Iron Maiden have earned millions in concert tours to places where pirates pump most of their music

"If you got a lemon, make lemonade" - this advice of Dale Carnegie describes very well стратегию, which allowed the group Iron Maiden in the last few years to earn a lot of money. According to the compilers of the rating "1000 companies that inspire Britain», Iron Maiden was one of the six groups whose financial results are much higher than average. In 2012-2013, the Group held a world tour, paying most attention to South and Central America. It was here, according to research firm Musicmetric, in recent years there has been a burst of activity pirates download music group in P2P-networks.
Instead of sending lawyers to the pirates and try to knock down a free download, the band decided to come themselves and played a gig where they swing music the most. Especially a lot of pirate traffic was recorded in Brazil, and it is here, in the city of Sao Paulo, has passed one of the most successful concerts - revenue was more than two and a half million dollars. The number of fans in social networks has grown over the tour for five million people, largely at the expense of Latin America.
The fact that free filesharing itself does not harm sales, and may even help, say many исследования. Most Active "pirates" are likely to be the most active consumers and paid content, concert goers, buyers aways. This is noted not only musicians - recently created the series "Breaking Bad" Vince Gilligan заявил, that piracy helped popularize the series. Kevin Spacey - producer and lead actor of the series "House of Cards" (all 13 episodes of the first season were both posted on the video service Netflix, and, of course, immediately put in file-sharing networks), говорит, that the creators of the series & quot; ... in contrast to the music industry have learned an important lesson: give people what they want, when they want, in the form in which they want at a reasonable price - and they prefer to pay you, and not to steal & quot ;.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/207508/
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