25 secrets of the series "Breaking Bad"

begin with, that the series "Breaking Bad" is considered to be the highest achievement of American television. But call it a TV series on the scale, scope, acting and the atmosphere does not turn language. Not least because that the history of distressed chemistry teacher Walter White believe from the first frame.
But more importantly - many serials are blown towards the end. With Breaking Bad things differently. Pretending the first two seasons of black comedy, "Breaking Bad" in the third season strongly that crosses a dangerous line, for which hardly anyone dares to go.
So I get the story you want to see and hear. And we in the Website have decided to talk about the show is that you can not know. And, yes, do not try to repeat it.
in the opening credits shows a formula meta * amphetamine (C10 H15 N), and in capital letters of the name and of the intro of the series are shown some of the chemical elements. < /

Jesse Pinkman had to die at the end of the season , but the writers were so impressed with the actor Aaron Paul, that have changed the decision.

Blue Meta * amphetamine that ku * Yat and boiled heroes serial , in fact, none other than the dyed pieces of sugar or candy.

The protagonist of the series Walter White in the criminal world is known under the name of Heisenberg , based on the name of the Nobel Laureate in Physics in 1932, Werner Karl Heisenberg (German. Werner Karl Heisenberg).

The producers initially did not want to take on the role of Bryan Cranston Walter White because of his previous comedic work , and choose between John Cusack and Matthew Broderick. When they both refused, series creator Vince Gilligan has approved Cranston.

Performer of Walter Jr. RJ Mitte as his character lives with cerebral palsy.

Originally Hector Salamanca, not Gustavo Fring, was to be the main villain in the third and fourth seasons.

Real ABN agent and professor of chemistry taught the actors the show cooking * meta amphetamine.

$ 3 million - is the cost of filming a series of "Breaking Bad».

The TV channel AMC allowed screenwriter Vince Gilligan use the word «f * ck» only once in the season. So Gilligan every time that opportunity to the fullest.

"Fok you! And your eyebrows too! »
and each «yo» and «bitch» were carefully scripted.

Website "Save Walter White» , created in the second season, Walter Jr., actually exists.

As there website lawyer Saul Goodman - «Better Call Saul» .

The series entered in the Guinness Book of Records Guinness in 2014 as a "series rated» after he scored 99 points out of 100 on the portal MetaCritic. ul >

The role of Walter White Bryan Cranston by Anthony Hopkins in his letter calls the greatest work in the history of cinema.

During the filming of a scene from the question * itutkoy Wendy casual passer-by took the actress for real "women of easy virtue» and tried to negotiate the price. Due to this misunderstanding shooting had to be postponed a bit.

«Breaking Bad" consists of 62 episodes. 62nd element in the periodic table of the chemical elements is a samarium - an isotope which is used to treat various forms of cancer, including lung cancer. < /

One of a series of five seasons dedicated to Kevin Kordasko, teen-superfanatu series, who died of cancer in March 2013. Before his death, Kevin met with the cast and creators of the series, who offered him to read Scenario final show. But Kevin refused, because he was not sure he could keep it a secret.

Brian Cranston has a tattoo symbol «Breaking Bad» on the finger.
About the show praised the writer Stephen King , saying it was the best script on TV.

The shooting "Breaking Bad" was originally passed in Riverside, California, but were later moved to Albuquerque , where tax incentives.

This famous scene filmed with pizza on the first take.

For the series Walter White breaks four times the windshield of his car.

Formidable nephews Hector Salamanca, brothers Leonel and Marco Salamanca, are actually twin brothers. Only one of them is a professional actor.

In the second season, when Skyler White (actress Anna Gunn) was pregnant scenario, filmmakers actually shot her pregnant sister Marie (actress Betsy Brandt) , when she was pregnant in real life !

The scene with the death of Gustavo Fring was created with make-up series "The Walking Dead." Many critics it is recognized as the best scene that has ever been shown on TV.
The last episode of the series on the channel AMC looked ten and a half million viewers. This is a world record for cable television in this genre.
Footage from the show: amctv.com
via www.amctv.com/