Sol 752: "live" panorama of Mars from the hills of Pahrump
As is known, the rover Curiosity is not in place. Not so long ago, NASA Special Committee strongly recommended that the rover team to use the rig more or less - the chassis, but the rover is still fairly quickly advanced to the final goal of his journey (core mission) - Mount Sharp.
This mountain is located in the center of the crater Gale, and at its foot hills located Pahrump, outcrops of rocks of Mars. This region is very interesting to scientists, including geologists, as research in this site will help you understand the geological structure of the block, make up a significant portion of the foot Sharpe.
Already known to us photographer Andrew Bodrov did another panorama place where the rover was only a few days ago.

This - just Pahrump hills that are so interested scientists. Well, we had the opportunity to explore the panorama of the region composed of 136 images (habraparser does not insert embed-code). Traditionally, the width of the pan - 30 thousand pixels.
Other panoramas of Mars, compiled by Andrei Bodrov:
Sol 739 (Martian solar day 739)
Sol 673 (Martian solar day 673)
Sol 647 (Martian solar day 647)
Sol 613 (Martian solar day 613)
Sol 541 (Martian solar day 541)
Sol 530 (Martian solar day 530)
Sol 437 (Martian solar day 437)
Sol 177 (Self-portrait of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity)
Sol 136-149 (First 4 billion pixels panorama of Mars)
Sol 4 (First color panorama of Mars)
Sol 2 (First panorama of Mars by Curiosity rover )
And, traditionally, the NASA story about how to receive "fotosamostrely" rover (in each such post questions arise about how the rover pictures of himself):
Via 360cities
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/237599/