. Possible financial destabilise in such a situation threatens the margin call, that is, the forced closing of the position. If shares of SolarCity continued to decline, under the loan facility would require additional financing. Exchange for shares of Tesla Motors solves the problem with a reduction in SolarCity stock.
In the document for shareholders of Tesla Motors said that the exchange for shares of SolarCity will add more than $500 million on the balance sheet Tesla Motors.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/282774/
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