To remember (for children)
Life is a kaleidoscope of events: multi-colored pieces of glass transient pleasures of intoxicating happiness, deep sadness, gloomy grief and paralyzing despair poured a variety of colors, brush painting the day each of us. Fate rules the ball. The cruel and incomprehensible, it rewards us for our patience and sometimes showering in abundance different pleasure and bounties, but the same fate, can take it all at once. It happened with the talented Russian actor Sergei Bodrov Jr. He made himself willingly take the opportunity that provided him with kinship, fortune and your own talent. Man uncommon spiritual force, a man with a voice that wants to believe, lived a rich, but very short life, leaving behind a small filmography of beautiful pictures.
Life gave him the Soviet Moscow. December 27, 1971 the son of renowned director Sergei Vladimirovich Bodrov was born a boy. Secondary education Borden Jr. in the school № 1265 with in-depth study of French. Master Sergei characterized as an active boy with a good education. Rumor has it in early childhood Sergey dreamed of becoming a dustman and ride on the orange car.
"Childhood - the most important and exciting in life. And I try not to forget about that, as I was, what I wanted ... "(Sergei Bodrov Jr.)
Whatever it was, fate decreed otherwise. School has postponed Bodrov Jr. its mark. Sergei early years found the makings of a leader. Not by chance at school, he was the standard-bearer. By the way, student years Sergei worked with the class after school on the confectionery factory "Udarnitsa", where for four hours sweets packed in boxes. Earned money went to various school activities, including the organization of excursions.
After school, Sergei wanted to follow his father and become a prominent person in the film industry. His intentions to enter the Film Institute, were taken Bodrov senior hostility. Between father and son had a serious conversation, during which the famous director explained his offspring that cinema should go only if there is passion. Given that much courage, Sergei did not feel it was decided to leave this venture. Bodrov Jr. joined the history department of Moscow State University, where he chose art history department specialized in Renaissance painting. After graduating from high school with honors, Bodrov went into graduate school, although even then knew that the work in a museum or library is not the lot of people like it.
"As a student I had one teacher, a professor who inspired me for the rest probably lives a simple truth. He said that this man may be determined by two things: in his relation to the book and to a woman. He himself always before to take the book, I went to wash their hands. And for me it became a rule for life and anxious to respect the books and, of course, women "S. Bodrov- Jr.
In student days Sergey managed to light up in one of his father's films, namely, & quot; SIR (Freedom - a paradise) & quot ;. The role was the most common, episodic, and no non-binding. Sergei depicted juvenile offender in a uniform dividing longing expectation of the end, together with the main character. A feature of participation in this film Bodrov was the following fact: for the filming of the actor needed trimmed to bald, but none of the actors involved to take this step did not dare to, in connection with what Sergei Bodrov equalized at zero hair of his son and put him in the frame .
Complete film debut happened at Bodrov Jr. in 1996 in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus." It should be noted that here, in the lens of the camera Sergei came almost by accident. Begging his father to allow him to go with him to the shooting in Dagestan, where Bodrov Jr. helped in every way to the film crew as a handyman. Prayers offspring were heard, but everything turned out not quite as expected at the start. Bodrov all of a sudden made his son played one of the main roles. Partner Bodrov Jr. in the film was the famous and undoubtedly talented actor Oleg Menshikov. Cooperation between the two gifted men paid off. "Prisoner of the Caucasus" was marked by a whole galaxy of honorary awards, beginning with the prizes at the Cannes Film Festival, and the last Grand Prix in Sochi.
In the period from 1996 to 1998, Bodrov Jr. worked as a leading TV program "Vzglyad". According to Sergei, the time can not be judged only as a new stage of his career - is more complicated. Two years have not been wasted. Bodrov met with a lot of people looked at life with its seamy side, discovered new facets of his worldview. Program "Vzglyad" Sergei obliged invaluable experience of communication and great store of true stories that inspired him later to write their own screenplays.
In 1997 Bodrov Jr. married a girl Svetlana. In his own words, Sergei was enough just once to see this young lady, in order to understand that this was his future wife. During the period of their happy marriage, she gave birth to the Light Bodrov two children: a boy and a girl Olya Sasha.
The film festival in Sochi, where the young actor made himself the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Bodrov brought important and useful contacts. Renowned film director Alexei Balabanov interested in them his creative flair of the artist suggests that Sergei great potential. So Bodrov Jr. came to an ambitious project, "Brother».
About this motion picture heard even by those who never watched. Balabanov's film series is one of the rare examples of Russian commercial cinema, highly regarded in the United States. He starred cheerfully immortalized his name in the history of national cinema. For his role in the film "Brother" Sergey received a "Golden Ram" in Chicago, «FIPRESCI» festival in Turin, as well as the Grand Prix in Sochi. Songs by the group "Nautilos-Pompilius" components soundtrack acquired cult status.
In 1998, Sergei defended his thesis on "Architecture in Venetian painting of the Renaissance", at the same time continuing to act in films. Pictures "Stinger" and "East-West", the actor cemented his success.
"For all have to pay for success - the loss of freedom. But success is surely questionable, not absolute. They do not cover the content of life, but you suddenly become dependent on unwanted people, phone calls. And freedom - the most important thing a man can have. "S. Bodrov Jr.
Start of the 21st century was marked by the release of the sequel "Brother." The film was warmly received by both film critics and ordinary viewers. Transferring the film from Russia to the United States, particularly in New York, he gave his creation Balabanov amazing charm and unique atmosphere. Needless to say that it was his work inspired by magicians from Rockstar, creating a fourth part of the "Grand Theft Auto»?
For the "Brother 2" followed in his father's shooting the film "Let's do it quick," in his spare time from work on which Sergei writing the script of his debut film "Sisters" .Ideyu paintings filed Bodrov Jr.'s father, who, just two weeks I wrote the script ready. After four days already started shooting.
The first work of director Sergei proved successful. In Sochi, the film won the "Best Newcomer" and "Best actor duet».
In the same 2001 Bodrov became a television presenter of the program "The Last Hero».
Friendship with Balabanov, lasting from the pores of filming "Brothers" was expressed in a new collaboration "War", where Bodrov this time played a brilliant supporting actress. After that, Sergei starred in another film of his father's "Bear's Kiss". The film would be controversial received by critics, but its niche sign of Russian cinema he still won.
In summer 2002 Sergey begin shooting the second movie of their own. According to the director of "The Messenger" was supposed to be philosophical and mystical parable about the fate of two people. In September, the crew flew to the Caucasus Bodrov. September 19 episodes were shot in the women's prison near Vladikavkaz. This was followed by transfer to Karmadon Gorge, where it was planned to shoot a scene returning from the army of one of the main characters.
"The only recipe for any business - be sincere. When you are passionate about doing something wholeheartedly, then everything works "S. Bodrov Jr.
September 20th from the beginning did not go as planned scenario. Because of problems with transport surveys were carried over from nine in the morning to one o'clock. Only this time the band Bodrov could climb mountains. Around seven in the evening I had to stop work because of the poor lighting. Tired after a hard day, members of the crew gathered equipment and went to the city, but to return them was not fated. At the beginning of the ninth began glacier "Colca", which in a few minutes covered Karmadon Gorge three-meter layer of ice and rock. At the moment, it is believed that the glacier was triggered by the drop of a block of ice from the mountain Dzhimara.
Large-scale rescue operation lasted several months. Close relatives of the missing, their friends and relatives, as well as the volunteers did not stop to survey the terrain glacier until February 2004. In the icy jaws of the Caucasian mountains disappeared more than a hundred people, including Sergei Bodrov Jr.
Unfortunately, many talented people are leaving too early. Danila Bagrov * no exception. Since the accident took twelve years, but many are still hoping for a miracle. Hopefully, Sergei Bodrov died.
And it would be because he gained immortality in his films.
"We all hope for a beautiful end to this ugly life" S. Bodrov- Jr.

Life gave him the Soviet Moscow. December 27, 1971 the son of renowned director Sergei Vladimirovich Bodrov was born a boy. Secondary education Borden Jr. in the school № 1265 with in-depth study of French. Master Sergei characterized as an active boy with a good education. Rumor has it in early childhood Sergey dreamed of becoming a dustman and ride on the orange car.
"Childhood - the most important and exciting in life. And I try not to forget about that, as I was, what I wanted ... "(Sergei Bodrov Jr.)

Whatever it was, fate decreed otherwise. School has postponed Bodrov Jr. its mark. Sergei early years found the makings of a leader. Not by chance at school, he was the standard-bearer. By the way, student years Sergei worked with the class after school on the confectionery factory "Udarnitsa", where for four hours sweets packed in boxes. Earned money went to various school activities, including the organization of excursions.

After school, Sergei wanted to follow his father and become a prominent person in the film industry. His intentions to enter the Film Institute, were taken Bodrov senior hostility. Between father and son had a serious conversation, during which the famous director explained his offspring that cinema should go only if there is passion. Given that much courage, Sergei did not feel it was decided to leave this venture. Bodrov Jr. joined the history department of Moscow State University, where he chose art history department specialized in Renaissance painting. After graduating from high school with honors, Bodrov went into graduate school, although even then knew that the work in a museum or library is not the lot of people like it.
"As a student I had one teacher, a professor who inspired me for the rest probably lives a simple truth. He said that this man may be determined by two things: in his relation to the book and to a woman. He himself always before to take the book, I went to wash their hands. And for me it became a rule for life and anxious to respect the books and, of course, women "S. Bodrov- Jr.

In student days Sergey managed to light up in one of his father's films, namely, & quot; SIR (Freedom - a paradise) & quot ;. The role was the most common, episodic, and no non-binding. Sergei depicted juvenile offender in a uniform dividing longing expectation of the end, together with the main character. A feature of participation in this film Bodrov was the following fact: for the filming of the actor needed trimmed to bald, but none of the actors involved to take this step did not dare to, in connection with what Sergei Bodrov equalized at zero hair of his son and put him in the frame .
Complete film debut happened at Bodrov Jr. in 1996 in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus." It should be noted that here, in the lens of the camera Sergei came almost by accident. Begging his father to allow him to go with him to the shooting in Dagestan, where Bodrov Jr. helped in every way to the film crew as a handyman. Prayers offspring were heard, but everything turned out not quite as expected at the start. Bodrov all of a sudden made his son played one of the main roles. Partner Bodrov Jr. in the film was the famous and undoubtedly talented actor Oleg Menshikov. Cooperation between the two gifted men paid off. "Prisoner of the Caucasus" was marked by a whole galaxy of honorary awards, beginning with the prizes at the Cannes Film Festival, and the last Grand Prix in Sochi.

In the period from 1996 to 1998, Bodrov Jr. worked as a leading TV program "Vzglyad". According to Sergei, the time can not be judged only as a new stage of his career - is more complicated. Two years have not been wasted. Bodrov met with a lot of people looked at life with its seamy side, discovered new facets of his worldview. Program "Vzglyad" Sergei obliged invaluable experience of communication and great store of true stories that inspired him later to write their own screenplays.

In 1997 Bodrov Jr. married a girl Svetlana. In his own words, Sergei was enough just once to see this young lady, in order to understand that this was his future wife. During the period of their happy marriage, she gave birth to the Light Bodrov two children: a boy and a girl Olya Sasha.

The film festival in Sochi, where the young actor made himself the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Bodrov brought important and useful contacts. Renowned film director Alexei Balabanov interested in them his creative flair of the artist suggests that Sergei great potential. So Bodrov Jr. came to an ambitious project, "Brother».
About this motion picture heard even by those who never watched. Balabanov's film series is one of the rare examples of Russian commercial cinema, highly regarded in the United States. He starred cheerfully immortalized his name in the history of national cinema. For his role in the film "Brother" Sergey received a "Golden Ram" in Chicago, «FIPRESCI» festival in Turin, as well as the Grand Prix in Sochi. Songs by the group "Nautilos-Pompilius" components soundtrack acquired cult status.

In 1998, Sergei defended his thesis on "Architecture in Venetian painting of the Renaissance", at the same time continuing to act in films. Pictures "Stinger" and "East-West", the actor cemented his success.
"For all have to pay for success - the loss of freedom. But success is surely questionable, not absolute. They do not cover the content of life, but you suddenly become dependent on unwanted people, phone calls. And freedom - the most important thing a man can have. "S. Bodrov Jr.

Start of the 21st century was marked by the release of the sequel "Brother." The film was warmly received by both film critics and ordinary viewers. Transferring the film from Russia to the United States, particularly in New York, he gave his creation Balabanov amazing charm and unique atmosphere. Needless to say that it was his work inspired by magicians from Rockstar, creating a fourth part of the "Grand Theft Auto»?
For the "Brother 2" followed in his father's shooting the film "Let's do it quick," in his spare time from work on which Sergei writing the script of his debut film "Sisters" .Ideyu paintings filed Bodrov Jr.'s father, who, just two weeks I wrote the script ready. After four days already started shooting.

The first work of director Sergei proved successful. In Sochi, the film won the "Best Newcomer" and "Best actor duet».
In the same 2001 Bodrov became a television presenter of the program "The Last Hero».
Friendship with Balabanov, lasting from the pores of filming "Brothers" was expressed in a new collaboration "War", where Bodrov this time played a brilliant supporting actress. After that, Sergei starred in another film of his father's "Bear's Kiss". The film would be controversial received by critics, but its niche sign of Russian cinema he still won.

In summer 2002 Sergey begin shooting the second movie of their own. According to the director of "The Messenger" was supposed to be philosophical and mystical parable about the fate of two people. In September, the crew flew to the Caucasus Bodrov. September 19 episodes were shot in the women's prison near Vladikavkaz. This was followed by transfer to Karmadon Gorge, where it was planned to shoot a scene returning from the army of one of the main characters.
"The only recipe for any business - be sincere. When you are passionate about doing something wholeheartedly, then everything works "S. Bodrov Jr.

September 20th from the beginning did not go as planned scenario. Because of problems with transport surveys were carried over from nine in the morning to one o'clock. Only this time the band Bodrov could climb mountains. Around seven in the evening I had to stop work because of the poor lighting. Tired after a hard day, members of the crew gathered equipment and went to the city, but to return them was not fated. At the beginning of the ninth began glacier "Colca", which in a few minutes covered Karmadon Gorge three-meter layer of ice and rock. At the moment, it is believed that the glacier was triggered by the drop of a block of ice from the mountain Dzhimara.

Large-scale rescue operation lasted several months. Close relatives of the missing, their friends and relatives, as well as the volunteers did not stop to survey the terrain glacier until February 2004. In the icy jaws of the Caucasian mountains disappeared more than a hundred people, including Sergei Bodrov Jr.

Unfortunately, many talented people are leaving too early. Danila Bagrov * no exception. Since the accident took twelve years, but many are still hoping for a miracle. Hopefully, Sergei Bodrov died.
And it would be because he gained immortality in his films.
"We all hope for a beautiful end to this ugly life" S. Bodrov- Jr.